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<pablo_escoberg> Is there any way to list the relations for a particular class?
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<abu[7]> You can do (show '+Item) or (v +Item)
<pablo_escoberg> (show '+Item) is close to what I need.  But it shows (I guess) the pointers to the relations rather than their definitions, and it prints them rather than returning them.  I need this programmatically (e.g. create a form with a field for every relation in a class).
<abu[7]> 'show' is just a debug frontend
<abu[7]> The relations are properties of the entity
<abu[7]> ap: (get '+Item 'nm 0)
<abu[7]> -> (+IdxFold +String)
<abu[7]> etc.
<pablo_escoberg> ok, so `getl` gets me a little closer.
<abu[7]> yes
<abu[7]> Or 'maps' as in 'show'
<abu[7]> (pp 'show) or (vi 'show)
<pablo_escoberg> those are fine for debugging.  I need to iterate over these things, but I think I'm on the right track.
<abu[7]> Nothing to do with debugging. I said 'maps'
<abu[7]> or as you said, 'getl'
<pablo_escoberg> right.  `maps` is probably what I need.
<abu[7]> I use both. 'maps' is more efficient, as it avoids 'cons'ing, but should not be used if the list may be modified in between
<pablo_escoberg> yeah, that's a reasonable assumption in this case.  Now I just need to figure out how to follow those pointers.
<abu[7]> Like above (get '+Item 'nm 0) ?
<pablo_escoberg> ah, yes, that should do it.  TY.
<abu[7]> @lib/db.l contains plenty of examples how relations are handled
<abu[7]> Given an object, it does things like (let Rel (meta This Var) ...
<abu[7]> 'Rel' is the relation object then
<pablo_escoberg> Great, I'll have a look.
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