Found an AWG at work hiding on a shelf that had been completely forgotten
turns out it can generate QPSK
So i grabbed a recording of a PRBS off it
This will be an excuse for me to implement two different things i've wanted to do for a while
constellation diagrams, and a filter that displays the relative phase of a signal
i.e. you create a LO that is frequency matched to the signal
then display the difference in phase between the LO and the incident signal
so a solid tone at any phase will be a straight line, and PSK will look like PAM
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I tried to update scopehal and get /home/user/git/scopehal-apps/src/glscopeclient/OscilloscopeWindow.cpp:957:20: error: ‘class MockOscilloscope’ has no member named ‘LoadComplexUnknownFormat’
Oh, does git pull need recurse submodules too, even when I already have it...
That i dont know
but the CI builds pass
so it's likely a local issue
Hm yes pull needs that again.
there is a git config setting to make it always recurse
Hm yes, last scopes menu, very nice
Yeah there's been a lot of little UI tweaks lately :)
Also somehow when no waveform is shown I can only zoom the timeline in
that's... not exactly a bug so much as a side effect of a recent change
I mean its Ok
The renderer gets really slow if you have a bazillion samples on a few pixels
so i cap zoom-out now
you can't zoom out further than the total width of the waveform
because there's no point, there's nothing more to see
Hm yes that makes sense
So when there's no waveform i guess it just wont let you zoom out at all lol
Meh, the 0.15 WFM/s of glscopeclient is close to the 0.13 WFM/s of my python example (at 10 MPoints)
Not surprising
At 10 kS my code gets 0.83, glscopeclient 1.04, peaking at sometimes 2, but average like 1.1, meh
I mean its kinda usable
Yeah, there's not much i can do unless rigol makes their firmware faster
How can I remove channels?
Right click, delete or hide - i forget what the menu item says
Right, I managed to right click into the wrong place
Somehow the scope seems to take a bit between pressing trigger and actually acquiring the waveform
By using another trigger mode (instead of STOP SING I use RUN, check for TRIG:STAT? = TD and then STOP and then read
if you do that, you risk multiple triggers and otherwise desyncing
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Hm, multiple triggers? (I mean yes it triggers often when its running but as long as all traces are from one trigger...)
normally if you trigger you want to get the next trigger event though
i dont want it to miss stuff after i arm it
Hm yes
My python script measures about 240-320 Mb/s to the scope for the data transfer itself
Yeah the transfer is fast, the bottleneck is inside the scope getting ready to do the transfer iirc
Yes, there is a large pause
there is a huge delay from the trigger event until data starts being sent
Which only gives 44 Mb/s
Heck, that fits over my internet downlink
Yes, 7.5 seconds between :WAV:DATA? having been sent and start of data transfer (where it gets the #), about 1.2-1.4 s for 50 MPoints data transfer
7.5 seconds
that's... pretty bad
i hope this new firmware helps
Well, its 50 mpts
yeah but with say a lecroy, you get the trigger notification almost instantly no matter how deep the trigger is
and you're mostly limited by transfer performance
With 10 kpts its only 65 ms but maybe it fits in the buffer of the internet chip
vs the huge O(1) overhead
Hm neat
i think it's more likely that there is a slow bus between the fpga and cpu
Can you get the trigger notification before the buffer is filled?
Not to my knowledge
but lecroy stuff has the capture fpga attached over pcie
and in most scopes has dedicated custom built memory paired with the adcs
at least in the higher end stuff
At 1 Mpts 0.16 s between :WAV:DATA? and 0.015 s for transfer
the adcs stream direct to ram
and both the memory and adc are lecroy asics
Huh, even the memory? neat
I think most other scope vendors use COTS DDRx memory
At least on the high end
the lower end is probably stock ddr and fpgas
Huh, getting peak rates of up to 650 Mb/s, though that may be somehow distorted. The average data rate is still roughly the same 50 Mbps
Hmm, 50 Mbps... What kinda bus could that be?
QSPI clocked at 12.5 MHz?
plausible. or x1 spi at 50 Mbps
could be lots of things
could be software limited too
just some unoptimized loop doing a byte at a time
I hope it is... bvernoux said something they have to really think how to optimize it or so, that thats why its being shifted to next month
lol yeah
oook so
Say I want to compare the instantaneous phase of two waveforms
One is a pure sine LO, the other is mostly sinusoidal but might have phase shifts, not be quite the same frequency as the LO, etc
If I measure the amplitude of the incident signal, I can map each voltage back to one of two possible phases
then if i check the slope of the signal i can disambiguate. right?
incident signal? As in LO = sin(wt) and the other signal = sin((w+err)t+phi) and the indicent signal is then sin((w+err)t+phi)-sin(LO)?
the input i mean
I'm trying to create a filter that displays relative phase of an input over time
so a pure tone will show up as a straight line
BPSK will look like a NRZ signal
QPSK will look like PAM4
Hm, like arcsin(input - LO)?
more like arcsin(input) - arcsin(LO)
but thats the basic idea yes
Yes, if you have the relative phase and a constant offset frequency, then they should slope a bit but still jump around when the phase changes
well i'm going to calculate the LO freq as the average freq of th einput
But it could be that phi and phi + 180 etc. are swapped
so it should be fairly close
but there will be drifts
And of course there is always ambiguity in phasing as far as which phase you call 0 vs 180 etc
If its low order PSK, then it should be possible to straighten it out
without protocol specific info about pilot tones or something, you wont know
I'm starting with just displaying the phase with no alignment
but this is kinda buildup for building constellation displays
i'm testing with a QPSK waveform at i think 500 Kbaud modulated on a 100 MHz carrier
I think what would be good to align would be that any change with a dx/dt smaller than a certain value is negated and only larger changes make it through, that it actually looks like PAM with no drift
Yes, i'm going to build a constellation rotator filter or something that will try to correct for drift
But i think that will be a separate block from this filter
i will also need something for doing clock recovery on a quadrature modulated signal
Maybe just taking one sine period and using that as a basis?
One thing at a time :) first step is the phase display filter
also something seems to ahve broken recently re loading waveforms from disk, hmmm
it displays stuff but then it disappears, you have to clikc anything in the history view to fix it
Argh, Scope says I have the options but :syst:opt:stat says something else. Well, guess time for a workaround.
I got a rigol fix for BW and memory depth soon
You'll want to call Trim() to get rid of any trailing whitespace
Like ReadReply()->Trim()?
Thanks, though now it segfaults. Recompiling with debug, since gdb doesnt seem particularly helpful
Good luck. I'm chasing bugs of my own
[scopehal] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±3] https://git.io/Jcvi4
[scopehal] azonenberg 701309f - Initial implementation of PhaseMeasurement
Ah, apparently it just didn't like 50 MPoints.
GetChannelBandwidthLimiters should return a list of available limits?
Hm yes probably
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Is it okay when I set the memory depth to 1 Mpoints during initialization?
I generally leave depth and rate at whatever the scope is configured for
Hm, but I need to change it to figure something out, after that I would need to convert a float to something like "100k" to set it to what it was before, because for some reason :ACQ:MDEP? returns a floating point number
I wonder who thought that that could possibly be a good idea...
Somehow the acquisition has a weird bug where channels get swapped around, happening seemingly every 4096 samples for a bit, no idea why that is