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<user3456> eww politics
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<razzy> is doc/select.html outdated? or am I just bad at understanding :)
<aw-> yes
<abu[7]> Yeah, it is valid
<abu[7]> I checked these days again as I'm thinking about an easier concept
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<razzy> abu[7]: (collect) (filter) is easier concept. Lisp way is collection of simplest-still-usefull functions.
<abu[7]> Hi razzy! Yes, but you cannot use (collect) and (filter) on large query results
<abu[7]> and, (collect) cannot search for multiple search criteria
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<razzy> abu[7]: I would like to have small functions and printable sub-results. I understand that large and efficient query is hard. I am remembering|learning prolog|pilog.
<abu[7]> Yes, we all want simplicity
<abu[7]> I'm working hard on a general Lisp function with the same power as the Pilog select/3, but simpler (no need to write the specific filter predicates matching the search criteria)
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<razzy> abu[7]: I would like to work with you.
<abu[7]> ok
<abu[7]> We are already working together in the other chat :)
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