Tartarus changed the topic of #u-boot to: SOURCE MOVED TO https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot.git / U-Boot v2025.01, v2025.04-rc3 are OUT / Merge Window is CLOSED, next branch is OPEN / Release v2025.04 is scheduled for 07 April 2025 / Channel archives at https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/u-boot
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<Test99> Hi everyone,
<Test99> I'm working on secure boot for the IMX8MP platform. I've successfully managed to get it working on my board. Now, I'm wondering if it's possible to build and generate the unsigned flash.bin on one computer, and then, in a second phase, sign the binary on another secure computer that has exclusive access to the private keys and signing tools.
<Test99> I've read that it is possible to run binman outside the U-Boot source tree, but I'm having trouble understanding if this approach is currently feasible for the IMX8MP signing procedure. Do any of you have any insights or suggestions?
<Test99> Thanks a lot!
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<Tartarus> Meeting time now, and the announce email yesterday has dial in numbers too
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<marex> Tartarus: uh, did I miss it again ?
<Tartarus> marex: yes. But I also didn't get the release email sent out yesterday despite having it all written and ready to go
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<Tartarus> xypron: If I was to make htmldocs need PYTHONPATH set, would you prefer that to be handled in the makefile somehow?
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<montjoie> hello, I load uboot via loady, but it dont exec via booti/bootm, what I miss ?
<Tartarus> Using u-boot to boot u-boot is tricky and depends on the SoC on how much you can get away with that
<montjoie> I am on riscV
<montjoie> I tried bth u-boot and uboot+opensbi
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<Tartarus> OK, I'm poking more at pytest documentation from the modules and I think I've figured out what was wrong Friday at least
<xypron> Tartarus: Yes, Makefikr would be the right place. But why do need it?
<Tartarus> xypron: I'm posting the RFC in an hour so I hope, but: https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot/-/commit/24436010e04fdd0098ec11094eff1e550876bb68
<xypron> montjoie: Could you, please, describe with a bit more detail, whst system you are on and what you try to achieve.
<Tartarus> The above produces a nice develop/pytest/test_net_boot.html which makes it easier to see how to configure the test
<montjoie> xypron: I want to pre-test uboot before upgrade on visionfive-v1
<xypron> montjoie: I don't think that you can test U-Boot without actually installing it. Before upgrading you should get this guide https://www.starfivetech.com/uploads/VisionFive%20Single%20Board%20Computer%20Quick%20Start%20Guide.pdf and download the recovery image.
<xypron> The recovery binary is available at https://github.com/starfive-tech/bootloader_recovery/releases.
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