azonenberg changed the topic of #scopehal to: libscopehal, libscopeprotocols, and glscopeclient development and testing | | Logs:
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 3 commits to master [+0/-0/±4]
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg 623f2e7 - Updated submodules
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg 711d2a8 - Disable sync wizard menu item if we do not have at least two scopes connected, since it makes no sense otherwise
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg 71a26b1 - ScopeSyncWizard: automatically advance to next page if no user action is required. Added option to skip syncing some instruments (useful if adding a single instrument to a session)
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<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal] azonenberg pushed 2 commits to master [+0/-0/±3]
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal] azonenberg bfce2af - Oscilloscope: save trigger position
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal] azonenberg efe1100 - Siglent: fixed race condition causing spurious triggers when stopping acquisition
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg 26fffc6 - Updated submodules
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal] azonenberg ea7f89c - SPI, QSPI decodes: work in femtosecond timebase rather than sample indexes for correct handling of trigger phase or sample rate that vary across inputs
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg 3aa72db - Updated submodules
<tnt> I wonder if you could sync a spectrum analyzer with a scope to get something akin the Tek MDO.
<azonenberg> I have an Aaronia RTSA that i wanted to play with for exactly that scenario
<tnt> But then, there is no "common channel", so how do you do the fine sync ?
<azonenberg> they sent it to me as a dev unit and i ran into some technical difficulties then got distracted by other stuff
<azonenberg> That's a good question. The easiest would be to use an RF pulse source
<azonenberg> with a frequency low enough that you can see it on both a scope channel and the RTSA
<azonenberg> the sync wizard might need to do some magic to sync on the power envelope rather than the RF itself
<azonenberg> but it could be done
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<d1b2> <Stary> i'm looking at buying my first (ideally 4ch) scope - is there anything better than rigol ds1054z nowadays?
<d1b2> <Stary> iirc the rigols had terrible remote performance
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<Stephie> @Stary Siglent SDS1104x-e (probably hacked to 200MHz)
<Stephie> the siglent has a lot better software than the rigols, the hardware isnt spectacularly better but they are a lot nicer to use on the bench
<d1b2> <Stary> ohh i didnt realise the siglent could be unlocked to 200mhz, excellent
<Stephie> it can, unfortunately you have to dive fairly deeply into the cursed australian guy forums to get info on the hack, but there's a tool which does it quite well
<Stephie> and well, the rigol doesnt even have a 200mhz model
<Stephie> azonenberg, that's a really well done video with nice editing and pacing, well explained. The only feedback I have is that the audio isn't great, investing in a better audio setup might be worth it for future videos
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<d1b2> <Aleksorsist> Seconded! The demo was super cool with the vastly different sample rates. I'd recommend a zoom h1 recorder and a lapel mic for the audio if you don't want a fixed mic setup.
<bvernoux> Stephie, Rigol MSO5K can be unlocked with >500MHz BW ;)
<bvernoux> Stephie, but it sucks for remote access and it is not really usable with glscopeclient in live I do mainly everything on the scope then export to bin
<bvernoux> Stephie, Anyway for the price it is still the best when fully unlocked even if the noise is a bit high ...
<bvernoux> Stephie, You can clearly have nothing comparable with >500MHz BW and 8GSPS for 1Keuros
<bvernoux> Siglent seems better with better software/support anyway ... but with less Bandwidth when unlocked and less GSPS for high speed signals > 300MHz
<bvernoux> I doubt Siglent can do 2GSPS on 16 bits LA too when Rigol MSO5K can with cheap/open source LA pod
<bvernoux> If anyone is interested I have done a new revision of my Rigol MSO5K LA Pod which use DSLogic U3Pro16 Probes =>
<bvernoux> So signal integrity is even better and with higher speed
<Stephie> bvernoux, thats the price segment above the sds1k and ds1k series
<bvernoux> New design is done with 4 Layers PCB fully matched with some even more improvements on isolation / power ...
<bvernoux> Stephie, I just doubt you can have Siglent with 5GSPS > 400MHz for the price of Rigol MSO5K
<bvernoux> Especially if you need such feature the Rigol MSO5K is the only one to provide that (even if the noise is quite high on the 8bits ADC which have less than 5ENOB at end)
<Stephie> it's true, but I don't think thats what stary was looking for
<bvernoux> It is the only advantage of Rigol MSO5K else everything suxx ;)
<Stephie> the rigol mso5k are pretty much unmatched HW wise in their range
<Stephie> i just wish so much they would have better sftware
<Stephie> because as they are now I would never buy one
<bvernoux> Their support promised improvement in FW since 1 year for faster remote acquisition and they have done nothing
<bvernoux> and they told me they are focused on other stuff
<Stephie> even then you'll never get the native display refresh rate
<bvernoux> In clear Rigol MSO5K is a raw diamond never polished ;)
<Stephie> and that quick response is useful when poking around vs when doing serious analysis
<Stephie> the rigol's software is most defficient in quick usability for common tasks
<bvernoux> Anyway Siglent remote is also awfull like 3WFM
<Stephie> and thats not something you'd typically involve glscopeclient in
<bvernoux> when Rigol is 1WFM
<bvernoux> For me any scope with remote with less than 10WFM is not usable on glscopeclient
<Stephie> that is true
<bvernoux> As everything is ultra slow
<Stephie> you can get 5wfm on low buffer sizes on the siglent
<bvernoux> and non responsive that you avoid using the remote and do all locally then export to bin ...
<bvernoux> I really doubt even 5wfm is usable
<Stephie> depends, but yes
<bvernoux> Especially as the native GUI is pretty responsive
<bvernoux> the major failure is the remote SCPI speed
<Stephie> I'm mostly interested in glscopeclient for other scopes than my sds
<Stephie> since thats what i'll be using for more serious analysis
<bvernoux> IIRC Siglent is checking how to improve remote
<bvernoux> But I doubt they will do miracle as the HW is pretty limited
<Stephie> for the SDS > 2k iirc
<bvernoux> yes for their High End SDS
<Stephie> the SDS1k are a different software platform
<Stephie> >=2k*
<bvernoux> but for low end I doubt they can improve a lot ...
<Stephie> im sure they could, but not at low effort
<bvernoux> They seems more motivated than Rigol anyway ;)
<Stephie> I'm more interested if they ever release a sds1k successor on the newer software platform
<Stephie> which appears outwardly possible
<bvernoux> I'm struggling since more than 1 year with Rigol R&D Support
<bvernoux> they told me each 6 months that they will release a new firmware with improvement for remote data ;)
<bvernoux> but last time they told me it will be not done
<Stephie> they seem to be a fairly hostile company vs siglent for sure
<bvernoux> If there is lot of complaint they can change their mind
<Stephie> I don't recommend anything from them except the MSO5k
<bvernoux> especially if they see SIglent do it
<bvernoux> But so far Siglent have done nothing too
<Stephie> azonenberg had good things to say about communication between him and their dev department
<bvernoux> Yes they seems very open we will see what happen
<bvernoux> So far Rigol are the most closed
<bvernoux> they have never provided any Rigol Scope to Andrew too
<azonenberg> Stephie: The problem with audio is not the mic
<azonenberg> it's the extreme filtering i need to do in order to remove the high ambient noise level in the lab
<Stephie> oh dear
<Stephie> are you using a directional dynamic for recording?
<azonenberg> No. the computer audio used a webcam and the long shots used my Sony A7R. but both have pretty decent mics
<azonenberg> the problem is the 65 dBA fan noise from all of the servers and test equipment
<azonenberg> unless you have like a pilot's headset w/ noise canceling mic, no way you're getting rid of it
<Stephie> the dynamic will probably cut a lot of the noise still, since it has a fair bit of gain
<Stephie> still will need filtering but perhaps not as much
<azonenberg> my point being, the noise is not from the recording system or mic
<azonenberg> it's that the lab sounds like you're in a wind tunnel
<azonenberg> or vacuuming
<Stephie> yeah, the noise itself wasn't the issue, but the filtering did make it sound like a bad quality
<Stephie> so anything to get some more SnR to reduce the filtering required
<azonenberg> Yes. long term i think a headset noise canceling mic is the solution
<azonenberg> i played with a non noise canceling headset and it did not help
<Stephie> there might be better open source solutions out there
<azonenberg> in fact, the mic quality was worse than the existing mics and after filtering sounded worse
<Stephie> like rnnoise
<azonenberg> and yeah i used audacity noise removal filter for the actual denoising step
<azonenberg> but like... gimme a min
<azonenberg> Stephie: that's raw footage of the intro, i forget if it's the take i used or not
<azonenberg> but that gives you an idea of the SNR i had to work with
<azonenberg> i think audacity actually did a pretty good job :p
<Stephie> azonenberg, wow, thats very severe
<Stephie> audacity did a great job indeed
<Stephie> and indeed the audio on the original recording is fine apart from the noise
<azonenberg> Yeah my point exactly. the only way to improve the setup as far as i can tell is active noise canceling in hardware with a mic designed for high noise ambient environments
<azonenberg> my lab is not quiet :p
<Stephie> perhaps
<azonenberg> i actually put a lot of work into reducing noise, swapping out fans with quiet ones on routers and such
<azonenberg> but when you have two racks of servers/switches and a ton of T&M gear
<azonenberg> even quiet fans add up
<Stephie> yeah
<Stephie> active noise cancelling does seem the best bet
<Stephie> I tried rnnoise on the audio but its so severe it failed and produced very noticable artifacts
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal] azonenberg labeled issue #650: Refactoring: create SparseWaveform and DenseWaveform clases to replace m_densePacked -
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal] azonenberg labeled issue #650: Refactoring: create SparseWaveform and DenseWaveform clases to replace m_densePacked -
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal] azonenberg opened issue #650: Refactoring: create SparseWaveform and DenseWaveform clases to replace m_densePacked -
<azonenberg> stary: btw, if you can afford it, the siglent 2000x+ series is much nicer from a UX perspective than the low end 1000 stuff
<azonenberg> it's the same software platform as their high end scopes
<azonenberg> they are a little more expensive but absolutely worth the money if you can
<azonenberg> e.g. i think the 1000 series is all push button alt functions while the 2000 is a touchscreen
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<azonenberg> Ok so now that i have all of the siglent demos out of the way (at least until tomorrow when the 2000X+ HD demo shows up) I can hopefully find time to assemble the AKL-AV1 rev 0.2 prototypes tonight