sorear changed the topic of #riscv to: RISC-V instruction set architecture | | Logs: | Matrix:
<sorear> what you've described only makes sense for the "r" constraint - 64-bit values can already be passed as "m" or "A" with obviously different behavior
<sorear> I'm more inclined to use a new letter for zdinx/zacas/zilsd style register pairs (note that, as a special case, x0/x0 is allowed but x0/x1 is not)
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<cousteau_> Hmm... in fact, isn't what I said how it works for x86_64 inline assembly? You just specify "r" (var) and then it becomes %e*x or %r*x depending on whether var is 32 or 64 bits. You don't specify any modifier or any letter other than "r", if I understood correctly
<sorear> x86_64 architectural registers are 64 bits, if you want register pairs on x86_64 you need to go to 128 bits
<cousteau_> But you could say that in RV32I there are 64-bit registers too, named x2, x4, x6, x8... And each of these registers is divided into two individually addressable 32-bit registers; for example, the 64-bit x6 register is divided into the 32-bit x6 register (which happens to have the same name) and x7. It's a stretch from a technical definition, but you could tell that small lie to the compiler to have it work.
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<cousteau_> In a similar way, if I understand correctly, x86_64 has %rax and %eax, but %eax is part of %rax so overwriting %eax modifies %rax and vice versa.
<cousteau_> What I mean to say is, I believe that this would be supported in gcc inline asm.
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<cousteau_> Can confirm that asm ("add %0, %1" : "+r" (x) : "r" (y)) produces different assembly code depending on the type of x and y: "add %eax, %esi" if 32b, "add %rax, %rsi" if 64.
<cousteau_> In short... Are we even sure that gcc doesn't already implement register pairs for RV?
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<sorear> You realize that neither of those is a register pair?
<cousteau_> (*Can confirm that *in x86_64*, asm...)
<cousteau_> sorear: no, but the behavior is similar
<cousteau_> %eax is part of %rax
<cousteau_> x6 is part of the 64-bit x6/x7 pair
<sorear> it really isn't. "add %eax, %esi" is semi-intel syntax for the at&t "addl" instruction, "add %rax, %rsi" "addq", operating on the same architectural register 0
<cousteau_> But gcc doesn't need to know that to work, right?
<sorear> it needs to know for the purposes of register allocation that there are 15 "general registers" which it can allocate, and not try to put one value in "eax" and a different value in "rax"
<sorear> I don't know how that's modeled exactly
<sorear> you do need a subregister model if you want to put two different 8-bit values in "al" and "ah"
<cousteau_> gcc just saw me write asm() and pass it a 32-bit variable, and said "OK, I need to use %eax", and then use a 64-bit variable and said "%rax it is". So that part seems to be OK; I seem not to need any special modifier to specify a 32 or 64 bit register.
<sorear> is there a reason you're talking about riscv32 and x86_64? it'd be less confusing if you picked an XLEN and stuck with it
<cousteau_> Yes, the reason is that I see a certain parallelism between RV32I register pairs and x86_64 %r* 64-bit registers.
<sorear> x86_64 *has* register pairs though. if you pass an int128_t to asm, does it get put in %rdx:%rax ?
<cousteau_> OK, I did not know that
<cousteau_> Anyway. My question was, what would be necessary to implement support for dual registers in RISC-V in the GCC toolchain (for extensions that use those)?
<cousteau_> The answer seems to be that it can be done without changes to the asm() "API"
<sorear> Ideally, we'd be making decisions about the asm() API for human factors reasons, not "what's easiest to implement in gcc"
<sorear> it needs to be compatible between gcc and clang, and the number of people writing or reading asm() blocks is far greater than the number of people making asm() itself work
<cousteau_> (but further changes in the handling of registers would be necessary... this is, unless it has already been implemented!)
<cousteau_> I see. My point would also be "how is this done in other ISAs? Let's make it similar. "
<sorear> strong agree
<sorear> the closest thing I've found on modern architectures is the aligned register pairs in SPARC
<sorear> gcc has "U Even register" but I'm not sure if that's actually relevant
<sorear> the LEON test code is using "r" for double-register values, maybe that's precedent enough
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<cousteau_> I think asm() does not actually require any special modifier to explicitly say that a variable is associated with a 32-bit or a 64-bit "register". You just pass a 32-bit or 64-bit variable and it figures out how to handle it.
<cousteau_> In the case of x86_64, this means it'll generate "%eax" or "%rax" (which are kind of the same registers, but the point is that gcc knew which name to use)
<cousteau_> In the case of RISC-V, it could mean deciding whether to use a "double register" (assuming the instruction supports those) or a regular 32-bit register. They just happen to be named the same ("a0" may refer to the 32-bit a0 register, or to the 64-big a0/a1 pair, depending on the instruction)
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<cousteau_> OK now I definitely need to go to sleep. Good night!
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<dh`> sparc a modern architecture? :-)
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<sorear> my other lead was Blackfin, and between the two of those I think it's obvious who gets 'modern'
<sorear> even if OSA2015 renamed ldd to ldtw for some reason
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<Pegazusao-`_> RADIO SUPER NETS IS LIVE CALL IN NOW 1-877-293-1933
<Pegazusao-`_> nelnire haritz Pegazusao-`_ zupss wigyori_ kaol_ cow321 seds puranjaymohan vgtw JTL ZipCPU DesRoin DoubleJ BootLayer unlord Pokey tlwoerner troglodi1o geist h2t Kedleston sorear khilman shachaf_ nathanchance edef_ NishanthMenon GordonH geertu_ conchuod pld lu_zero_ theruran_ sskras mturquette gatecat jleightcap rsalveti abelvesa_ pavel_odintsov roxell__ benh_ bjoto` pavelow hl mmind00_
<Pegazusao-`_> shreyasminocha paulbarker The_Decryptor patersonc jacklsw sajattack Maylay_ ssb_ tux3_ helium-3 knielsen_ Bluefoxicy somlo_ Leopold jfsimon1981 damian101_ Armand seasharp ntwk Trifton zkrx wingsorc cousteau_ n_crm fuwei raym TMM ja_02 rsjw billchenchina frkzoid Forty-Bot zv test924 bitoff_ paulk marcj- matoro markh sumoon tusf octav1a palmer xypron ardb MoeIcenowy guerby_ Revy elms arnd s
<Pegazusao-`_> horagan_ ln5 peeps[zen] knolle Noisytoot pabs3 zjason`` cronos kelvium mahk psydroid geist-sdf danielinux KombuchaKip lockna tanami smaeul paddymahoney aredridel unnick beber_ drmpeg scrts0 sauce m5zs7k jmcgnh Starfoxxes chripo crabbedhaloablut pbsds3 ncopa clandmeter djdelorie fossdd motherfsck sakman dobson zBeeble _whitelogger bjdooks tafa wgrant JanC eightthree bgamari kaaliakahn jedix ema
<Pegazusao-`_> courmisch sympt GreaseMonkey indyZ Finde clever llu_ GenTooMan SpaceCoaster la_mettrie jrjsmrtn foxbat leah2 csfore neil joev DynamiteDan hmw obrut usama josuah dh` another| nmeum agraf dlan arcade_droid jljusten stefanct sjs Esmil clemens3 rbmarliere sevan ats aurel32 oaken-source carefish indy balrog ahs3_ haasn fabs jakzale sm2n raghavgururajan simpl_e mps MelMalik HumanG33k tucanae47 wbx
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<courmisch> sorear: if SUB were an alias for RSUB, then the corresponding opcode under OP-IMM would be free for RSUBI. Of course, it's a decade late for that. I just wonder if there was a *reason*
<courmisch> or just a case of not thinking about it during the design
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<cousteau_> courmisch: that's a good point... Or would be, if it weren't for the fact that ADD and SUB have the same opcode, and only differ by one bit within the imm12 field
<cousteau_> I guess an RSUBI instruction could have been added. The 8 f3 functions in the opcode are already used, but they could've combined all the shift left/right instructions into one and free one f3 code, which could be used by RSUB[I]
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<cousteau> I wonder how common an operation it is to flip the sign of a register and add/subtract an offset. Maybe it was deemed unnecessary?
<cousteau> y = 100 - x; and the like
<cousteau> (...yeah, probably would make sense to have)
<cousteau> I'm trying to see if adding this would've had an impact on resource usage, but I don't think it would. It would add one extra instruction to the list though.
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<sorear> courmisch: there is no "subi", it's an alias for addi and consumes zero opcodes, rsubi would need an actual opcode
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<cousteau> So I've been trying to read (to figure out if it handles double-width words), and have realized that I can't
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<cousteau> My pet theory is that handling of dwords (DImode words in RV32) is already implemented but nobody realized. I don't know how to test this theory though.
<cousteau> ...OK, first question: in RV32 default ABI, a function `int64_t f(int64_t x, int32_t y, int64_t z)` will store x in {a1,a0}, y in a2, and z in {a4,a3}, is that correct? Or is godbolt messing with me?
<cousteau> This is, `z` is not aligned to an even register!
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<cousteau> "Scalars that are 2×XLEN bits wide are passed in a pair of argument registers, with the low-order XLEN bits in the lower-numbered register and the high-order XLEN bits in the higher-numbered register. If no argument registers are available, the scalar is passed on the stack by value. If exactly one register is available, the low-order XLEN bits are passed in the register and the high-order XLEN bits are passed on the stack." -- ok, this leaves very
<cousteau> little room for ambiguity.
<cousteau> That text doesn't say anything about aligning 2×XLEN words to even-numbered registers, and even considers the possibility of passing half such word on a register (a5 or a7) and the other half on the stack.
<sorear> note that if the argument is passed on the stack, it's aligned, and if the argument is _anonymous_, it goes into an even register so that it becomes aligned when the va_arg save area is created
<cousteau> So... that sounds an awful lot like the ABI doesn't do "register pairs", so I don't think I could expect asm() to do so when I pass a 2×XLEN variable.
<cousteau> OK, noted :)
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<sorear> "put it in an even/odd register pair" is an entirely reasonable thing for int64_t "r" riscv32 to do. I can see nonstandard extensions possibly doing other things though
<sorear> now that zacas and zdinx are both ratified and have identical behavior, maybe it makes sense to use "r" for it
<cousteau> cool!
<cousteau> But in principle it is not implemented yet, right?
<sorear> I checked the P working drafts last night, it uses even/odd pairs but is silent about x0 behavior so it may or may not be compatible
<sorear> the gcc machine descriptions are completely incomprehensible to me so I can't answer that
<sorear> says "general purpose register" not "general purpose register or even-odd pair of general purpose registers", maybe you want to change that
<cousteau> I'm asking because I need to do that with an extension (XIF) and the solution I eventually figured out (or rather, this channel told me to do) is quite complex, so I want to make sure that's the real way to do it before I tell my coworkers "here, this is how to do it"
<cousteau> P being RVP, right?
<sorear> yes (the drafts on the mailing list are substantially more up to date than what's on github)
<cousteau> sorear: oh wait, you can't read .md files? Ha ha, how silly you are. I can read them just fine. (sarcasm)
<sorear> at least intercal has an manual that explains what all of the letters mean
<cousteau> Ah cool, good to know, I recently got the P draft somewhere, probably github, so it was probably outdated then
<cousteau> sorear: haha
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<cousteau> I was thinking, if asm() will align 2xXLEN words to even boundaries, maybe the calling convention should too. It's not much of a problem, but right now calling asm() with a wide function argument that happens to be unaligned will require copying that argument to an aligned area instead of using it directly
<cousteau> I thought of an amendment to the ABI saying that "and if the argument is 2xXLEN, and it would start on an odd (unaligned) register, then you have to pad it as if the previous arg were also 2xXLEN"
<cousteau> And possibly "and if a 1xXLEN argument comes afterwards, you cram it in that space you left behind", but that'll complicate things a lot, especially when va_args are involved
<cousteau> So... maybe better to just leave them unaligned, or (if anything) align them using padding (how wasteful!)
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<cousteau> "In the base integer calling convention, variadic arguments are passed in the same manner as named arguments, with one exception. Variadic arguments with 2×XLEN-bit alignment and size at most 2×XLEN bits are passed in an aligned register pair" -- oooh nice! Disregard what I said before; this option seems promising.
<cousteau> I hereby introduce the ILP32A* variants for ILP32* ABIs, which Aligns these arguments on regular function calls too
<cousteau> (I was thinking if the ABI could be amended, but it can't becase of backward compatibility; so the only way is to create a new one)
<sorear> we have too many ABIs already, there'll be close to zero support for adding another one just to save a couple of
<cousteau> ok fair enough
<cousteau> I had a better idea. When I create a function that will need aligned wide words, I'll order the parameters in a way that makes sense myself.
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