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<mjg> * [PATCH v28 0/8] crash: Kernel handling of CPU and memory hot un/plug
<mjg> lol
<mjg> something went really wrong there
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<klys> it turns out there is no nommu support for x86 in uclinux either. proof is gup.c is included in obj-y in arch/x86/mm/Makefile without regard for CONFIG_MMU. perhaps my most recent linux tree even handles this better.
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<mjg> lol @ linux perf breakage, holly shit
<mjg> holy even
<mjg> they have a per-cpu memory allocator which is globally locked
<mjg> and they pound on it 4 times on each fork and each exec
<mjg> and 4 times on each exit
<mjg> to alloc 4 counters sparingly used by mm struct
<mjg> it serializes parallel execs big time
<mjg> i swear, if it was not for different formatting style, i would think this is a bsd
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<mjg> aand the breakage came from google
* mjg sighs
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<gog> oops
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<Ermine> lmao @ 4 locks
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<mcrod> gog may I pet you
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<Ermine> gog: may I pet you as well
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<gog> mcrod: Ermine: yes
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* mcrod pets gog
* gog prr
* Ermine pets gog as well
* gog prr some more
<gog> i'm sad
* gog knocks things off the shelf to feel petter
<gog> better
<mcrod> my cat gets really sad when we shut the door
<gog> aw
<gog> poor bb
<gog> i went for a walk last night and met a friendly kitty
<gog> i pet them for like 5 minutes
<gog> 15/10 woudl pet again
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<heat> hi zid im in algarve
<heat> where are you
<heat> i assume you're here too, it's part of your DNA
<sham1> It's not Mallorca
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<sham1> Or Madeira
<heat> magaluf
<heat> i can't get my hotspot's DNS to work with chrome for som reason
<heat> fuckin chrome!
<zid> morning
<zid> heat: would be but I'm on the trailing edge of being super suck
<GeDaMo> You can clear the cache via chrome://net-internals/#dns
<heat> GeDaMo, i... don't even have cached entries
<heat> An error occurred while resolving "google.com" (net::ERR_NAME_RESOLUTION_FAILED).
<heat> i dont understand why, i think there's some auto-tls fucking me over here
<heat> firefox works, glibc works
<heat> heck, electron (discord) works
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<GeDaMo> I see some suggestions to turn off secure DNS
<heat> yah im pretty sure i turned it off
<heat> but i'll try again later
<heat> fuckin
<heat> chrome
<heat> thanks for the help anyway
<heat> zid, btw i feel you
<heat> i've been stomach sick for the last month
<heat> sucks arse
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<heat> sending good vibez or something
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<gog> i'm not well either
<gog> maybe it's some larger thing
<gog> and none of us has control
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<heat> deep state operatives making everyone sick
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<zid> heat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EXzQ_1Oojfg That's the noise I made in the toilet this morning.
<bslsk05> ​'Crowd Running Sound Effect' by Sound Effect Database (00:00:25)
<heat> i would love to hear it but my gogol corm isnt working
<heat> errno = EAGAIN;
<zid> I thought your discord etc all worked
<zid> just not chrome
<heat> yea
<zid> paste link into discord
<heat> ugh ill open up firefox for this
<zid> it will embed and you can listen, gg
<heat> haha nice
<zid> I made that noise and was like "Man, that sounded more like a crowd leaving a packed auditorium" and tried to find that sound effect
<zid> and someone at the sfx department had a smiliar idea
<zid> they were like "dang, it's really expensive to wire audio up to a crowd like this, I'll just shit into a bucket"
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<sham1> Imagine using gogol corme
<gog> i don't
<gog> unless i have to deal with bitbucket pipelines because that's still broken on firefox
<gog> i try to avoid deploying anyway
<gog> above my pay grade
<sham1> Never deploy
<sham1> Never surrender
<mjg> i wrote a patch, realised it has a bug, but it works
<mjg> and i don't understand why :(
<zid> deploy sounds like ploy
<zid> so it's probably an underhanded thing to do
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<zid> aww yis, private tutor to the duke's daughter vol 9 out, to keep me entertained until honzuki tonight
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<heat> hi its me linus torvalds
<gog> hi linux torvald+
<gog> what does a linux
<gog> how to
<heat> you all have a chance to get a free iphone, just send me pics of your credit card and your mom's maiden name
<heat> and your first pet's name
<heat> gog, linux do be linuxin tho
<mjg> all my moneys are tied up in NFTs
<heat> sounds like an excuse
<heat> keep being poor
<mjg> but i am rich according to the graph
<mjg> ij ust can't withdraw yet
<gog> line go up
<gog> hodl
<heat> get a loan and use your NFTs as leverage
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<heat> oh ok if i force my DNS to something sane the hotspot works fine
<zid> http://tiny.cc/0s3avz This is your reward
<zid> Actually you might be too young for this reference?
<heat> fuck sake its borked again
<heat> zid, yes i am
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<zid> gog
<gog> zid
<gog> lol
<zid> heat says he's too young to be traumatised by it :(
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<geist> haha
<geist> re the previous picture what traumatized me was the two tower gates you had to walk through
<geist> that would zap you if you weren't pure
<geist> that scared the crap outta me
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<phoooo> hi! small question, what queue num (the queue size) is a good one when working with a virtio block driver?
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<geist> that's a good question. you also have to probe the max queue len iirc
<geist> but i'd say in general if it's a high throughput device (nic, block) then something like 64 or 128 is probably sufficient
<geist> lower throughput like serial probably 16 is fine
<geist> also depends on how scattered your read/writes are, since a transfer split across a lot of descriptors uses up more queue nodes
<phoooo> interesting, this is just a hobby os, so i don't really care about speed
<phoooo> but i guess that 128 looks fine, since the max len is around 1024
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<gog> zid: hhhhh
<gog> the spacing guild needs spice
<zid> gog it is mondays my dude
<zid> bookworm is go
<gog> is it friday yet
<gog> i'm just really holding out for friday here
<zid> nein, it is mynesday
<gog> this week is already a loss
<zid> all weeks are
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<heat> hihi
<nortti> hoho
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<heat> lino xkernel
<heat> btw for virtio i always do max queue size
<heat> might as well
<heat> in practice it's like 256 IIRC
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