Tartarus changed the topic of #u-boot to: SOURCE MOVED TO https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot.git / U-Boot v2025.01, v2025.04-rc2 are OUT / Merge Window is CLOSED, next branch is OPEN / Release v2025.04 is scheduled for 07 April 2025 / Channel archives at https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/u-boot
<sjg1> Tartarus: Re the pylint warnings, how do I repeat that? Which version are you using? I don't see anything with 24.04
<Tartarus> I was using whatever pip install pylint gave for latest, last week.
<Tartarus> So probably 3.3.4
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<clamor> sjg1: is there a way to increase device tree size? Sandbox tree hit its limit of 48920 bytes
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<sjg1> clamor: I don't know of any such limits. What problem are you seeing?
<clamor> sjg1: device of memory
<clamor> Try adding a few more large bindings to test.dts and run any test
<sjg1> clamor: Can you post the console log?
<clamor> Ye, second, I need to relog
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<sjg1> clamor: This line is not right: reloc_bloblist() Copying bloblist from 000000001000c000 to 0000000029c3e000, size 61635f70
<Clamor_> yes
<sjg1> clamor: Can you push your tree somewhere?
<Clamor_> this one works
<Clamor_> but it fails sandbox spl bild for unknown reason
<Clamor_> I will push there my wip bridge tests in a minute
<clamor> sjg1: done
<sjg1> clamor: I don't see the commit hash from your banner. How are you running sandbox?
<Clamor_> it is cut
<Clamor_> ./u-boot -T -c "ut dm dm_test_video_bridge"
<sjg1> clamor: This is with: e9627b11928 (HEAD, tegra/graph) add video bridge test ?
<sjg1> clamor: I get this:
<clamor> Uh, it lacks one more commit
<sjg1> clamor: OK, I can repeat it now
<clamor> Nice
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<sjg1> clamor: I don't see that problem when I apply your patches to my tree. I wonder if someone has broken bloblist on Tom's tree?
<clamor> sjg1: sandbox spl issue?
<sjg1> clamor: We had a discussion about bloblist and Tom is OK with my working on it, but I haven't got to it yet
<sjg1> clamor: I'm not seeing a build failure with sandbox_spl on either tree
<sjg1> clamor: That's what I built with
<clamor> Seems completely normal
<clamor> Ugh, wtf is going on :(
<sjg1> clamor: Can you try pushing the exact tree again? Also, what build error do you get with sandbox_spl ?
<clamor> There is pipeline in tegra tree
<clamor> Test fails
<sjg1> clamor: I see it. It is likely a symptom of the same problem as above, since bloblist is used to pass the SPL-handoff info
<sjg1> clamor: I hope to get to bloblist this weekend, but anyway it shouldn't affect your posting the patches as it is unrelated to them
<clamor> sjg1: I had a feeling that both are linked somehow
<clamor> sjg1: I seem to not affect
<clamor> Would be nice to pick ofnode graph
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<sjg1> clamor: Yes
<clamor> sjg1: nonetheless, thanks for help in debugging this situation
<sjg1> clamor: Your welcome, thanks for doing the tests
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<clamor> sjg1: np, that was a useful experience
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<sjg1> Tartarus: That pylint is very new! Anyway, I sent a patch which you can use bits of as it suits
<Tartarus> sjg1: Yes, since I posted fixes for most problems I'll need to pull out what's relevant still, but, thanks. A few of those errors did in fact confuse me as to a good way to resolve them.
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<sjg1> Tartarus: IMO some of them are bugs in pylint, .e.g. not knowing that 'raise' will exit the function
<Tartarus> sjg1: Yes, I too was puzzled by some of those but didn't want to dig harder to see how many other best practices that tool is behind on doing, I assume
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<sjg1> Tartarus: The f-string thing is just the worst. Older Pythons don't understand it so fail. Newer ones require it or you get a pylint warning
<Tartarus> I hate to start shit, but, a 10 year old bash script is likely to still work, and a 20 year old compliant sh script sure will work ;)
<Tartarus> afk dogs
<clamor> Yep, tests fail without a valid reason
<sjg1> Tartarus: The older I get the more respect I have for people in the 60s and 70s who invented all this stuff
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