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<pablo_escoberg> Hey all.  Some strange behavior I need to understand.  My original ode says '+Rest .  When I run it in debug it displays as 'pico~+Rest.  Any idea why this is happening and/or how I can prevent it?
<abu[7]> Hi pablo_escoberg! It is printed this way if '+Rest' is shadowed by another symbol '+Rest' in another namespace
<abu[7]> Try (shadows T) to display such symbols
<abu[7]> I assume this is not intended. Thus you have your namespace order wrong
<pablo_escoberg> OK, that should help.  Still not 100% what is happening, but that puts me on the right path, I think.
<abu[7]> I recommend to keep the same order within a program
<abu[7]> i.e. change the order only if absolutely sure
<pablo_escoberg> same order of what?  files loaded?
<pablo_escoberg> nvm, I think I see what happened here, but I have no idea how to fix it.  I'll describe below:
<pablo_escoberg> The +Rest class is indeed defined with 'pico as the active symbol.  However, with the active symbols 'entities and 'pico, a class +Client is defined, which inherits from +Rest.
<pablo_escoberg> In this class, the get> method is overridden, and that's what's causing the conflict somehow.
<pablo_escoberg> The problem is that if I have +Client inherit from '+Rest, a conflict arises (or a shadow) and if I inherit from 'pico~+Rest `isa` doesn't recognize it as inheriting from '+Rest
<pablo_escoberg> So it really stems from the `get>` method
<pablo_escoberg> I'm trying to override it, but from a different namespace than the one in which the class was defined.  Is there a way to do that cleanly?
<pablo_escoberg> nvm; I restructured the namespaces and class structure so methods only get overridden in the same namespace.
<abu[7]> Sorry, I'm in a conference
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<pablo_escoberg> No worries.  It's solved.  The (shadows T) thing led me right to it. TY.
<pablo_escoberg> And enjoy the conference!
<abu[7]> Thanks!
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