guso78 Re. the axis rendering; I vaguely remember someone mentioning this earlier, but it seems to be very uncommon. I suspect a bad GL driver in your VM, possibly some GL state is leaking through and causes the rendering to look wrong
It could also be that we fail to initialize some state, which happens to be initialized differently on different environments.
If you're motivated: Check different VirtualBox versions and check more OpenSCAD versions to see if it changes.
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guso78 Oh, and perhaps compare GUI vs. cmd-line rendering as they perform different GL context setup
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@kintel, thank you for you analysis. i am quite confident, that this change came by chaning from virtualvox 5.6 to 7.1, and i have tracked down the issue:
it only happens with virtualbox > 5.6(dont know exact number), with lines rendering to infinity(w=0) and with stippled lines
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Hello! Here's a short question: Are there inclusion-guards in OpenSCAD? The only search-results I get on Google are for C/C++.
Is it even possible to have inclusion-guards in OpenSCAD due to variables being immutable?
ChatGPT used a simple if-statement on the global scope, but that would make it impossible to set global variables, right?
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Guest8: ChatGPT is extremly bad to unusable for OpenSCAD
and there are no exclusion guards needed, same file is automatically loaded once
i hate that i have to render() each intersect use (for parts later used to difference with), or CSG object limit gets hit :(
funny, if i "debug" #-prefix those, then they seem not to be counted in that limit of CSG max objects to normalize in preview. But then preview looks fugly with red bits all around
.. non related to this, i'm in awe, how much faster new manifold renderer is. It shows way more z-infighting remnants then old renderer .. but that rendering speed is .. addictive :)
Also i wonder if there is way to increase transparency of #-debugged or %-ed parts. Previously i used openscad on macos, now - on win11, and for useful purposes #&% seems way less transparent, unusable much for seeing other model bits through, requiring to resort more to commenting other bits in a way :(
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church_, you can improve this behavior, if you increase the convexity attribute on your primitives
guso78k: transparency bit?
nope, for cube e.g you write cube([10,20,30], convexity=10)
same applies for cylinder, sphere , polyhedron ...
hhuh, i thought that convexity is more needed for more advanced stuff, at least usually that's only place where i see it being changed from defaults in others code, almost never seen it changed for basic primitives like cube/cylinder/sphere
also changing each end every place .. convexity cannot be set globally, right?
convexity is only needed for preview algorithm to work well enough. its useless for render
doubt, convexity can be set globally, but you might bug the devs about that O:3
there are more important bits that i'd wish to bug them, but won't, as seen others doing that for years with no result :)
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