Is there a way to force a package to a specific package feed? I use different MACHINES for 2 builds and after comparing the sigdiffs I see that a couple of packages are MACHINE dependent and hence have different sigdiffs. I would like to make them the same to avoid rebuilding the same stuff.
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I'm doing MACHINEOVERRIDES =. "mymachine:othermachine" in mymachine.conf. If in my .bbappend file I do do_install:append:mymachine() - it doen't work, while do_install:append:othermachine() is working
what do I do wrong?
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DvorkinDmitry: if you expect to get both, try do_install:mymachine:append() and do_install:othermachine:append(). i think that what you wrote results in a do_install:append that is evaluated for mymachine, and then do_install:append is overwritten for othermachine
i was just asking a similar question in here recently. i think it's confusing
zelgomer, sorry, I've been debugging the problem periodically and can't why the only one do_install works. If I understand you correctly, do_install:append:... is equal to do_install:append, it just drops :... becase append should be at the end of the expression, right?
it doesn't drop :..., the issue (i think, someone could correct me) is that the second :append:y clobbers the first :append:x, versus :x:append and :y:append are both evaluated at the end and so they're additive