azonenberg, do you confirm UCSC_OpenRAM
SKY130 is limited to max 40MHz ?
It is quite disappointing to be so slow do you have any idea (as there is some MCU with SRAM@130nm which reach more than that easily)
bvernoux: AFAIK he suspects that the io buffers played a large role in that limit. Which you wouldn't have for an internal user.
ha ok interesting
anyway I suspect 130nm will limit max speed to something like 64MHz ?
why ?
My Athlon 700 MHz was 180nm ...
yes will be interesting to see what can be reached with the power consumption ;)
We see for MCU like ARM Cortex they was limited to something like 64MHz with 130nm
So I think it shall be similar to on RISCV
"they" ?
especially for a good power consumption
not to be power hungry like Athlon/X86/x64 stuff ;)
yes RISCV & ARM are similar in term of performance
I sure hope to get above 64 MHz, that's slow as hell.
Yes but it is a tradeof between speed & power consumption too and 130nm also do not help
it's not even a tru 130nm process, more like 130/180 hybrid.
a must have for serious next gen stuff will be to have 45nm but we can always dream ;)
Anyway even with this hybrid 130/180 hyrbid stuff we could have some cool MCU I think probably limited to <100MHz but depending on peripherals features it could be interesting
bvernoux: Yeah it can definitely go faster
40ish MHz is the fastest i've pushed the current test chip. which is a lower bound on the usable performance of the IP in a proper test harness
I don't know how much more it can go, they have more test chips on the way that fix some of these issues