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<abu[7]> Found a (gc) bug in coroutines :(
<beneroth> good you found it :)
<beneroth> how special are the circumstances to trigger it?
<abu[7]> yeah
<abu[7]> The probability is very low
<abu[7]> I have a tight loop creating one hundred thousand coroutines
<beneroth> so it's a kind of small memory leak?
<beneroth> or gc bug when the stars align?
<abu[7]> It is a gc bug
<abu[7]> 'co' calls 'put' in one place
<abu[7]> and this may trigger a gc
<abu[7]> and this (put + perhaps gc) happens before the coroutine is fully initialized
<abu[7]> The simple solution is to call this 'put' a few lines later after initialization is finished
<beneroth> ah, nice
<beneroth> so a race condition
<abu[7]> no
<abu[7]> it is deterministic
<abu[7]> It is guaranteed to crash if gc runs here
<abu[7]> gc traverses also coroutines
<abu[7]> and if fields in the stack structure are missing, it crashes
<beneroth> makes sense
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<fbytez_> How long have coroutines been part of the language?
<abu[7]> I think around 2016
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<beneroth> the issue discussed today most like only affects the pil21 implementation of coroutines, not the older implementation in pil64
<beneroth> abu[7] ?
<abu[7]> Correct
<abu[7]> This 'put' was rather recently, it is only a pointer cache for speedup
<abu[7]> 23.4.18
<abu[7]> but coroutines in pil64 are not really usable anyway
<abu[7]> Pil21 improved them in many aspects
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<tankf33der> Tests passed
<abu[7]> Great, thanks!
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<beneroth> tankf33der, thanks for the testing!
<beneroth> abu[7], thanks for patching and the explanation
<abu[7]> ☺
<beneroth> not that fbytez_ thinks this was bugged since the introduction of coroutines :)
<abu[7]> yep :)
<beneroth> it was a new recent bug from a recent optimization
<abu[7]> But coroutines had a lot of bugs and other changes over the last year(s)
<beneroth> also I guess one can say that coroutines is one of the most complex components within picolisp runtime, yes?
<abu[7]> It is the most complicated part of pil
<beneroth> yeah
<beneroth> database is very simple in comparison
<abu[7]> right
<beneroth> pilog is complex but not prone to bugs
<beneroth> thanks for the fix :)
<abu[7]> Welcome :)
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