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<heat> no shit
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<geist> Hammdist: to be clear, are you in arm64 or arm32?
<Hammdist> pretty sure it's 64
<geist> well, you have to know that 100% or you will not get past the first instruction
<Hammdist> I've executed some instructions. but something is wrong with the C environment and it might be lack of a proper stack. so I'm trying now to figure out how to allocate space for a stack in the linker script
<geist> re: your previous link it's because you were putting those in the output args, instead of input
<bslsk05> ​godbolt.org: Compiler Explorer
<geist> oh you can just allocate a stack as a global
<geist> i wouldn't bother doing it in a linker
<Hammdist> oh I see
<geist> or you can do it as .data and a label in asm
<geist> as far as needing to zero the stack, you dont have to preinitiailize it
<geist> just need to have some space for the C code to do work
<Hammdist> sure, makes sense
<geist> that aside, i assume the godbolt thing was just an example, because you really dont want to futz with the stack pointer inside inline asm. you probably want a start.S and some startup asm code that puts things in order before branching into C/C++
<heat> i tried to help but he likes his linux frankenstein very much
<heat> so /shrug
<geist> yeah i didn't read the full backlog
<heat> btw i asked you but you didn't answer, arm64 without the mmu on is fully uncached right?
<geist> the I and D cahce bits are still controllable in the SCTLR and iirc icache can be enabled and used
<geist> but if you turn the D cache on it will treat all pages as uncached, yes
<geist> it's basically what is the cache parameters of the one big large implicit page that covers all of physical space
<geist> and i forget, but it's some variant of uncached
<heat> oh so icache works but dcache doesnt?
<geist> TL;DR yes
<heat> yeah makes sense
<heat> there's no MTRR equivalent in arm64
<geist> yah
<geist> but since the icache can work it's not too bad, because without icache the cpu will run at like 10mhz equivalent since it'll stall on every instruction
<geist> though it may still limit what it can prefetch into, etc
<Hammdist> so the MMU is definitely off I got the serial printout of the SCTLR register. yet it still always reads 5 from the serial port status register
<Hammdist> I tried invoking a linux function that is intended to invalidate the data cache but it didn't help anything
<heat> maybe you're driving the hardware wrong
<Hammdist> lol it's a serial port
<geist> oh you wouldn't believe how easy it is to drive a serial port wrong
<Hammdist> anyways the characters I send echo all right - if I put in sleeps. but I have no way to tell what the queue fill is
<geist> what does 5 mean in the status register?
<Hammdist> ready ready on rx, tx empty
<geist> is this on emulation?
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<Hammdist> no this is on a physical board
<geist> ah, then you're right, that's probably not correct
<geist> on an emulator it may act like it's infinitely fast, and thus instantly say tx is empty
<Hammdist> makes sense. but if I print A, B, A, B as fast as possible I get runs of As and Bs
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<geist> yep, that sounds like a caching issue
<geist> i have no idea what you're doing, but probably you're accessing the registers via a cached page
<Hammdist> possibly. but I don't know why the hardware should feel there is a byte ready to read when I'm not sending anything to it through screen terminal
<geist> if youre reading stale/cached/etc data from the status register then it doesn't matter, ecause you're not seeing reality
<geist> *or* your code is wrong and you're reading the wrong register
<geist> or both
<Hammdist> I thought about the wrong register angle. I use the same struct definition as linux, and it would appear that the registers are 4-byte spaced but I would expect them to be 8-byte spaced on aarch64. not sure
<geist> they are 4 byte spaced on all arches
<Hammdist> ah hm
<geist> the cpu architecture wont change the layout of hardware
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<geist> if you're accessing it via a C structure you also have to make sure you go through volatile pointers and whatnot so the compielr doesn't cache it
<geist> there are lots of ways to mess this up, need to be very careful
<Hammdist> yeah the fields are marked volatile
<Hammdist> I could try inserting one of those asm volatile memory barriers
<geist> you shouldn't need that, but make sure the struct is properly aligned, fields are in the right place, etc
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<heat> EBUSY (Linux only) This may be returned by dup2() or dup3() during a race condition with open(2) and dup().
<heat> wtf
<moon-child> whut
<bslsk05> ​elixir.bootlin.com: file.c - fs/file.c - Linux source code (v6.4.9) - Bootlin
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<heat> oh wow
<heat> linux F_GETFD is not POSIX compliant
<heat> or better, it kind of is? but it's racy too
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<Hammdist> how do I turn an arm64 elf into an arm64 "Image" file?
<heat> objcopy to binart
<heat> binary*
<Hammdist> (I ditched linux and copied some files from Onyx instead, wanting to see if this works better)
<SGautam> As in docker image?
<heat> no
<heat> Hammdist, see KERNEL_REQUIRES_FLATTENING in kernel/Makefile
<SGautam> Ah, so a flattened ELF is called an "image"?
<heat> no
<heat> this is linux terminology
<heat> x86 has bzImage (compressed flat kernel binary), arm64 has Image (uncompressed flat kernel binary)
<SGautam> Essentially what does flattening do? I'm guessing it autofills the entries in the symbol tabl all relative to origin of program (absolute address like 1MB).
<heat> no
<heat> flattening essentially maps your image's address space into a single file, all binary, no headers
<heat> lets say you have .text at 1MB (512KiB size), .data at 2MB, .bss right after .data
<SGautam> oo
<heat> you'd get a single binary file, .text at position 0, .data at position 2MB, .bss is not even in the file (if last in all the sections)
<heat> erm, sorry, .data at position 1MB
<heat> so the hole between .text and .data there (since .text is 512KiB but conceptually in virtual addressing, its 1MiB) is in the file, all 0s
<heat> and you don't have symbols, you don't have file headers, nothing, whatever is loading needs to just know where the binary is expecting to get loaded
<heat> (and the binary needs to Just Know where it's going to get loaded)
<Hammdist> seems the image is rejected by kexec. will look a bit into the kexec source code see what it expects
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<heat_> <heat> check if the header is right
<heat_> <heat> it should expect a standard arm64 "linux" image, and that should be close to what you have
<Hammdist> it seems the "magic" constant is off by one word
<Hammdist> I think code 1 unused should be a .long, not a .quad
<heat_> oh, good catch
<heat_> funny that qemu still loaded it lol
<Hammdist> well now it loads but there is no serial output from my program. will try and investigate to see where it gets stuck tomorrow
<heat_> note that after the MMU is up you *cannot* just write to serial
<heat_> you need to map it
<Hammdist> ah. noted
<heat_> unless you map everything uncached, which you could probably do as an experiment
<heat_> also, check if you're in EL2, that code doesn't work with EL2 and needs to drop to EL1
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<mcrod> hi
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<gog> hi
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<mcrod> gog may i hug you
<gog> yes
* mcrod hugs gog
* gog hug mcrod
* vdamewood gives gog a fishy
* gog chomp fishy
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<mjg> got a great OS name
<mjg> MENIX
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<mjg> albeit amerikkans may try to pronounce it the same way as minix
<gog> meenix
<mjg> younix
<mjg> i'm going with this one
<vdamewood> vdamewoodix.
<sham1> Nixnix
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<heat_> meanix
<heat_> mjg, https://gist.github.com/heatd/13a6139dc47b56fc92ec0cca2f5f5636 this nice or am I missing something I should stress too?
<bslsk05> ​gist.github.com: file_rcu.c · GitHub
<heat_> i want this to mostly test the fabric of whatever is RCUing the file table although we end up doing some path walking too
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<qookie> :q
<qookie> oops
<sham1> ZZ
<sham1> Or maybe ZX
<heat_> :q!
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<sham1> ZX
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<Hammdist> qemu-system-aarch64 -M virt -cpu cortex-a57 -m 1024 -kernel image.bin -serial stdio -s -S ... but I can't connect with gdb-multiarch 'target remote'
<Hammdist> (connection timed out)
<Hammdist> if I tcpdump lo I can see the syn going out but nothing coming back
<Hammdist> ah I was missing an iptables rule that would allow connections to localhost. connected now
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<ddevault> ayy MBR https://l.sr.ht/-qj-.png
<ddevault> most of the work here was just making it possible for devices to have sub-devices
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<mjg> ey heat
<mjg> i'm watching a youtube video, guy says cmpxchg16b is "16 bits"
<mjg> :d
<gog> hhhhhhhh
<bslsk05> ​redirect -> www.reddit.com: Reddit - Dive into anything
<mjg> there can be only one?
<gog> i've never defeated anybody in combat :(
<mjg> i'm guessing it was not... MORTAL COMBAT :rimshot:
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<Hammdist> so I am building an elf with "-g Os" and then converting it to bin format. I can boot the bin in qemu but not the elf. when I load the elf into gdb-multiarch it does not manage to show any symbols, however. platform is aarch64. when I objdump the elf I do see some debug sections
<Hammdist> "-g -Os"
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<Hammdist> ah I just stepped into some code with a symbol
<Hammdist> it's trying to jump to the virtual address of an asm target called .mmu_enabled, but qemu/gdb shows nothing is there (all zeroes)
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<Hammdist> holy cow I fixed it. at least in qemu. it was changing PHYS_BASE from 0x80000 to 0
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<Hammdist> so now I try to map the serial port. I add `third_level[511] = 0xff130000U | prot_device;` but where does that get mapped in memory is the question?
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<Hammdist> well blast. it works fine in qemu but not on the board
<GeDaMo> Solution: port qemu to work on the board :P
<zid> did I watch ep 3 of foundation or not I don't remember
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<zid> no, thankfully so spending 2 minutes unraring was worth
<heat_> mjg, you didn't tell me if the test sucked :(
<sham1> Yes
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<mjg> heat_: it mostly does
<mjg> your open/close rate is not fast enough to sensibly test ths
<mjg> similarly fstat is one expensive way here
<gog> nothing should be a file
<gog> files are fucking slow and fragile and stupid
<gog> all my homies hate files
<mjg> what about... the x-files
<gog> sure
<zid> HANDLE for life?
<gog> no
<gog> no opaque referencecs of any kind
<SGautam> interesting bug I discovered today
<zid> include every header recursively?
<gog> no files no handles none of that bullshit
<bslsk05> ​github.com: No prompt or text · Issue #1 · RelativisticMechanic/CRTerm · GitHub
<SGautam> essentially
<zid> full decs of every type
<gog> just flat unbounded bytes
<gog> unbounded arrays of bytes
<SGautam> on NVIDIA GPUs this works: vec4 some_function(in sampler2D texture, ...) { ... vec4 col = texture(texture, uv.xy); }
<zid> how do I perform operations like saving
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<SGautam> NVIDIA's GLSL compiler is able to differentiate between sampler2D texture and texture() function
<SGautam> But it fails on AMD GPUs.
<SGautam> Isn't that cool?
<zid> whether that should work or not is part of the spec
<SGautam> hm yea
<zid> fairly sure
<SGautam> its probably UB
<zid> shadowing is mean
<SGautam> but still, it seems like NVIDIA's compiler is more robust for sure
<zid> robust is often a bad thing
<zid> I could easily write that accidentally as a bug, and not notice, etc
<zid> There's a reason -Wshadow exists for C
<zid> despite being explicitly allowed
<SGautam> hm true
<SGautam> I'd usually expect for some reason for compilers to immediately figure out which identifier refers to what tho
<zid> yea it just goes by the rules, or 'whatever the code happens to decide' if IDB/UB
<zid> It already supports that kind of polymorphism, so it's not surprising it doesn't error at declaration time
<puck> SGautam: "Otherwise, within one compilation unit, a declared name cannot be redeclared in the same scope; doing so results in a redeclaration error"
<puck> *but*
<puck> "The built-in functions are scoped in a scope outside the global scope users declare global variables in"
<puck> so it shouldn't work
<puck> you're allowed to in sampler2D texture, but you're not allowed to call it then
<SGautam> so, NVIDIA has overimplemented a feature.
<puck> it's a subtle detail tho
<SGautam> "overimplemented" is that a word?
<zid> It's just sort he natural, it's a polymorphic sort of env, so it looks for 'texture that is a function taking two floats' and finds one
<zid> err a samper2d and a float
<zid> and then looks for 'texture that is a sampler2d' and finds one
<puck> zid: not entirely
<zid> you'd have to go out of your way to make it fail imo
<zid> and support things like making shadowing illegal
<zid> is this core profile or compat?
<puck> zid: you can have >1 function with the same name, with attribute overloading, but you cannot redeclare it as a variable or a structure type
<puck> i'm looking at the GLSL 3.30 spec
<SGautam> zid: core
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<zid> puck yea obviously
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<zid> I'm saying in order to *make that true*, which it apparently *is not in practice*, you have to *add* code to the parser
<puck> not sure on that actually
<zid> comes down to design, but it be trivially true for some
<puck> like, you could say "filtering globals with a certain name by type" is also adding code to the parser :p
<zid> You already have to do that
<zid> because there are float, vec2, vec3 etc versions of functions
<puck> those are all the same type: function
<puck> :p
<zid> so identifier always to support having variants
<Hammdist> if I can read sctlr_el1, does that mean I am in el1? if not, how to determine? thanks
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<Hammdist> ah it's with an mrs("CurrentEL")
<Hammdist> it reads as 8, so I seem to be in EL2
<Hammdist> which makes sense why would kexec not allow hypervisors to be executed
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<froggey> error: linking with `x86_64-elf-ld` failed: signal: 10 (SIGBUS)
<froggey> ld, please! I'm not even doing anything weird this time!
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<zid> froggey: It has cultural memory
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<froggey> it knows what I've done
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<sham1> It sees the fear in your eyes
<ddevault> installed ares on my laptop :D
<Ermine> ddevault: so do you have networking?
<ddevault> no
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<Hammdist> after executing `msr vttbr_el2, x1` in qemu from address 0x40200048, the emulator jumps to address 0x200 which has nops there
<Hammdist> somehow I wasn't expecting assignment to vttbr_el2 to have immediate effect
<Hammdist> and why would it jump, even if the memory mappings were updated immediately?
<Hammdist> ah maybe the page table must be page aligned
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<Hammdist> setting the qemu machine type to raspi3b gets further
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<geist> if you want to track why exceptions happen, run qemu with `-d int`
<geist> shows you exceptions as they happen
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<heat> mjg, fstat should be fast no?
<heat> also dup > open I guess? but i wanted to make sure the refcounting = 0 was getting done properly
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<mjg> fstat?
<mjg> you for realzies
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<mjg> it's tons of work
<mjg> it would be faster to F_GETFD
<mjg> or better yet, write a custom fcntl to keep pounding on lookup while within the kernel
<Hammdist> what's the equivalent of mair_l2? I've set attributes on pages but now I realize I haven't set up the mair vector for l2
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<heat> F_GETFD in freebsd has a lock
<heat> how is fstat tons of work?
<heat> /maybe/ it could be faster to read() on /dev/null, /maybe/
<mjg> F_GETFD on freebsd sucks, news at 11
<mjg> you don't take any locks to handle fstat?
<mjg> and then copy all that data to userspace along with a smap trip to do it?
<mjg> if you insists on a syscall, you can invoke something close to getppid in rate
<mjg> which fstat is not
<gog> qemu -d meow
* sham1 deposits fishy on gog's qemu instance
* mjg sneaks in a quick hug
<gog> o:
<gog> so much love
<heat> mjg, hard to safely implement F_GETFD lockless
<heat> i ranted about that yesterday
* gog prr and chomp fishy
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<heat> linux does, for fcntl: if (!check_if_fd_is_alive()) /* lockless, RCU fget */ return -EBADF; switch(cmd) {...}
<heat> and then in cmd they grab the lock and check the O_CLOEXEC bitmap
<mjg> *getfd*?
<heat> yes
<mjg> it is beyond trivial
<heat> it is not
<heat> there's a race there
<mjg> i may just do it for lulz
<mjg> to spite you
<heat> bro
<heat> how is there not a race?
<mjg> who said there is not
<mjg> it is trivially fixable
<heat> how?
<mjg> sequence counters
<heat> i guess
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<heat> but then you add more overhead to other paths
<mjg> what paths
<heat> and linoks people tell you off
<heat> open paths
<mjg> no
<heat> dup paths
<mjg> not true either
<mjg> well not in frebsd
<mjg> dup already has to do it
<heat> afaik what you're suggesting is something like: fdtable->seq++; /* atomically? */
<mjg> because of capsicum
<mjg> what fucking fdtable bro
<mjg> fd entry
<heat> in the paths that modify
<heat> huh?
<heat> your fd entries arent just pointers?
<mjg> no, because capsicum
<heat> capsiCUM
<mjg> entries are freaking big man
<heat> get outta here
<heat> shit kernel
<mjg> i am agreed
<mjg> first impelmentatin did not even do seqc
<mjg> so fd lookup was racing against capability reads from said fd
<mjg> interestingly there were real programs where this was breaking stuff
<heat> in any case I think doing O_CLOEXEC may be trivial, just reuse the bottom bits of the struct file*?
<heat> if you have them, that is
<mjg> but then you have to mask it off for every load fro there
<mjg> mr overhead
<heat> wasnt linox already doing this shit for something else?
<mjg> they have a dedicatd bitmap for cloexec
<mjg> they do mask shit as flags for fput
<heat> i know they have a bitmap for cloexec
<heat> kinda the point
<mjg> whacking the bitmap may be a sensible thing to do
<heat> what? no
<heat> way faster to walk through a bitmap in fork
<mjg> hear me out LUSER
<heat> than to go through the array
<heat> erm
<heat> walk through a bitmap in exec
<mjg> bouncing the bitmap is part of the scalability problem
<mjg> but indeed it may be this is not worth touching
<mjg> so i just learned that BUG_ON and shit are always enabled
<mjg> as in there is no config option to whack them
<heat> https://gist.github.com/heatd/7233756b336368b40bd4654d312ad607 anyway here's a flamie for file_rcu in onyx
<bslsk05> ​gist.github.com: file_rcu.svg · GitHub
<heat> i also have an rcu trace of the workload if you wanna look at that, its kinda nice
<mjg> nah man i'm kind of tired
<heat> I instrumented it all with nice tracepoints
<mjg> careful, checking what's happening is anti geezer
<mjg> may bite you once you get a job
<heat> i need to add some rcu-ish capabilities to my creds stuff
<heat> im still locking there
<mjg> probably you don't
<mjg> i already told you to do what everyone is doing and COW it
<heat> yes i know
<heat> that's why I said rcu-ish
<mjg> cow is not in the same galaxy
<heat> you're not in the same galaxy
<heat> anyway these are solid wins and im very happy
<mjg> what's the difference between a duck?
<heat> i see my fancy performance work and my flamegraphs and my traces and im proud
<heat> this is a sin but i am proud
<mjg> i was proud of a thing once
<mjg> then i got more clue
<mjg> so... you are beating both open and netbsd right?
<mjg> maybe some dragonfly?
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<heat> i don't know, didn't test, probably?
<mjg> just a suggestion
<mjg> you do you
<heat> i could bench against them but that takes effort
<heat> and im all for no effort
<Hammdist> can qemu give info on where the peripherals are mapped through the monitor interface? I'm having a hard time figuring out where the serial port is on the raspi3b emulated board
<Hammdist> I try to write at an address based on where it should be in hardware but nothing happens
<heat> info mtree?
<Hammdist> ah thanks. so it should be there all right. maybe it needs initializing
<zid> heat: what is spot in portugese, as in, acne
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<heat> borbulha?
<Hammdist> apparently it doesn't need initializing, according the qemu source code
<zid> so the BIS has a borbulha faced youth apprentice?
<zid> BfH*?
* zid googles
<zid> bofh
<zid> wow they're still publishing those
<heat> i guess
<zid> are you sure you know portuguese
<heat> pimply-faced -> borbulha faced
<heat> sounds good to me
<zid> you don't sound very confident
<zid> heat: I have a borbulha right where my lip meets normal skin, it sucks
<heat> 'tis life
<heat> but for instance chickenpox i've heard mancha (literal translation of spot) a lot more, vs borbulha
<heat> portugal is hard
<heat> dont speak it
<zid> english has like 40 words
<zid> blemish, freckle, spot, zit, pustule, boil, etc
<heat> oh im not going for the more "scientific" terms
<zid> (including zit from english: simplified, it's not used in english english)
<heat> bexiga is also a good one, for chickenpox too
<heat> bexiga also means bladder fyi
<zid> what the fuck, porto
<zid> pox is a good word btw
<zid> is it latin
<zid> ah no, just cognate to pock
<zid> which is germanic
<zid> I have pockmarks from my pox
<heat> i only had chickenpox like 3 months ago
<zid> idk how it works for kids these days
<zid> there's a vaccine now
<zid> people of my advanced age just all caught it as children
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<zid> because it's more dangerous to catch as an adult, and there wasn't a vaccine
<heat> yeah i didnt get it
<zid> I don't think it's part of the standard regime in the UK, you have to ask for it
<zid> but like, if you're immunosuppressed or whatever, they'll give it to your kids before you have your chemo, etc
<zid> so they can't give you it
* zid mixes his 'it's
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<heat> virgin average linux enjoyer vs chaddeus average onyx enjoyer
<bl4ckb0ne> whats onyx
<bl4ckb0ne> isnt it the rock snake pokemon?
<heat> no thats onix
<bl4ckb0ne> huh
<heat> github.com/heatd/onyx
<bslsk05> ​heatd/Onyx - UNIX-like operating system written in C and C++ (7 forks/63 stargazers/MIT)
<heat> its like linux but better
<kazinsal> <reddit>Y U NO RUST??///</reddit>
<heat> with linux, you lose your entire life fixing and configuring it
<heat> with onyx, there's nothing to configure or fix, so you go outside and meet new people, make friends, breathe
<heat> touch grass
<kazinsal> so it's the opposite of serenity
<kazinsal> an OS that causes you to re-gain your virginity by installing it
<bslsk05> ​users.rust-lang.org: `ld` segfaults on getting the address of __GNU_EH_FRAME_HDR - help - The Rust Programming Language Forum
<froggey> found my ld crash, somebody else ran into it
<froggey> turns out ld crashes if you do &__GNU_EH_FRAME_HDR and it generates some specific kind of relocation, workaround is to get ld to rename the symbol
<heat> what reloc do you get?
<heat> also pls report https://sourceware.org/bugzilla/
<bslsk05> ​sourceware.org: Sourceware Bugzilla Main Page
<zid> froggey: Have you considered not doing silly things?
<zid> All the crashes I've found in binutils were fixed in master already :(
<zid> they have a slow release cycle
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<froggey> zid: my entire life has been silly things. if I stop now I'll die
<froggey> heat: effort
<zid> That's how C++ works too
<froggey> the input file has 000000000000003e 000000d800000009 R_X86_64_GOTPCREL 0000000000000000 __GNU_EH_FRAME_HDR - 4
<zid> You're in too deep to stop, everything will collapse around you
<froggey> which looks extremely mundane
<froggey> pretty much
<heat> __GNU_EH_FRAME_HDR with a GOT relocation?
<heat> that's bizarre?
<froggey> I don't make the rules
<froggey> if i turn off combreloc it produces a broken binary but doesn't crash
<bl4ckb0ne> isnt linux just a scary story for children
<froggey> 0000000eafe0 ffffffff00000006 R_X86_64_GLOB_DATreadelf: Error: bad symbol index: ffffffff in reloc
<froggey> in .rel.got
<froggey> anyway, I've wasted too much time on this, back to doing actual development
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<mcrod> hi
<Ermine> hey
<bl4ckb0ne> hiya
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<gog> hi
<gog> i'm very silly
<gog> give me money
<bl4ckb0ne> non
<zid> I am sillier, give me even more money
<mcrod> let me ask you all something
<mcrod> you have two boards: master and a slave board; master wants to sync with the slave board; how do you do it?
<bl4ckb0ne> i am silliest gib money
<zid> sync about what
<zid> clocks? memory coherency?
<mcrod> slave says "i'm ready to go, online, and ready to do whatever you tell me"
<mcrod> clocks as well
<mcrod> and the solution better not be "keep resetting until we're in sync"
<zid> But the basic idea is that master would send an interrupt and there'd be a wire protocol for setup info or whatever
<mcrod> yes
<mcrod> this is what I had in mind.
<gog> yeah some kind of latch
<zid> yea depends what resources are available and shared
<zid> if all you have is a common filesystem, then a lockfile or such, if memory, poll on a message vector, etc
<mcrod> i was just thinking that the slave says "mr. master i'm ready", and master waits for that for at most 10 seconds
<mcrod> if master doesn't get that interrupt within 10 seconds, die
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<mcrod> for the record, "keep resetting until we're in sync" is not something I'm saying without precedent
<mcrod> :'(
<mcrod> to be clear, I find that to be stupid
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<Hammdist> well it turned out something is broken in qemu and it simply does not print what it receives as hardware writes to the serial port :/
<Hammdist> I am still very far from having working page tables but one mystery at a time I suppose
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