sorear changed the topic of #riscv to: RISC-V instruction set architecture | | Logs: | Matrix:
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<wigyori> might be a dumb question, but how can i build uboot (or opensbi) as bl33? and why is bl33 needed on riscv? i thought that's arm64-only
<bjdooks> iirc you need opensbi as the top level (m iirc), bl33 is arm rubbish
<bjdooks> and you can either build opensbi into uboot's spl
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<wigyori> yeah, thats what i do usually (opensbi + uboot), but then wonder why milkv's fiptool is asking for a bl33 header on the 2nd loader
<bjdooks> someone copied their arm tooling without doing their checks
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<bjdooks> I rememebr the good old days where you just executed a kenrel form nor flash
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<courmisch> hmm, is it just me of gas will happilly assemble VSETVLI ... e64 ... with only Zve32x enabled
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<palmer> courmisch: it's probably just a GAS bug, nobody's really looking at the V sub-extensions. I bet Nelson will fix it if you file it ;)
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<sorear> it'll also happily assemble "vsetvli ... e32 ... ; vwadd.vv" with only zve32x enabled, I'm not sure it's either possible or useful to catch all cases here
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<palmer> we can at least catch the easy stiff
<palmer> *stuff
<sorear> there's no mention of SEW values being conditionally reserved in the spec, I think vsetvli ... e64 ... is required to decode even on zve32x
<palmer> and then just recommended to set VILL or something? so I guess we'd want it to be a warning, as it's probably a mistake
<sorear> §3.4.2 has "An attempt to set an unsupported SEW and LMUL conguration sets the vill bit in vtype" so I think so
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<dzaima[m]> clang even accepts vsetvli x0,x0,e1024,m1,ta,ma
<sorear> that's wrong, the only unreserved encodings are e8, e16, e32, e64
<palmer> it's just a bonus custom extension ;)
<sorear> is that left over from an old version of V or Vk?
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<jrtc27> dunno if it still made sense back then if they were reserved, but they were at least defined
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<courmisch> sorear: you can't prevent widening (or narrowing) to an invalid or unsupported element size, but accepting a known unsupported size is very inconsistent
<courmisch> when the assembler is otherwise so strict about not assembling stuff that's not explicitly enabled
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