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<dannas> Weird. The SDS1104x-e is supposed to send waveforms with a header and a trailer. When I started experimenting with the scope I did see the header/trailer but now they aren't sent. The whole response is the bytes that makes up the waveforms. Which is much better for me. I'm just curious why I see this change.
<dannas> @azonenberg I'll add the header/non-header WF? to my list of things to investigate.
<dannas> @azonenberg This is probably a silly question: But given that this scope probably can only retrieve 1-5 waveforms per sec: Doesn't that limit it for certain kind of measurements? Don't you need like thousands of waveforms per sec to do eye diagrams or provide statistics of signals to make sure you find glitches?
<dannas> I guess any scope is gonna spend most of it's time in a "dead state" between triggering signals. So even if you have 1000s of waveforms captured per sec you still have a low probability of catches glitches.
Yes, that's one of the advantages of having good glitch triggering on the scope and also of having high streaming BW
you can somewhat make up for it by having deep memory
as far as eye diagrams you can get a decent eye with just a few million *points*
which can be either one deep memory waveform or a few shallower ones
But the ability to do more complex clientside analysis and have improved glitch catching is one of many reasons why the scopes I'm building will have 10GbE or 40GbE interfaces
<dannas> Hm, I wonder if the existing driver supports segmented captures (or what the terminology is). Where you can trigger multiple times on a waveform without having to record the uninterresting samples in between.
<dannas> I think they're called sequenced captures on the Siglent scope.
<dannas> I guess segmented memory is the term I'm referring to.
<dannas> checks the glscopeclient manual for waveform/s for other scope brands
Re segmented capture, several of the current drivers support downloading segmented capture (each segment is exposed to the API as a separate waveform, since they're logically separate trigger events)
however there are currently no APIs to configure segmented memory
so you have to set it up on the scope
this is an open ticket that has been low priority for a while
<mokomull> I do have a stock one 🙂
<dannas> @azonenberg We'll see if I get to segmented captures one day.
Sounds good. Definitely far from the highest priority
I'm still busy playing catch-up with other things i've promised various people I'd do, and haven't had time to do much core glscopeclient dev in a month or two
<dannas> @mokomull Great! The code is a bit in flux at the moment. Will clean it up and push in a day or two.
i have time to review/merge PRs and fix quick obvious segfaults etc
But not to do major dev myself
<mokomull> sounds good, I don't think I'll have any time until the weekend anyway
Hopefully I can start closing out the ongoing projects and spend more time on it in a few weeks
<dannas> @azonenberg That means less rebasing of scophal for me 🙂
Fair point
Longer term I really want to find another core/GUI developer though (or several)
As much as I love and appreciate people developing and maintaining drivers
there's more to the project than drivers
<dannas> @azonenberg I guess you might attract electronics/firmware people who needs support for a scope or a specific decode functionality. The GUI/desktop expertise might be a slightly different subset of people.
Yeah exactly
<dannas> But isn't that how it goes? A few core devs and a most contributors providing drivers. The Linux kernel model.
"a few" != 1
And there's not a ton of overlap unfortunately. but really what i think has made the project so successful so far is that I'm both a scope user and a ui dev
i.e. I know what i want out of a scope
<dannas> Do you have anything in particular that you want to achieve with glscopeclient? Polish or more substantial UI changes?
i mean there's hundreds of open tickets :P
if i had to pick one small, self contained, highish priority task for a UI dev to work on it would be a facelift and feature upgrade of the filter graph editor
<dannas> 111 open tickets.
it has some segfaults I never found/fixed
the paths between blocks are drawn ugly and square and overlap removal is not as good as it should be
you cannot create new filters (this will require coordination with the UI as currently you cannot have a channel/filter with no loads, so if you make a filter it has to have a WaveformArea associated with it or it will get garbage collected because nothing is using its output)
<dannas> I saw a tweet about how you wanted to adjust the layout algorithm of the filter graph
the filter graph tile positions are not saved in scopesession files so any work you do on beautifying the layout is lost when you close the project
<dannas> For me: I'm mostly interrested in experimenting with the serial decoding. The decoding is so limited on the siglent scope. I do have a DSLogic Pro logic analyzer but it's so often that I want to correlate measurements on 12-24V signals with serial decoding and I'd really love to be able to do it all in one program.
<dannas> Having support for both DSLogic and Siglent would be great. I think I saw an open ticket for the DSLogic somehwer in the scopehal-app issue tracker.
Ekho- is now known as Ekho
Yes there is an open ticket. glscopeclient does support multi instrument capture however as of now the multi-instrument sync support only works with two analog channels
I would more than welcome a PR allowing a LA and scope to be synced via the same system though
you'd probably need the analog scope to be the primary and have trigger out on that driving an input on the LA
and have the LA be secondary
(unless the dslogic has trigger out in which case it can be primary)
<dannas> So many things to do and so little time. I need to amortize the cost of the time investment I put into learning scopehal, so I guess I'll have to just keep going for a while 🙂
<dannas> Time's up for today. Heavy raining outside. In January. That's insane. I hope when I wake up it is snowing instead. 160cm expected on a mountain top nearby.
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dannas: is that not normal where you are?
out here in the PNW, our winter is mostly rain. we get snow 1-2 times a year