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sjg1: around?
apalos: Yes, hi
i've sent a new version of that mmu patches
Do you understand why I cant use cpu_ops
because it would be cleaner, but we need to sort out when that thing gets called first
Could you make the extra output an option to meminfo, so it only displays the plain memory map by default?
It seems that at least the printing could be done with a CPU op?
printing maybe but I'd like to make a change in the whole DM logic, because that's what been stopping us from using it in various places
For the printing, what peopler usually refer as the 'memory map'
is what meminfo prints with my patches on top, so I really think it's better to keep it
I moved the print around as you asked so it only prints with that option enabled
as for printing, I think we are doing a bit too much, cpu_ops is not about printing the mmu memory map....
It should be just cpu_ops
On the cpu_ops themselves now though
I posted a branch which impelments the *same* functionality using cpu_ops
But it works on 5 boards if we someone compiles with U-Boot DTs, and 0 boards if someone usese the upstream DT
For things that are *not* really drivers, like the cpu
Why cant we have the DM ignore the DT match if it doesnt find any and install regardless?
that would make it instantly usable
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well not ingore, it can still match if it finds something, but for certain things that dont need drviers like the cpu, install default ops if there's no match
apalos: If Tom is happy I don't mind what you do
For CPU if you don't have a DT node how will you know which CPU type it is?
you are compiling for a very specific architecture
most of the arm cpu are the same cache wise, so is x86 so is risc-v
but that's ok, I'll wait for Tom to see if he is ok or not
marex: had a random thought about your TF-A in kernel fit setup. Considering we can pass an FDT to TF-A and that U-Boot and the kernel can have a different FDT, I was wondering if there was a chance we could load the kernel FDT+FDTO from the kernel fit and pass it to TF-A, and then continue to boot
have no usecase for it though, so take this as a brain dump :)
(would also be an issue on Rockchip because upstream kernel DTB are now gaining symbols by default whenever they have a overlay that cna be applied and they won't fit into the space allocated by TF-A for the FDT anymore :)
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Yes, I'm not really sure that drivers/cpu/cpu-uclass.c and related is the right path for the feature. The uclass seems to be about providing some per-vendor descriptive information and this is an architectural feature that exists, or not. If we *really* needed some runtime checking I'm sure there's some bits to check
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