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<abu[7]> Done!! Released PicoLisp 23.10.15 with the new 'search' function 💪💪
<abu[7]> I updated the demo App, in
<abu[7]> The old demo app using Pilog is still available in
<abu[7]> I plan to write some separate documentation
<abu[7]> I have also updated the Open Streetmap demo at (Sources in See also
<abu[7]> I'll announce to the mailing list after I wrote some documentation
<tankf33der> ok
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<stack1> Hello
<stack1> After an error, I get a ? prompt in the REPL. What does it mean?
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<beneroth> stack1, hi
<beneroth> stack1, that's the debug REPL then. See
<beneroth> stack1, here the debugging is explained. scroll down to single stepping:
<beneroth> in any case you can just leave the repl using Ctrl + D or entering (bye)
<stack1> Thank you. One more: are transient symbols interned?
<stack1> Never mind, I found the answer. THanks again
<beneroth> :-)
<beneroth> they are interned, but in a transient scope. per file respectively per (load).
<beneroth> when speaking of "interned symbols" in picolisp usually the non-transient symbols are meant.
<beneroth> but yeah, when you use the same string twice within the same transient scope it is the same symbol and only stored once in memory
<stack1> I've been trying to store values in transient symbols and running into all kinds of issues... Like setq fails while set works.
<stack1> I have transients in a list; (setq (car *list) 10) fails to set value; (set (car *list) 10) works; (val (car *list)) gets it.
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<pablo_escoberg> stack1:  setq does not evaluate it's first argument, set does.  So using setq you are literally trying to assign to (car *list) rather than that which (car *list) evaluates to, wich is what `set` does.
<pablo_escoberg> Please lmk if still unclear; I struggled with this kind of thing for some time (and drove these guys nuts  int the process ;D)
<stack1> Perfectly clear!
<pablo_escoberg> great!
<stack1> Thank you
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<beneroth> well explained pablo :)
<beneroth> setq stands for set-quoted kinda, so it's like set but it handles the first argument as if it would be quoted, meaning it doesn't evaluate it
<beneroth> usually setq is used much more often than set
<aw-> beneroth: +1
<beneroth> hey aw- :)
<aw-> hi
<aw-> up late beneroth?
<beneroth> yeah, but not much longer
<aw-> haha ok, get some rest, see you!
<beneroth> yes :) have a good day!
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