sorear changed the topic of #riscv to: RISC-V instruction set architecture | | Logs:
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<lagash> palmer: ssshh! you gave away the secret.. to exiting vim! :P
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<palmer> geertu: Atish just pointed out your crash report at <>, was that with Guo's version that he accidentally merged? there's a v13, does it still crash for you? I'm seeing things work fine
<palmer> (or maybe a v12? whatever actually landed in linux-next via the riscv/for-next tree)
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<geertu> palmer: That's Günter's, not mine? I don't seem to have been involved with that thread or series.
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<palmer> geertu: oops, sorry, it's still too early ;)
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<conchuod> From the bisection it looks like riscv/for-next
<conchuod> commit links to v12
<conchuod> Looks like there was an autobuilder problem too?
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<palmer> weird, I tried to look for these but I guess I didn't find them
<palmer> I'll poke around abit
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<conchuod> as in, never landed in your inbox palmer ?
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