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qschulz i was able to reproduce this issue on the qemu arm64. I had not noticed that my u-boot build had enabled lwip, which is why I was not able to reproduce this
qschulz the lmb_fix_over_lap_regions() function is not handling one of the overlap conditions
qschulz - scenario A is being handled, but not scenario B. which is why the print shows up
qschulz I will send the fix which handles the second scenario as well
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qschulz also, I think the values of pxefile_addr_r and kernel_addr_r in the px30 config file needs to be swapped
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Yes, v2025.01 doesn't have TPL init'ing SDRAM on rk3399 so it doesn't boot there
v2025.04-rc1 should
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I suppose I'm a bit confused. Yes v2025.04-rc1 starts, but does not print a banner
If labgrid can't see the banner, it should just fail. I suppose that is what is happening, so then it restarts U-Boot and starts running the next test
So what does the actual boot log look like then?
But there is definitely some sort of lab bug here somewhere, because if it can't see the banner, it should just complain
a revert of af518a1dfe637cb4dc486d7a832585e4a48bc970 will probably get kevin/bob back to working
Kwiboo: Would that impact console not existing until much later on in boot?
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ahh, sorry I tought it did not boot at all because of that commit, should read all before typing, board_early_init_f() in gru.c mention something about a delay and we get garbage serial output otherwise
so with current "# CONFIG_BOARD_EARLY_INIT_F is not set" for bob/kevin such delay does not happen and the result may be missing banner on console?
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I don't think this is a u-boot problem, but I'm having a problem booting an aboot image, the thing is that using an old u-boot I'm able to boot the system but using a newer u-boot I'm getting ( [ 0.449812] Initramfs unpacking failed: invalid magic at start of compressed archive ) This looks a kernel problem to me but I don't really know what magic does the old u-boot that makes it to work. The only thing that I change is
any idea what could be the problem?
qschulz I believe that earlier, with the local scope of the lmb memory maps, this was not showing up
qschulz I am not sure about this scenario of the download working after having interrupted it once. I haven't tried it on my end tbh
actually reverting these two commits fixed the issue for me
1b1ffda42071 ("boot: android: Fix ramdisk loading for v2 header")
da3447d09fa0 ("android: Fix ramdisk loading for bootimage v3+")
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eballetbo: do you reproduce this on master as well ?
I did with 2025.01, will try master tomorrow
(need to drop)
Also, do you know what version is your bootimage?
ok, we can continue tomorrow.
feel free to ping me so that I can help, I'm probably the one that got those patches merged so if there is an issue we should sort it out