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<abu[7]> OK, I fixed it
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<razzy> hello :)
<abu[7]> Hi razzy!
<razzy> how to efficiently change namespace in vip. so i can jump into vip namespace?
<razzy> C-K jump
<abu[7]> Vip does it automatically, if the files are loaded already
<abu[7]> i.e. if you click on a symbol which is in another namespace, the new buffer will have *that* namespace
<razzy> so C-K jump into all available namespaces, yes?
<abu[7]> yes
<abu[7]> The namespace is stored in the symbol's properties, so Vip takes it from there
<abu[7]> BTW, it is S-K (not C-K), or C-^]
<razzy> abu[7]: yes, S-k, I am sorry for misleading. I just use muscle memory. in vip it does not jump inside lib/vip.l to (de command for example
<abu[7]> It does jump inside lib/vip.l under the right situation. E.g. (vi 'vip) edits in 'vip' namespace, and if you click there on e.g. 'load' you are in 'llvm' namespace
<abu[7]> (vi "lib/vip.l") is not so helpful, as the namespace stays on the current value
<razzy> I see. I was thinking that K reads namespace. thank you :)
<abu[7]> Yeah. It is much simpler, just uses the property ;)
<beneroth> well there is no namespace as such at that stage, it's just pointers to cells, right?
<beneroth> namespaces only matter during reading.
<abu[7]> Yes
<abu[7]> Which "stage" do you mean here?
<abu[7]> (pointers to cells is always the case)
<beneroth> the stage when looking at stuff in repl using vip/edit :)
<beneroth> so looking at the in-memory representation of the picolisp code
<beneroth> vs. source text editing
<abu[7]> At that stage is always *some* namespace search order
<abu[7]> initally (pico)
<abu[7]> So right, it is relevant only for reading
<abu[7]> But Vip needs it to find the right symbol
<beneroth> right
<abu[7]> E.g (vi 'let) goes to src/flow.l
<abu[7]> and clicking on 'let' in the next line goes to src/lib/llvm.l
<abu[7]> with namespaces on (llvm pico)
<beneroth> ah right, didn't properly think of that.
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<razzy> abu[7]: I will try search :].
<abu[7]> Good! :) But the docs are not written yet
<abu[7]> I just started a little
<abu[7]> Perhaps you just try, and ask here
<abu[7]> and look at the three examples I mentioned yesterday
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<razzy> thx
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