Guest35: ^ See this tutorial for how to do it. It's not a hard language to learn.
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Out of curiosity I fixed the usage of keyword module as a variable error, and it looks like a misshapen mess. So the syntax is getting closer from chatgpt, but the competence on making designs that are meaningful is not much better than it was.
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Morning all
I sent a mail to the discussion list but it didn't make it, does someone need to manually approve the message since its the first one?
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Hello everyone,
My name is Kandula Sandeep Kumar, and I’m currently pursuing a Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering at the National Institute of Technology, Warangal. Alongside, I’m also working towards a Bachelor of Science in Data Science and Programming through an online degree program from IIT Madras.
Chatbot Development: Built using Dialogflow, Vue.js, and FastAPI to create an interactive user interface with backend integration.
Laptop Price Prediction: An ML-based project involving data preprocessing, visualization, and building predictive models.
My coding journey also includes solving 200+ problems on LeetCode, which has sharpened my problem-solving skills.
I am excited to start contributing to OPENSCAD and have begun exploring the repositories and community discussions. As I get to know the codebase and issues better, I would be grateful for any advice or suggestions on where to begin. If there are beginner-friendly tasks, helpful documents, or tips to follow, please let me know. I’m looking
forward to learning, collaborating, and making useful contributions to the project.
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KSandeep you probably want to learn C++ first...
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stealth_: it seems to work, I'm not really using bambu studio though
teepee: what you using? orca?
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prusa, I have a mk4
aww, well i mean what you using for slicer
that's what the first prusa meant :) prusa-slicer
o right, i support bambu is a fork of that, and orca is fork of bambu
yep, an all are originally based on slic3r
quite some history there
suppose so, i do like how bambu works and easy to use, its just having to switch from wayland to x11 juse to use that is going to be annoying
i like wayland since verythins is more smooth vs x11
try the same variable thing? maybe that helps with bambu too
otherwise, let me check there should be a variable disabling hardware 3d rendering
that should not be hugely critical to a slicer
i tried it without opengl, didn't think it did anything
in a terminal window:
then run the application from that same terminal
k, let me try
how should i run it? `export LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=true bambu-studio` doesn't work
if you load the "colored" version this doesn't happen, probably because it was colored with MS 3Dbuilder that is screwing the 3mf file in different ways
yep, exactly, I'm getting the dialog for other files
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hmm, I guess we would want to have that as export option too
in openscad I mean
Cura (not sure about the actual version) was always using the position and you could deactivate the "drop to build plate"
But slic3r is always centering objects and drop
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it was cool in cura as you could load different 3mf and each had its own position on the bed
But in the end that is how slicer handling things - or ignore
i see, makes sense, since those are meant to run with AMS for multicolor print.
opening those 3mf with a 3D software works fine because positions are not reset .. however the color version show some double geometry in different size - not sure what MS is doing there
J25k72: are you the one who designed the cone?
not MS, thats a bug in the importers
OpenSCAD imports that just fine now with the lates changes I did
that's how it *should* look like and there is no random duplicated geometry
o.O i didn't know you can import objects like that in openscad :D :D :D
import itself exists for a long time, that color import is maybe a month old or two :-)
and that fixed the 3mf reading big tme
the old behaviour worked most of the time, but was quite wrong actually
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i though you could only import other openscad files, this makes managing large projects a big easy.
I'd still try to stick with scad modules and limit mesh files as much as possible
but with 3mf and the latest improvements, using that as some sort of external cache should work ok
ya, if there is an external object you want to use in your project and you don't have source for it
openSCAD becomes the tool to repair 3mf files - Ü
needs the import filter first maybe
to pick it into parts on import already
stealth_ yes i made that cone / scad script
J25k72: cool, its cute. was thinking i should print some and plase it on the ground in front of mail box so the mail man doesn't slip on ice (snow)
there are files for the cone surface so you can cut them from retroreflective tissue and glue onto
having tiny once are more funny! lol :p