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<beneroth> abu[7], two questions
<beneroth> 1. while 'sort is destructive, 'by is not as 'by is building always a new list first, right?
<abu[7]> Yes, that's right
<beneroth> 2. is 'close intended to be used on socket descriptors (as returned by 'port) too? or can socket descriptors only get cleanly closed by ending the process?
<abu[7]> No, 'close' is for any file descriptors, also sockets
<abu[7]> See e.g. (vi 'http)
<abu[7]> It does (task (close *HtSock)) several times
<beneroth> right.. damn right I should know this
<abu[7]> also other places in lib/http.l
<abu[7]> No worries :)
<beneroth> I have a question about http.l btw. server function
<abu[7]> ok
<beneroth> this is deep internals, so maybe less important for others here.. but anywayx
<beneroth> you explained to me before, I think, but I didn't take notes on the detail and forgot again...
<beneroth> (task *Sock (http @))
<beneroth> (http *Sock)
<beneroth> (or *SesId (bye))
<beneroth> why the (task *Sock (http @)) when 'http is called right after it and installs the task anew just after that call?
<beneroth> my understanding:
<abu[7]> This is for http2
<beneroth> oh...pipelining
<abu[7]> there may be several transactions over a single connection
<beneroth> I see
<abu[7]> T
<beneroth> yeah, and in http2 also in parallel
<abu[7]> yes, but Pil processes them sequentially
<beneroth> (which was actually also an HTTP/1.1 feature, but servers largely never implemented it, so browsers stopped using it.. in my view HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 is all bullshit, they should just have added pipelining in 1.1 again...)
<abu[7]> I see
<beneroth> ok, so all that task installation does is queing another 'task
<beneroth> which again is anyway happening after the session check
<beneroth> so... is it needed?
<abu[7]> You mean, the task never fires?
<beneroth> well the second task installation is also doing accept
<beneroth> I guess it can fire, but would newly sent client requests (on the existing socket) not anyway trigger the task installed just after the (http) call?
<abu[7]> yes, *new* transactions
<beneroth> accept is blocking, right?
<abu[7]> yes
<abu[7]> can block
<abu[7]> hmm, not sure
<abu[7]> listen surely blocks
<beneroth> well its only called when there is already incoming data signaled by triggering the task
<abu[7]> yes
<beneroth> so it should not block, the way it is used here
<abu[7]> listen also calls accept
<beneroth> hm.. then accept is non-blocking and listen adds the waiting/blocking?
<abu[7]> (vi 'accept)
<abu[7]> it sets "nonBlocking"
<beneroth> yep I just saw it this second :D
<abu[7]> So only 'listen' blocks in 'wait'
<beneroth> yeah, listen is only looping with wait and accept
<beneroth> very simple
<beneroth> still I don't understand the reason for that task installation
<abu[7]> I think it made sense
<abu[7]> Perhaps only if 'wait' is called somewhere during the first 'http'
<abu[7]> if session, it of course always makes sense
<abu[7]> Must go, bbl
<beneroth> ok, cu later
<beneroth> let me know when you are back and we can continue :)
<beneroth> thanks!
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<abu[7]> Now on my way back
<beneroth> no hurry. Also I'm now away bit. so lets talk tomorrow ;-)
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<abu[7]> Yeah, better
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