and solder some jumper cables there and you should be good to go
qschulz: I do not want to modify the board :)
I don't know enough about electronics, but I guess you could be able to hook on the HDMI pins directly, but they'll be PU 5V for SCL/SDA and 3v3 for CEC
that would be pin 15 and 16 and pin 13 on the connector respectively
qschulz: so ... I asked ... can I repurpose the differential pins ? The answer is no, that's all I was looking for
marex: differential I don't think so, except if they have some debug register to toggle the pins on the PHY individually
sure, I can level shift the HDMI DDC lines, but that's what I wanted to avoid ... oh well
qschulz: BST comes to mind, but that requires JTAG access, so no
dsimic: it doesnt seem pine64 has any $100 or cheaper board with three or more ethernets ?
marex: wild idea, consider having an additional Ethernet port on PCIe (there are usually m.2 connectors now on RK35xx boards)
so that could be an option, but don't know how much you really don't want additional hw
(you could also have USB Ethernet adapters, depending on your bandwidth limitations)
qschulz: I do not want to modify the board :)
I am literally looking for best fit integrated solution, this R5S lacks only one thing, enough GPIOs, so that is currently closest to best fit
and I do not want M2-to-something frankenstein stuff either
USB ethernet is crap, that I want to avoid entirely, not only is it bandwidth limited, it also usually lacks meaningful PHY access
(did I mention I am looking for new CI control nodes?)
marex: may I ask why you need so many Ethernet ports?
qschulz: because some of the DUTs I have here have more than one ethernet already
FWIW, we only test 1Gbe bandwidth of multiple boards via a 10Gbe switch connected to a 10Gbe NIC on a x86 machine running nuttcp
qschulz: do you also get per-port control on the switch ?
I think it's unmanaged the one we have
what do you want to do per-port? (trying to learn what we could do better :) )
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qschulz: if nothing else, separate networks without vlans inbetween , EEE , link up/down testing , that kind of stuff
marex: actually, Pine64 has no ARM boards with more than a single Ethernet port, but additional Ethernet interfaces could be added as a PCI Express card
qschulz: Pine64 has boards with standard PCI Express slots
marex: with regular PCI Express cards, it would be no bodge :)
in more detail, RockPro64 offers a x4 open-ended slot, which might be a good option for a multiport Ethernet card
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s/a x4/an x4/
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dsimic: I am looking for integrated solution, so that's not an option
I see
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Is there a way to remove a device from the u-boot command line? i.e. call the driver's remove() callback for a given instance
I guess i need to enable the bind/unbind commands and try unbind