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<atsmyles> Hi guys, I'm looking for Mia Temma about a speaker opportunity to discuss PicoLisp. Anyone know how I can reach her?
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<abu[7]> atsmyles, I'll contact her and ask
<abu[7]> brb
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<razzy> Hello everyone. Pilog has usefull "backward" search. I think there is big gain in merging pilog into pil as few functions. without special pilog syntax.
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<abu[7]> This is correct
<abu[7]> Pilog is ideal for such searches
<abu[7]> But it is hard to use, and needs glue functionality to/from Lisp
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<abu[7]> And, in fact, DB search with a power equivalent to select/3 can be done completely in Lisp without Pilog
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