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<abu[7]> (with '+B (prinl (var: foo))) is not really informative. Better do (with '+B (println (var: foo)))
<abu[7]> Or just (with '+B (var: foo)) in the REPL
<abu[7]> Then you see that the value is ("xxxx") and not "xxxx"
<abu[7]> This is important because 'var' defins a class *variable*, not a constant
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<pablo_escoberg> Yeah, I get how it works now.  Thanks again to both of you.
<abu[7]> ☺
<abu[7]> BTW, my new Lisp replacement for select/3 and the other Pilog DB functions works and looks very promising :)
<abu[7]> I'll do some more tunings
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<pablo_escoberg> That's great to hear.  I'm getting a great deal done without it, but it will be great to have.
<abu[7]> Yes, for sure. It is really a lot easier.
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