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sjg1: Can you please not post v2 and v3 of the same 29 part series the same day?
I'll send out what I hadn't sent as feedback for v2 later when I can re-check a few things
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Tartarus: OK, I wrongly assumed you wanted me to, because I missed some feedback in v2
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sjg1: Thanks for your suggestion of using fit,operation = "gen-fdt-nodes"; functionality for the JH7110 boards. I wonder how we can make the binman documentation more accessible. Maybe a separate page focused only on the use case of SPL selecting a configuration with DT from a multi DTB fit. I only found the "fit,operation" value by debugging binman. I hope matches
what you intended.
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sjg1: Shouldn't checks like "Does each configuration in a FIT image have a description" be done at build time? - Erroring out at run-time if the first configuration has no description but not showing any error if the any configuration after the matching one in a FIT image has no description seems rather inconsistent.
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sjg1: fit_verify_header() uses fit_check_format() which does not check config descriptions. I guess fit_verify_header() could test more extensively than U-Boot runtime and we could invoke it after dtc has written the temporary image.
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xypron: Yes that would be good
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