sorear changed the topic of #riscv to: RISC-V instruction set architecture | | Logs: | Matrix:
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<ja_02> wbx thx for the patch are you going to send the defconfig too? Also it would have been nice if Regymm and I were CCed.......
<ja_02> oh nvm different set many thanks
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<A1ice> anyone using JH7110(Vision five2)? I'm looking for this post: it's said "non-free firmware needed by u-boot", anyone know specific location of this blob?
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<xypron> A1ice: Building upstream U-Boot does bit require any binary blob.
<A1ice> pity that
<drmpeg> I think xypron misspelled "not" as "bit".
<xypron> Yes
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<A1ice> does not need? blob-free u-boot and opensbi at this time?
<A1ice> sounds good
<drmpeg> Is there a SDRAM controller file like this one for VF2?
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<A1ice> seems not, I'm not sure at this time
<A1ice> I only can make sure the allwinner D1 is blob-free on bootstage
<A1ice> but... too weak performance
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<wbx> ja_02: it's already committed upstream IIRC.
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<Esmil> smaeul: my D1 boards still don't boot with 9.10-rc1:
<Esmil> after reverting 8ec99b033147 ("irqchip/sifive-plic: Convert PLIC driver into a platform driver") i can get it to load the plic driver, but it still doesn boot:
<Esmil> *6.10-rc1 of course
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