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<qschulz> marex: not sure what's the context around your HDMI/GPIO question?
<qschulz> also no experience with RK3568, only RK3588 ATM but I assume they are similar like most Rockchip SoCs :)
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<qschulz> marex: which HDMI pins are you talking about?
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<marex> qschulz: the differential ones
<marex> qschulz: I was wondering if I can repurpose the port, but I suspect no
<qschulz> if it comes from the PHY, I assume no
<qschulz> usually, you know if a pin can be used as GPIO based on the name on the IO block
<qschulz> in the schematics, you have the functions the pin can use, along with the default pinconf (PU/PD)
<dsimic> FWIW, it seems that the HDMI SCL and SDA pins can be muxed to be GPIO pins on the RK3566
<dsimic> but it also depends on the actual board design
<qschulz> dsimic: I wouldn't call those differential lines :)
<qschulz> this is just for DDC/EDID and I believe you could use any I2C bus for that (e.g. on RK3399 Puma we use i2c3)
<dsimic> ah, marex asked about the differential lines... I missed that somehow
<qschulz> dsimic: he didn't say yesterday, just about 10 minutes ago :)
<dsimic> I see now :)
<qschulz> marex: if you're founding yourself lacking GPIOs, I2C GPIO expanders exist (and possibly plenty other busses :) )
<marex> qschulz: I was hoping to avoid extra hardware, but oh well ...
<qschulz> marex: if you have used some GPIOs for identification, maybe consider using SARADC instead?
<marex> qschulz: the only remaining port sticking out is the HDMI, hence my question
<qschulz> marex: desiging a carrierboard and you're limited by what the SoM exposes I guess?
<marex> qschulz: nope, looking for low cost control node for CI
<marex> qschulz: found interesting one, but it lacks proper GPIOs
<qschulz> marex: well, maybe you could take some of the HDMI pins like dsimic said
<qschulz> if it has DDC lines, you can repurpose those
<qschulz> marex: can you tell us which board you're considering and where the find the schematics?
<dsimic> marex: maybe we could get Pine64 to donate a board, perhaps a Quartz64 Model-A would be fine :)
<marex> qschulz: NanoPi R5S , three ethernets , cheap and expandable
<dsimic> but a RockPro64 might fit better, it has more GPIO lines exposed... though, maybe even A64-LTS would work well
<marex> my main goal is cheap and expandable
<dsimic> expandable in what way?
<marex> dsimic: board dies -> board gets replaced
<dsimic> that should be no problem with Pine64 boards
<dsimic> would you like me to ask for a donation?
<marex> no
<qschulz> marex: HDMITX_SCL/SDA/CEC_M0 should be reusable as GPIOs
<dsimic> qschulz: I can confirm that
<qschulz> desolder R9646, R9648, R9650, Q8213, Q8212, Q8211
<qschulz> and solder some jumper cables there and you should be good to go
<marex> qschulz: I do not want to modify the board :)
<qschulz> I don't know enough about electronics, but I guess you could be able to hook on the HDMI pins directly, but they'll be PU 5V for SCL/SDA and 3v3 for CEC
<qschulz> that would be pin 15 and 16 and pin 13 on the connector respectively
<marex> qschulz: so ... I asked ... can I repurpose the differential pins ? The answer is no, that's all I was looking for
<qschulz> marex: differential I don't think so, except if they have some debug register to toggle the pins on the PHY individually
<marex> sure, I can level shift the HDMI DDC lines, but that's what I wanted to avoid ... oh well
<marex> qschulz: BST comes to mind, but that requires JTAG access, so no
<marex> dsimic: it doesnt seem pine64 has any $100 or cheaper board with three or more ethernets ?
<qschulz> marex: wild idea, consider having an additional Ethernet port on PCIe (there are usually m.2 connectors now on RK35xx boards)
<qschulz> so that could be an option, but don't know how much you really don't want additional hw
<qschulz> (you could also have USB Ethernet adapters, depending on your bandwidth limitations)
<marex> qschulz: I do not want to modify the board :)
<marex> I am literally looking for best fit integrated solution, this R5S lacks only one thing, enough GPIOs, so that is currently closest to best fit
<marex> and I do not want M2-to-something frankenstein stuff either
<marex> USB ethernet is crap, that I want to avoid entirely, not only is it bandwidth limited, it also usually lacks meaningful PHY access
<marex> (did I mention I am looking for new CI control nodes?)
<qschulz> marex: may I ask why you need so many Ethernet ports?
<marex> qschulz: because some of the DUTs I have here have more than one ethernet already
<qschulz> FWIW, we only test 1Gbe bandwidth of multiple boards via a 10Gbe switch connected to a 10Gbe NIC on a x86 machine running nuttcp
<marex> qschulz: do you also get per-port control on the switch ?
<qschulz> I think it's unmanaged the one we have
<qschulz> what do you want to do per-port? (trying to learn what we could do better :) )
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<marex> qschulz: if nothing else, separate networks without vlans inbetween , EEE , link up/down testing , that kind of stuff
<dsimic> marex: actually, Pine64 has no ARM boards with more than a single Ethernet port, but additional Ethernet interfaces could be added as a PCI Express card
<dsimic> qschulz: Pine64 has boards with standard PCI Express slots
<dsimic> marex: with regular PCI Express cards, it would be no bodge :)
<dsimic> in more detail, RockPro64 offers a x4 open-ended slot, which might be a good option for a multiport Ethernet card
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<dsimic> s/a x4/an x4/
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<marex> dsimic: I am looking for integrated solution, so that's not an option
<dsimic> I see
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<paulbarker> Is there a way to remove a device from the u-boot command line? i.e. call the driver's remove() callback for a given instance
<paulbarker> I guess i need to enable the bind/unbind commands and try unbind
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<paulbarker> That works :) I guess my job for next week is to test and fix my driver remove functions since the ravb driver remove function causes a crash (and not just because of https://lore.kernel.org/all/b97cc5fc-b622-419c-a556-655de50a4312@bp.renesas.com/)
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<marex> paulbarker: lemme just add it to the pile of fun this weekend
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