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is it possible to put uboot on SnapDragon Mobile 845 device? (Xiaomi-Ursa or Xiaomi Mi8 Pro Explorer Edition) while it still supporting both Android And Linux?
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KREYREN: there's been work on that area
Ah "still supporting both Android And Linux?" not sure about Android though
f_, Do you have more info on that? I would like to get u-boot on that device and on Quest 3S
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f_, android afaik works on u-booted SBCs what would it change there?
IIRC I was just told downstream android requires stuff u-boot doesn't provide
jdautheribes: It seems that when it comes to read the FDT blob from disk, it doesn't have the filename. I suppose that state.Prepare() , which sets up the available dtbs, does not see 'spl/u-boot-spl.dtb' available and so there is no DTB for SPL ?
jdautheribes: It would be better for Entry_blob_dtb.ObtainContents() to raise an exception if self._pathname() is None
sjg1: ping me when you get to bloblist. Thanks!
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Tartarus: Do you have any thoughts on adding a CONFIG_WERROR option to U-Boot, similar to the one in the Linux kernel?
It's useful to be able to use the same method to catch warnings when jumping between U-Boot and Linux, and it can be disabled by default.
I can send the patch, but thought it's worth a quick check if it's wanted first
In a call atm
Tartarus: No rush :)
export KCFLAGS=-Werror ; make ...
yes , Werror is useful
marex: I know it can be enabled with KCFLAGS. I still like to have the config option to match Linux
paulbarker: I am all for it
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paulbarker: So, yes, we've been using Werror in CI for forever, so I don't see a problem with making that the default behavior more easily. I hope a cherry-pick applies cleanly enough, but please do, thanks.
Tartarus: It's not quite a cherry-pick from Linux to U-Boot, but it's a simple patch
I'll send it later today
Sounds good
qschulz: I assume it isnt possible to use HDMI as GPIOs on RK3568 ?
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vagrantc: is upstream/2025.01 what I want to rebase the debian uboot stuff on ?
vagrantc: or is that debian/latest ?
marex: debian/latest includes the packaging changes
marex: which includes all of upstream/2025.01 ...
vagrantc: ah yes, I see it now
vagrantc: and if I want to test the package build, just do some dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -nc -j`nproc` ?
looks like upstream/2025.01 == v2025.01
or do I need to do native build ?
i used to have to remove some files and make a +dfsg version, but now upstream removed all the files i was removing, so yay. :)
woohoo, always good to make it easier for packagers
marex: hmmm... i use sbuild to do cross builds as it helps get it right more easily ... or native builds withh dpkg-buildpackage
in theory you could do cross builds with dpkg-buildpackage too, but i do not remember all the details :)
marex: you're maybe the third person in the last week to ask about the status in debian ... really ought to slog through the copyright review and get this uploadable...
but obviously, i am not sure there is anyone in the world who has fun doing that. :)
vagrantc: I don't want to push you obv
vagrantc: I have an email from you in my mailbox from like 2023 which says , test dh_imx6 in debian ... so, I got to it, heh
i want to push me, at least ... it has been nagging at me
vagrantc: and I figured it is time to fix the rest too
i also owe upstream a couple patches too, so it goes both ways :)
more than a couple, probably...
vagrantc: u-boot too ?
a few niggling typos and some obviously not right SPDX headers ... probably posted to the list about them about a year or so ago but never got around to the patches
in u-boot, yeah
hah. 2023-11-21 sounds like
regarding the weird licensing discrepancies
vagrantc: the email from you is from 2022-12-29 , ugh ... time sure flies
marex: you... win? :)
vagrantc: well ... at least it is not forgotten :)
submissions are still via email, not merge requests or something?
vagrantc: email, although Tartarus is experimenting with some gitlab stuff
Gitlab is more about enabling CI for more people than trying a pull request approach more broadly, atm
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marex: Looking at some output from a tool Simon pointed out, what's the state of RZN1 stuff? There's a single instance of ARCH_RZN1 in drivers/pinctrl/Makefile
Tartarus: I think that was something Linaro upstreamed, not much activity there, why ?
Because there's unused code around that symbol. Not a huge deal or anything
Tartarus: oh ?
Tartarus: which code ?
drivers/pinctrl/Makefile :)
Tartarus: eh ? drivers/pinctrl/renesas surely is used ?
ARCH_RZN1 does not exist as a symbol
oh, ARCH_RZN1 symbol ... huh ... send email to Ralph ?
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Meh, it's just one line, I'll let it go if you aren't worried
but I see a bunch of dead USB code that was missed with removing rx51