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I am here in the hopes of reporting my progress on a project some of you may think a mite elementary. I will not disclose the nature thereof, to save my embarrassment when I'm told that it's actually momentous.
tell me more
* geist
waits for it...
I also like to draft up ideas for things I'll do when I eventually win the lottery (despite rarely purchasing lottery tickets)
kazinsal: come to iceland and smoke a blunt with the girls?
gog: hell yeah
it involves adding nonblock I/O to an operating system that is simply confused by the very concept
it's probably a well complicated idea. i'd be working at such a low level that I'm without the benefit of many higher level constructs
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MelMalik: so basically adding the mechanism for having IO operations complete async from the requests to have them happen?
MelMalik: the only question there will be how to enforce that you don't lose particulars of the operations or the data between the time of request-queuing and the completion of the IO...?
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Belxjander: great question
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MelMalik: not really.... AmigaOS has a requests and queue model of IO operations where it is all async by default
and that is the mental model of what I work with
I'm not trying to be async per se. More like unix faux async.
!?!? fake async?... no idea there
returning wouldblock instead of holding up execution when an op would block, but still ultimately working synchronously
it's possible that this model has me under stockholm syndrome
klange: does it use inotify and dbus or something homebuilt?
Everything is "something homebuilt" in ToaruOS :) It uses "pex", Toaru's packet exchange which is a reliable in-order datagram IPC layer. It's also what powers event messages in the compositor.
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klange: nice! is "pex" an alternative to tcp then?
maybe not targeted to go out on a network though, just local IPC
It's not a network protocol, so not really - it's more like "I should have implement Unix sockets, but I was in a hurry".
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"reliable in-order" ah yes a stream interface!
sounds good, and libraries often work with file descriptors, so unless crazy things like sending file descriptors are needed...