azonenberg changed the topic of #scopehal to: libscopehal, libscopeprotocols, and glscopeclient development and testing | | Logs:
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal-apps] bobnewgard forked the repository -
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal] bobnewgard forked the repository -
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal-docs] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal-docs] azonenberg 6c80725 - Documented Invert filter
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±3]
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal] azonenberg 05381d5 - Added Invert filter. Fixes #634.
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal] azonenberg closed issue #634: Add Math Invert for signals -
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<azonenberg> mxshift: With it inverted I still see problematic data
<azonenberg> I see K28.5 K28.1 D16.2 K28.1 D16.2 D16.2 K28.5 D16.2
<mxshift> Right. It's idle patterns but there are two interleaved or something
<azonenberg> well what i mean is
<azonenberg> there are two lanes with K28.1 in them, it seems
<mxshift> Yes, still chasing down why
<azonenberg> my understanding of the protocol is that K28.1 is only ever used in the first lane, to indicate which is lane zero
<azonenberg> Ok. So that is a known bug in this capture but i have a valid decode of it
<mxshift> Correct
<azonenberg> There also appeared to be a SI issue where the signal would intermittently drop out
<azonenberg> about every 10us
<azonenberg> you know about that i assume?
<mxshift> That has also been addressed
<azonenberg> Ok
<azonenberg> Well, in that case i've added the invert filter (which we needed anyway) but can make no further progress decoding until I get a well formed capture
<mxshift> And we finally know why the link is still failing. Now to find the registers that need to be adjusted
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<azonenberg> Fun fun
<azonenberg> Setting up the AKL-AD4 prototype. Fully assembled, but trim range with 20 ohm resistor is insufficient. I can trim from 34 to 92 mV DC offset
<azonenberg> Which is interesting as that's a +/- 29 mV trim range and i had calculated i would get closer to 50 mV
<azonenberg> anyway, the trim is insufficient. So i'm gonna rework the board and swap the 20 ohm trimmer out for a 500
<azonenberg> this will give me a larger trim range but less precision. if it works then i can play around and see what will work best
<azonenberg> ok yeah the 500 worked but is overkill. i probably need like 50 here
<azonenberg> maybe 100
<azonenberg> (but both of those are out of stock until 2024 at every distributor i've checked. lovely, hope i dont have to respin because a pot is out of stock)
<azonenberg> anyway, now that i am seeing good trim let's see what happens when i get it on a scope
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<Degi> Is that some kinda special pot?
<azonenberg> no its just what i designed the board for
<azonenberg> ok so, update. the RF performance is excellent
<azonenberg> this is without the equalizer which, with the 450 ohm tip resistor, turned out to be unnecessary
<azonenberg> and no cable de-embed, peaking in the system compensates cable loss almost perfectly
<azonenberg> the amplifier runs hot, very hot
<azonenberg> i need to improve heatsinking on it
<azonenberg> i also am having power supply instability and have a path forward to fix that in the next board spin
<electronic_eel> azonenberg: read about your dc dc issues on twitter
<electronic_eel> do you think you still need the trimpot for the offset once the power rails have the proper values?
<electronic_eel> maybe you could test it by removing the dc dc from your test board, bodge in a wire and supply voltage from your lab psu
<electronic_eel> then see if you really still need the trimpot or not
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal-apps] bvernoux opened issue #460: Windows recentfiles.yml YAML::ParserException at startup -
<azonenberg> That's a good question
<azonenberg> I think it will still be a good idea to have
<azonenberg> but the original 20 ohm trimmer will likely be sufficient
<azonenberg> that said there is going to be at least one more spin after the upcoming one
<azonenberg> in which i switch to filled via-in-pad and move most passives from 0402 to 0201 to improve density
<_whitenotifier-7> [scopehal-apps] bvernoux edited issue #460: Windows recentfiles.yml YAML::ParserException at startup -
<electronic_eel> if the 20 ohms trimmer is still not enough, you will have to look for a different part or wait till 2024
<electronic_eel> so i'd say finding out now could save you one revision
<azonenberg> electronic_eel: i have 500 in inventory and 200 on the way from digikey
<azonenberg> they give less precision but will work for testing
<azonenberg> if the pot does turn out to be necessary i may need to switch to a idfferent one for volume
<azonenberg> but OTOH the adl5569 is also out of stock everywhere now
<azonenberg> so when i use up the two or three i have in inventory who knows what will happen