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<kintel> guso78 Re. the axis rendering; I vaguely remember someone mentioning this earlier, but it seems to be very uncommon. I suspect a bad GL driver in your VM, possibly some GL state is leaking through and causes the rendering to look wrong
<kintel> It could also be that we fail to initialize some state, which happens to be initialized differently on different environments.
<kintel> If you're motivated: Check different VirtualBox versions and check more OpenSCAD versions to see if it changes.
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<kintel> guso78 Oh, and perhaps compare GUI vs. cmd-line rendering as they perform different GL context setup
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<guso78k> @kintel, thank you for you analysis. i am quite confident, that this change came by chaning from virtualvox 5.6 to 7.1, and i have tracked down the issue:
<guso78k> it only happens with virtualbox > 5.6(dont know exact number), with lines rendering to infinity(w=0) and with stippled lines
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<Guest8> Hello! Here's a short question: Are there inclusion-guards in OpenSCAD? The only search-results I get on Google are for C/C++.
<Guest8> Is it even possible to have inclusion-guards in OpenSCAD due to variables being immutable?
<Guest8> ChatGPT used a simple if-statement on the global scope, but that would make it impossible to set global variables, right?
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<teepee> Guest8: ChatGPT is extremly bad to unusable for OpenSCAD
<teepee> and there are no exclusion guards needed, same file is automatically loaded once
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<Guest8> Or am I doing something wrong? OpenSCAD seems so straight-forward, still I don't see an easy way here.
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<guso78k> use "use" instead of include ...
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<gbruno> [github] jordanbrown0 opened issue #5614 (Segmentation fault with "-o something.echo -o something.stl") https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5614
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<church_> Are there better ways (other then constructing segment by segment) to concave hull then with intersect?
<gbruno> [github] scrameta synchronize pull request #5584 (RFC: New general-purpose extrusion mechanism - 2025 refresh) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5584
<church_> i hate that i have to render() each intersect use (for parts later used to difference with), or CSG object limit gets hit :(
<church_> funny, if i "debug" #-prefix those, then they seem not to be counted in that limit of CSG max objects to normalize in preview. But then preview looks fugly with red bits all around
<church_> .. non related to this, i'm in awe, how much faster new manifold renderer is. It shows way more z-infighting remnants then old renderer .. but that rendering speed is .. addictive :)
<church_> Also i wonder if there is way to increase transparency of #-debugged or %-ed parts. Previously i used openscad on macos, now - on win11, and for useful purposes #&% seems way less transparent, unusable much for seeing other model bits through, requiring to resort more to commenting other bits in a way :(
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<guso78k> church_, you can improve this behavior, if you increase the convexity attribute on your primitives
<church_> guso78k: transparency bit?
<guso78k> nope, for cube e.g you write cube([10,20,30], convexity=10)
<guso78k> same applies for cylinder, sphere , polyhedron ...
<church_> hhuh, i thought that convexity is more needed for more advanced stuff, at least usually that's only place where i see it being changed from defaults in others code, almost never seen it changed for basic primitives like cube/cylinder/sphere
<church_> also changing each end every place .. convexity cannot be set globally, right?
<guso78k> convexity is only needed for preview algorithm to work well enough. its useless for render
<guso78k> doubt, convexity can be set globally, but you might bug the devs about that O:3
<church_> there are more important bits that i'd wish to bug them, but won't, as seen others doing that for years with no result :)
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<gbruno> [github] scrameta synchronize pull request #5584 (RFC: New general-purpose extrusion mechanism - 2025 refresh) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5584
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