Tartarus changed the topic of #u-boot to: SOURCE MOVED TO https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot.git / U-Boot v2025.01, v2025.04-rc1 are OUT / Merge Window is CLOSED, next branch is CLOSED / Release v2025.04 is scheduled for 07 April 2025 / Channel archives at https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/u-boot
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<sjg1> Tartarus: Sorry, I don't really follow that
<Tartarus> sjg1: And I don't know what's unclear about that.
<Tartarus> source.denx.de is the official project CI
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<sng> qschulz i was able to reproduce this issue on the qemu arm64. I had not noticed that my u-boot build had enabled lwip, which is why I was not able to reproduce this
<sng> qschulz the lmb_fix_over_lap_regions() function is not handling one of the overlap conditions
<sng> qschulz https://paste.ack.tf/94a515 - scenario A is being handled, but not scenario B. which is why the print shows up
<sng> qschulz I will send the fix which handles the second scenario as well
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<sng> qschulz also, I think the values of pxefile_addr_r and kernel_addr_r in the px30 config file needs to be swapped
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<qschulz> sng: ah, and before https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot/-/commit/af45c84871e4c43a021bb12c71f70e8ded956068 we wouldn't check for overlaps?
<qschulz> the thing I don't understand is why it works if I interrupt the download once and then start again?
<qschulz> sng: I'm also not entirely sure what we can do for scenario B since I assume we want contiguous memory when loading binaries into DRAM?
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<Tartarus> sjg1: Any idea why bob fails here? https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot/-/jobs/1013709 The output from version looks correct.
<sjg1> Tartarus: Is it consistent?
<Tartarus> sjg1: Yes, I saw that a few weeks ago.
<sjg1> Tartarus: The only thing I can think of is low battery, which can sometimes cause it to decide to stop
<sjg1> Tartarus: For some reasons I can't get into it right now, though
<Tartarus> kevin has the same problem, fwiw
<Tartarus> and coral has some host libusb thing failing
<Tartarus> Since you're around, do you have time to fix the CNAME for ci.u-boot.org to point at source.denx.de and not your private instance?
<sjg1> Tartarus: Hmm no I got into it and the battery is 100%
<sjg1> Tartarus: OK I can repeat this
<sjg1> Tartarus: I think it is something wrong with the U-Boot strategy. I am fiddling with the lab ATM so will take a look
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<Tartarus> OK
<sjg1> Tartarus: It's because the SPL and U-Boot output is not appearing. I'm not sure why
<sjg1> Oddly it doesn't seem to happen with my tree
<sjg1> With your -next, bob doesn't start at all. With your -master bob has this problem. The version string is not emitted
<Tartarus> Why is it on the console then?
<Tartarus> And do you mean master?
<sjg1> Tartarus: Why is what on the console?
<sjg1> v2025.01 doesn't boot at all
<Tartarus> U-Boot 2025.04-rc1-00109-g97c125e6bb44 (Feb 05 2025 - 07:18:01 -0700)
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<Tartarus> Yes, v2025.01 doesn't have TPL init'ing SDRAM on rk3399 so it doesn't boot there
<Tartarus> v2025.04-rc1 should
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<sjg1> I suppose I'm a bit confused. Yes v2025.04-rc1 starts, but does not print a banner
<sjg1> If labgrid can't see the banner, it should just fail. I suppose that is what is happening, so then it restarts U-Boot and starts running the next test
<Tartarus> So what does the actual boot log look like then?
<sjg1> But there is definitely some sort of lab bug here somewhere, because if it can't see the banner, it should just complain
<sjg1> v2025.04-rc1 has this:
<sjg1> (sorry, please ignore debugging stuff)
<Tartarus> So you're saying labgrid seems to be eating part of the output
<Tartarus> But I mean, if you just grab console and power cycle it
<Tartarus> What's the full output?
<sjg1> Tartarus: No, I don't think it is eating output. I think it is not there
<sjg1> which is very strange
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<sjg1> But is is very consistent
<sjg1> Tartarus: Also, bob and kevin need this patch: https://patchwork.ozlabs.org/project/uboot/list/?series=&submitter=&state=*&q=&archive=&delegate=
<sjg1> (on my tree)
<Tartarus> sjg1: They literally do not.
<Tartarus> I booted bob and kevin with what's essentially in mainline now, before the TPL SDRAM rework went in.
<sjg1> Tartarus: On my tree, bob boots OK buy hangs reading MMC due to a stack collision. That's why it needs that patch
<sjg1> Tartarus: You'll need it too, if bob grows a little on your tree
<Tartarus> Oh, sorry, that wasn't the redo devicetree+bloblist patch? Your link is broken.
<sjg1> oop
<sjg1> I'm going to apply it now, or at least once CI passes
<Tartarus> It would be useful to know if that helps with the banner problem, yes
<Tartarus> But as Jonas has gone to the trouble of providing a bunch of feedback now I hope you aren't going to ignore hiim
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<sjg1> OK good I will take a look, but have run out of time for today
<Tartarus> sjg1: I put just that change through CI and things are still differently wrong, version fails but now other tests run. https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot/-/jobs/1013970
<Tartarus> Capturing the actual boot log in both cases would be good
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<sjg1> Tartarus: OK, well it seems that patch helps, although I saw from Jonas that it needs rework
<Tartarus> Well, there's something funny in your lab which is why I want to see the actual boot logs
<sjg1> Tartarus: Can you tell me the branch/commit hashes you want checked and I can quickly do it at some point
<Tartarus> sjg1: master
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<sjg1> Tartarus: Here it is:
<Tartarus> sjg1: No, I mean labgrid-console, and then capture everything while you reset the device
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<Kwiboo> sjg1: Tartarus: please see https://lore.kernel.org/all/2631e34e-2fd0-45f4-aa4b-0e7405808301@kwiboo.se/ regarding kevin/bob, did not get any reply from sjg1 so did not make any noise once the last patch was merged
<Kwiboo> a revert of af518a1dfe637cb4dc486d7a832585e4a48bc970 will probably get kevin/bob back to working
<Tartarus> Kwiboo: Would that impact console not existing until much later on in boot?
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<Kwiboo> ahh, sorry I tought it did not boot at all because of that commit, should read all before typing, board_early_init_f() in gru.c mention something about a delay and we get garbage serial output otherwise
<Kwiboo> so with current "# CONFIG_BOARD_EARLY_INIT_F is not set" for bob/kevin such delay does not happen and the result may be missing banner on console?
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<eballetbo> I don't think this is a u-boot problem, but I'm having a problem booting an aboot image, the thing is that using an old u-boot I'm able to boot the system but using a newer u-boot I'm getting ( [ 0.449812] Initramfs unpacking failed: invalid magic at start of compressed archive ) This looks a kernel problem to me but I don't really know what magic does the old u-boot that makes it to work. The only thing that I change is
<eballetbo> u-boot.
<eballetbo> any idea what could be the problem?
<sng> qschulz I believe that earlier, with the local scope of the lmb memory maps, this was not showing up
<sng> qschulz I am not sure about this scenario of the download working after having interrupted it once. I haven't tried it on my end tbh
<sng> qschulz but you can give this patch a try - https://paste.ack.tf/11f6d4
<sng> this should fix the issue of the prints that you see. it does on my setup
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<marex> eballetbo: alignment ?
<marex> full boot log would help
<marex> paste.debian.net
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<eballetbo> actually reverting these two commits fixed the issue for me
<eballetbo> 1b1ffda42071 ("boot: android: Fix ramdisk loading for v2 header")
<eballetbo> da3447d09fa0 ("android: Fix ramdisk loading for bootimage v3+")
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<mkorpershoek> eballetbo: do you reproduce this on master as well ?
<eballetbo> I did with 2025.01, will try master tomorrow
<eballetbo> (need to drop)
<mkorpershoek> Also, do you know what version is your bootimage?
<eballetbo> v2
<mkorpershoek> ok, we can continue tomorrow.
<mkorpershoek> feel free to ping me so that I can help, I'm probably the one that got those patches merged so if there is an issue we should sort it out
<marex> eballetbo: do you have fdt_high set in uboot env?
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