sorear changed the topic of #riscv to: RISC-V instruction set architecture | | Logs: | Matrix:
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<bjdooks> what sort of idiot puts a conferene on in munich in the middle of the bloody euro2024 matches
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<Armand> The eurowut?
<bjdooks> sportsball
<Armand> Ahh, thing to distract the masses.
<Armand> Punny humans.
<bjdooks> lots of sportsball fanatics will be around, making hotels and flights unavailble or expensive
<Armand> Puny? lol..
<bjdooks> our work it is more likely to be punny
<Armand> Ahh, yes.. artificial scarcity.
<Armand> lol
<Armand> The mistake was not intentional.
<jrtc27> flights didn't look unusually expensive from london yet
<bjdooks> I'm going from Manchester, and only found a couple of hotels <£100/night
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<courmisch> I had a Google Flights price watch and the flights seemed reasonable. Hotels are expensive in Bavaria, especially during Summer season
<courmisch> it is a major tourist destination regardless of football
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<another|> munich is always expensive. period.
<another|> it's the most expensive city to live in, in .de
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<courmisch> there is no way to force a process to SIGBUS on unaligned accesses, is there?
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<leah2> oof the conference costs
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<sorear> there was a discussion of supporting PR_SET_UNALIGN on riscv but it requires opensbi support and seemed far from landing a couple months ago
<sorear> tangentially, not sure the best way to report this: RISCV_HWPROBE_MISALIGNED_FAST is not a bitflag and this test will give surprising results given the numerical value of RISCV_HWPROBE_MISALIGNED_SLOW and RISCV_HWPROBE_MISALIGNED_EMULATED
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<palmer> courmisch: if you want it then poking the LKML thread on that misaligned prctl can't hurt, IIRC it's mostly a question of usecases
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<courmisch> sorear: hwprobe.h defines the values as x << 0 and I read it as 1 << x
<courmisch> palmer: that's purely for testing purposes though
<palmer> any info helps
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<jrtc27> even if the firmware and kernel support the flag, there's no (standard) hardware bit to toggle it
<jrtc27> so it'll only stop opensbi emulating, it won't force the hardware to fault in the first place
<jrtc27> if you want a reliable debugging tool, use -fsanitize=alignment
<jrtc27> (part of ubsan)
<courmisch> I could live with it faulting only on hardware that does not support fast accesses, but I guess that leaves the problem for those that emulate slowly it in hardware
<jrtc27> all the prctl really does is let you find out when you do things that are slow on your hardware
<courmisch> +grammar
<courmisch> well, more like access than read but
<sorear> ought to be fine, I'm not sure why it's not an if
<courmisch> if you want very ugly, there is this:
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<sorear> it'll be interesting to see how that performs on future hardware. although I don't quite understand lpc well enough
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<palmer> courmisch: which C908 do you have?
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