sjg1: I have an issue with the nyan-big test. May you have a look? It seems that tegra124-u-boot.dtsi was not applied for some reason. I have sent an email about related commit
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How do I "env save" when I have ENV in both MMC and NOWHERE? I'm trying to lock down my environment and only allow writing to selected variables ( https://trac.gateworks.com/wiki/secure_boot#SecureU-Boot , second option )
After the initial flashing, my mmc-environment is not initialized yet. "env save" then gives me a "Saving Environment to nowhere... not possible"
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Jones47: isnt this WRITEABLE_ENV stuff what IOT2050 does ?
enable env in MMC, select vars which should be writeable (ideally bools or integers only, strings can contain scripts) and done ?
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marex: I'm confused because multiple sources also mention to add "ENV_IS_NOWHERE" to ensure that non-writable variables are loaded from default environment.
maybe that picks the wrong env of the two ?
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will check, thanks!
I'm using the weak default implementation in env/env.c - currently figuring out how the priorization works...
clamor: OK, I can't find the right email
sjg1: re-sent just now
sjg1: I have tested that commit on mocha (t124 mi pad) and it does not throw that error.
clamor: OK, I'm not immediately sure what is going on, but I assume that one of the devices is not present pre-relocation?
Nyan throws that dc1 is not present
All I did was moving bootph-all from nyan uboot tree to common t124 uboot tree
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I have not touched anything else related to nyan setup
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marex: when booting/loading it checks prio 0 first (mmc), fails (bad crc), then checks prio 1 (nowhere) and succeeds. when doing "env save" it directly checks prio 1 (nowhere) and fails. I'm currently figuring out why it doesn't try prio 0 (mmc)
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marex: env_load sets env_load_prio=1 when loading from nowhere succeeds.
env_save then only checks drv = env_driver_lookup(ENVOP_SAVE, gd->env_load_prio)
So I assume this means I need a properly initialized environment in mmc?
clamor: So if you just changed the DT source, did you see any change in u-boot.dtb ? If so, that might be a clue?
sjg1: since I do not own nyan I did not check it, but mocha works perfectly fine. Lemmy check rm the tree
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sjg1: bootph-all is not applied
At the same time the mocha tree has them applied
clamor: Well you don't need a nyan to check the u-boot.dtb for any differences
clamor: You should be able to test on my lab now. You can craft a .gitlab ymal file which just has that one board
It is not about nyan but why it ignores tegra124-u-boot.dtsi
Oh, it seems that I know the solution
clamor: OK good. You can use the '# Uncomment for debugging' in Makefile.lib
sjg1: that won't be needed I hope, but thank you for a hint
marex: is there a simple solution to dump the internal env to mmc when there is no environment there? I'm trying to avoid having to build+integrate an env image (yocto/wic)
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Jones42: saveenv or mkenvimage+dd
marex: saveenv doesn't work (see above). I can't make it force to save to mmc, can I? the mkenvimage is really not the road I want to go down...
I'm thinking about patching the code, i.e.: save the environment to somewhere else instead of NOWHERE, but I figure that would have bad chances of ending upstream
Jones42: you need to figure out why saveenv does not pick emmc env driver and why it picks nowhere env driver
marex: see above: the env_load sets the env_load_prio to the nowhere-driver, because that's the one that succeeds
marex: then when I try to save, it only uses gd->env_load_prio, which points to "nowhere"
mkorpershoek: I'm not using any fragments. I think `CONFIG_ENV_IS_NOWHERE=y` is right in my case.
Jones42: can you check in your `.config` if you have both `CONFIG_ENV_IS_NOWHERE` *and* `CONFIG_ENV_IS_IN_MMC` ?
mkorpershoek: yep. that's alright
Per my understanding, if you want to save to MMC, you should disable `CONFIG_ENV_IS_NOWHERE`
I think the issue is that my mmc-env is not initialized. env_load then first tries to load from mmc (fails) and then from default/nowhere (succeeds)
I had that exact same issue, and setting `CONFIG_ENV_IS_NOWHERE=n` solved it for me
even with `CONFIG_ENV_IS_NOWHERE=n` you will still have the default environment in the code. and that will be loaded an a CRC failures happens on mmc-env
mkorpershoek: that will make it work, but then the "filtering mechanism" won't work anymore, no?
I've posted two links some hours ago, and both cases mention that I need to have both environments set. (I'll give it a try, just to be sure)
if the initial load from mmc would succeed, then the save would also write to mmc.
Yeah I just scrolled back and read through all that. Sorry I don't know about the "filtering mechanism" part. I'd try it out if I were you.
mkorpershoek: for the writeable env, you need both env drivers, NOWHERE and MMC
Jones42: maybe try and check older U-Boot version and see if something didn't get broken in this env stuff ?
marex: so the issue seems to be simply that my mmv-env is not initialized after flasting and it all goes south from there on
Jones42: I did recently notice some weird behavior of mmc env , when saveenv did not write the redundant copy until reboot
that weirded me out ... maybe something is broken in the env itself ?
marex: I think I'm on to something. Probably has nothing to do with redundant env, but the behaviour is inconsistent with the comment.
Jones42: git log -p env ... start reverting a bit ... see if you can narrow it down ?
it *should* take the bad-crc-env as default location
have to read some code first. not sure if it's a regression at all
marex: nope, works just as intended. I just misread the comment.
if there's no valid env in mmc, the "best choice" is the default/nowhere. and from then on, saveenv only takes nowhere as destination - and fails.
so I either somehow patch the code or go the mkenvimage+dd route
if the mmc is initialized, everything works fine...
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Jones3: I think it should pick the writeable one, which is MMC
(sorry for the inconsistent nickmanes - i really have to fix my irc...)
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marex: I'll happily write a patch, but I'd like to know what the exact behaviour should be.
env_load takes the only readable env as "prio". that's `nowhere`
env_load takes the only readable env as "prio". that's `nowhere`, unless mmc works fine
Jones42: lemme have a look
marex: thanks. It's really just an issue iff (a) nowhere is enabled *and* (b) mmc env has a bad crc
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mkorpershoek: I assigned Jon's series to you just now in patchwork, but if you'd rather xypron take it, that's fine, I know everyone will check in with everyone else to make sure there's no more feedback before someone merges it and sends it on to me.
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the Edge-Lock Enclave is ... sigh ... 256 kiB blob right at the start of boot process ...
totally inspires much confidence in platform security
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