azonenberg changed the topic of #scopehal to: libscopehal, libscopeprotocols, and glscopeclient development and testing | | Logs:
<azonenberg> electronic_eel: so the new AKL-AV1 layout with the composite loop built around the ADA4075-2 is actually slightly *smaller* than the original layout lol
<azonenberg> I compacted a bunch of the board to make more space for the opamp and such and apparently overcorrected. ended up cutting about 0.85mm off the length of the board
<azonenberg> and this is still with no passives smaller than 0402
<azonenberg> i resisted the temptation to go 0201 for a prototype
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<_whitenotifier-7> [starshipraider] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±5]
<_whitenotifier-7> [starshipraider] azonenberg 45f45b7 - Updated AKL-AV1 design files for v0.3 prototype
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg opened issue #449: When trigger is stopped, instrument keeps getting trigger commands for some reason -
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg labeled issue #449: When trigger is stopped, instrument keeps getting trigger commands for some reason -
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal] azonenberg 1181053 - Initial SDS2000X+ HD support
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal-docs] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal-docs] azonenberg 78db928 - Initial mention of SDS2000X+ HD support
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg bd4c8c6 - Updated submodules
<josuah> azonenberg: do you solder 0201 by hand or is it through a pick-and-place?
<josuah> I have no doubt that you are at ease with reworking things of this size (with a bit of magic and a steady hand? :D), but was wondering if it was worth the time manufacturing it one self.
<josuah> I hve only been through 0603 given my current stock and needs
<azonenberg> I hand assemble all of my boards
<azonenberg> I have used parts down to 01005 for practice and 0201 in real designs
<azonenberg> typically via reflow but i have hand soldered 0201 with an iron a few times
<azonenberg> the AKL-PT5 prototypes are mostly done that way
<azonenberg> seemed silly to reflow a board with one passive and a connector
<azonenberg> not when i had to hand solder the mounting foot and tip resistors anyway
<josuah> doing it one self it gives a good way to verify that it is doable with known methods
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<azonenberg> Ok so, AKL-AV1 v0.3 sent off to fab. AD4 v0.1 prototype should arrive late this / early next week
<azonenberg> PT5 development is basically on hold until i can get the 450 ohm resistors to try