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<tankf33der> Hi all
<tankf33der> abu[7]
<tankf33der> send me reentrance example of co code
<tankf33der> i will add to tests
<abu[7]> Hi tankf33der!
<abu[7]> I think there is not much to test
<abu[7]> (co 'a (yield T 'a))
<abu[7]> this gave an error
<abu[7]> But it was rather meaningless
<abu[7]> It was needed in old pil64 I think where coroutines were implemented differently
<abu[7]> : (co 'a (msg 1) (yield T 'a) (msg 2) (yield) (msg 3))
<abu[7]> 1
<abu[7]> 2
<abu[7]> : (stack)
<abu[7]> -> ((a . 63) (T . 250) . 64)
<abu[7]> : (yield T 'a)
<abu[7]> -> 3
<abu[7]> : (stack)
<abu[7]> -> ((T . 250) . 64)
<abu[7]> etc.
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<tankf33der> Ok
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