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<abu[7]> I meant that on 15th 09:04 <abu[7]> Done!! Released PicoLisp 23.10.15 with the new 'search' function 💪💪
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<pablo_escoberg> OK, I'm a bit confused.  Is there a new release?  If so, what's the URL?
<abu[7]> Yes, I did several releases since then
<abu[7]> The URL is as ever, did I post the wrong one?
<abu[7]> no, it is the normal rolling release
<abu[7]> I thought you always fetched it from there
<abu[7]> But repos like tankf33der's should also update automatically
<pablo_escoberg> ok, my bad. Is there an announcement url or some kind of announcement when there is a new release?
<abu[7]> Good point. Currently not.
<pablo_escoberg> hmmmm.... There should be some kind of indication of which version is current, etc.
<abu[7]> I'm not sure if this would be helpful. There are releases every few days usually
<abu[7]> (see @doc/Changelog)
<pablo_escoberg> ah, ok.  Let me have a look.
<abu[7]> If it were some mail or messenger push, it would be too noisy
<abu[7]> Perhaps just look at
<abu[7]> It is always updated
<pablo_escoberg> agreed.  But on a web page, it might be beneficial.  E.g. current version pil21 v(something) released Oct-21-2023 or somesuch.
<abu[7]> Also to see if the change is relevant for oneself
<pablo_escoberg> ah, ok.  Maybe a link from the home page, next to the d/l link?
<abu[7]> Good idea
<abu[7]> I'll do
<pablo_escoberg> great.
<abu[7]> done
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