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<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal-pico-bridge] TiltMeSenpai synchronize pull request #21: Add preliminary support for Pico 6000A/B/C/D -
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<azonenberg> So the new AKL-PT1 tip has an absolutely massive impact on loading performance
<azonenberg> Yellow = no probe at all (control)
<azonenberg> pink = solid metal tip
<azonenberg> blue = new resistive tip
<azonenberg> you can see the ~50ps step in the rising edge is completely gone
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<mxshift> azonenberg: 200G-R4 running PRBS9 waveform for you:
<mxshift> well, that's a single lane of PAM4 56G
<azonenberg> mxshift: ooh nice. off the labmaster?
<mxshift> yup
<azonenberg> I don't have .trc import yet but it's on the TODO list and now i have a good excuse to throw it together
<azonenberg> should only take an hour or two
<mxshift> we're having to return the LabMaster soon so we're grabbing eye diagrams of all the remaining links. Not always remembering to save the waveforms instead of just screen captures
<azonenberg> Makes sense. well i'll happily take as much data as you can share for future analysis
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<mxshift> Arjen should be getting you better QSGMII captures soon
<azonenberg> mxshift: great. I also sent an experimental higher bandwidth AKL-PT5 to Eric who seemed happy with it, he tried it out on QSGMII
<azonenberg> but i only got screenshots not waveforms from him