azonenberg changed the topic of #scopehal to: libscopehal, libscopeprotocols, and glscopeclient development and testing | | Logs:
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<azonenberg> Anybody know what third party (Siglent?) scope this is a rebrand of?
<azonenberg> Also, anyone know what this is/was?
<azonenberg> googling the part number gives nothing
<azonenberg> there is a wavesource 100 demo board that has some i2c/spi/uart stuff
<azonenberg> i assume this is something that FAEs would use to show off scopes during demos, and was never sold in isolation?
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<GenTooMan> "Demo toy err board not sold separately"
<GenTooMan> more to the point it has a 4:3 aspect ratio display which recent siglent (IE last 10 years) scopes don't appear to use, ( they seem to be stuck with 16:9 cost reduction?)
<d1b2> <miek> it looks just like the SDS2000X series (non-plus)
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<azonenberg> GenTooMan: so re the wavesource 2000, i heard back from someone at lecroy
<azonenberg> it is an internal demo board used by sales folks
<azonenberg> this person has no idea how/why it ended up on ebay. maybe a new rev came out or they have more boards than they need for showing off scopes
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