azonenberg changed the topic of #scopehal to: libscopehal, libscopeprotocols, and glscopeclient development and testing | | Logs:
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<azonenberg> mubes: there is already an open ticket for canned filter chains
<azonenberg> and has been for over a year
<azonenberg> i've just been too busy to do anything about it :p
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<d1b2> <mubes> 'tis the nature of building open source solutions. Perhaps the magic software fairy will write it for you overnight sometime. Worked for cobblers back in the days of yore.
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<d1b2> <dannas> Ah, it's a reference to that Grimm fairy tale! I need to read more books.
<d1b2> <mubes> Perhaps a bit subtle for a tech discussion 😁
<d1b2> <dannas> @mubes Definitely a reachable reference. When I was hacking on the Firefox Javascript compiler a fellow dev compared his TODO list with Borges book "The book of sand". That kind of reading is a bit too much on the heavy side for me. But comparing a todo-list/issuetracker to a book with infinite pages that captures you is a good metaphor.
<d1b2> <mubes> Wow, that's heavy. My Christmas reading was "Tools for Conviviality" by Ivan Illich. I'd never heard of the guy before and now my head is in a whole different place...and I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing! Originally written in 1973 ish, if you read the books through the lens of the open source movement it starts to make a lot more sense. Anyway, we digress....
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<mandl> Hello Andrew
<mandl> Are you online ?
<azonenberg> o/
<azonenberg> mandl: having breakfast, not fully set up
<azonenberg> but yes
<mandl> enjoy breakfast first ..
<mandl> did you take a look at my pr ? patch for sds 1104x-e is ready ...
<azonenberg> mandl: ooh it's ready? i'll have a look
<azonenberg> @mubes did you get a chance to review and make sure it doesn't break anything for 2000 series etc? you happy with the changes?
<d1b2> <mubes> I'm afraid not. It still doesn't fold in the changes that have been asked for a few times now, and the updated files posted here and elsewhere.
<d1b2> <mubes> @mandl Is there an issue with making the switch changes that both I and @dannas have discussed with you?
<mandl> @mubes i cloded my last pr... dannes closed his pr
<mandl> @mubes i did an new pr..... please take a look
<d1b2> <mubes> OK, but you've still not got the changes to avoid default cases in there?
<d1b2> <mubes> @dannas put them in a gist for you which is at You can use a tool like meld to map them into your file version to ensure nothing is lost. AFAIK that file should have everything in it that you've added except for the very latest its got the switch fixes, of course.
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<d1b2> <mubes> There's also a place where it says @@@_ADDCOPYRIGHT for you to put your and dannas' details. Just so folks have got a route back to you if they want more info. Keeping the copyright distributed across multiple authors just means Andrew doesn't have to stand alone if someone comes trying to pester him.
<azonenberg> mubes: that is actually something i'd like to overhaul in the file headers at some point
<azonenberg> rather than having dozens of separate variants of the header
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<azonenberg> i'd rather just have it be me + "contributors" everywhere
<azonenberg> and then to see the actual list of rights holders for a given file you do a git blame
<azonenberg> git history*
<d1b2> <mubes> Yeah, personally don't much care. Only reason for keeping names in there is to make it easy to get directly back to folks, but I'm old skool, and git makes that redundant nowadays
<azonenberg> Yeah exactly
<azonenberg> what i prefer is a doxygen @author tag
<azonenberg> listing the primary developer/maintainer of the file
<azonenberg> can be a few names if you want
<azonenberg> but the license header should be consistent project wide
<d1b2> <mubes> ....but it is the reason I'm trying to get @mandl to fix up the submission, 'cos otherwise his contribution gets lost if I just comit an updated version.
<azonenberg> makes no difference from a legal perspective and is cleaner to maintain
<azonenberg> yeah
<azonenberg> anyway, i gotta run off to work, let me know when you've come up with something you're happy with
<d1b2> <mubes> OK, willdo. @mandl ping me when you've taken a look at the changes. I have an appointment with the pub soon, so it won't be done tonight on my side..there's no huge rush.
<azonenberg> mubes: btw i've been sending jason at siglent a list of feature requests for the SSG5000X-V signal generators based on my experience with it in my lab
<azonenberg> i dont have a contact with the signal generator firmware team yet
<azonenberg> but just so you're aware
<azonenberg> (it's the only piece of siglent gear i have in my lab at the moment)
<mandl> @mubes ok i understand... just looking @
<mandl> @mubes i will try to merge this....
<d1b2> <mubes> Bril. I don't think it's as big a job as it sounds. Just use my version as the target and make sure everything you want from your version is copied across. Meld is a really good tool for that job. There should be very few of your changes missing because I already did the process before you made more edits.
<d1b2> <mubes> should just be those additional edits that are needed.
<mandl> @mubes thanks for advice... i will try the next day and then ping you again ...
<d1b2> <mubes> No worries
<mxshift> azonenberg: FYI: my coworker is getting a Pico 4000 series for power measurements. He's hoping to play with glscopeclient as well
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<azonenberg> mxshift: awesome. afaik 4000 is the only remaining series we do not have a driver for. but if he's interested in helping out we'd love to add support
<azonenberg> actually we have nothing for 2000 series yet either
<azonenberg> but thats super low end and probably not worth the effort at this point
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<d1b2> <mubes> @azonenberg I have a spreadsheet of outstanding issues with the factory which you're more than welcome to add your issues to if you want to? Perhaps easiest to ask Jason how he wants to handle it.
<azonenberg> mubes: well it's a different team is my point
<azonenberg> the vector siggens and the scopes are separate product lines
<d1b2> <mubes> Yes, pretty sure it will be. Whatever works for Jason. I'm just pleased they take our observations seriously!