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<GenTooMan> well you have a number of options for the LCD I think the max the GPU on that thing can do is 1024x768 in actual display pixels. Probably because the core can only do 216MHz.
<GenTooMan> I assume you don't want to have it beep or anything?
<GenTooMan> sounds like you have lots of fun ahead of you :D you'll need to take a break for a month at least until the baby gets in sync with reality however.
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<azonenberg> It is not going to make any noise and the LCD is already picked out
<azonenberg> I don't have the SKU handy but it's a 1U front panel color RGB24 display
<azonenberg> iirc it's 480 x 120 or something like that
<azonenberg> And yeah, we should have help settling in because the in-laws will be here
<azonenberg> I doubt it will be *that* hard for four people to handle one baby
<azonenberg> I'm more worried about when they go home :p
<GenTooMan> LOL well the baby will need to spend time with you and mom mostly and the inlaws hopefully will be taking care of you two for at least a week.
<azonenberg> Lol yeah
<GenTooMan> so probably you meant a 480x288 :D I take it no DRAM them
<GenTooMan> well lets hope the inlaws don't get outlawed by the wife :D
<monochroma> * azonenberg looks for a baby rack mounting kit
<azonenberg> No
<azonenberg> let me look up the part number
<azonenberg> It was really wide and skinny
<azonenberg> Matrix Orbital MOP-TFT480116-38G-BLH-TPC
<azonenberg> 480 x 116 pixels RGB24, 3.8" diagonal but 1U high
<azonenberg> 98 x 26 mm viewing area
<azonenberg> With a cap touch overlay
<azonenberg> monochroma: LOL
<GenTooMan> ahh rack mount size LCD's play hard to get
<azonenberg> I am not rack mounting her
<azonenberg> GenTooMan: they're actually in stock at digikey now. For a whopping $90
<azonenberg> Definitely expensive but for premium gear with a $400+ FPGA on it, it didn't seem THAT excessive
<GenTooMan> oh matrix orbital is always expensive.
<azonenberg> Yeah
<azonenberg> it just seemed like a nice way to put some polish on the thing instead of doing IP configuration via RS232 on the back panel
<GenTooMan> there is oriental display and some other than has odd sizes too.
<azonenberg> And the kinds of hardware that I'm looking at here is going to be "spare no expense" class stuff
<azonenberg> Where a few hundred here and there is not a big deal because of the 4-5 digit overall price tag
<azonenberg> Once I have working stuff I can look into cost-down options
<GenTooMan> another option is custom display but that gets a minimum of 1K units and 5 to 10k for the 30 prototypes.
<azonenberg> Yeah
<azonenberg> Not worth it
<azonenberg> i basically wanted something you'd use for setting up the IP address, DHCP mode if used, and a few other little things like that
<azonenberg> and maybe displaying status info like serial number and fw rev
<GenTooMan> maybe maybe not depends on what you need to do.
<azonenberg> as in, the LCD is something that will be used rarely enough i may end up removing it in future design iterations
<azonenberg> and just requiring like a cisco console cable to do initial setup
<azonenberg> once it's on the network everything is controlled over lan
<GenTooMan> american zettler I think is the name?
<GenTooMan> in any case there are many ways to solve a problem my guess is the LCD you choose might be less expensive than making something else.
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