teepee changed the topic of #openscad to: OpenSCAD - The Programmers Solid 3D CAD Modeller | This channel is logged! | Website: http://www.openscad.org/ | FAQ: https://goo.gl/pcT7y3 | Request features / report bugs: https://goo.gl/lj0JRI | Tutorial: https://bit.ly/37P6z0B | Books: https://bit.ly/3xlLcQq | FOSDEM 2020: https://bit.ly/35xZGy6 | Logs: https://bit.ly/32MfbH5
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<Guest35> Hi what is the problem in below coe
<Guest35> / Parameters
<Guest35> rack_length = 152.4; // 6 inches in mm
<Guest35> rack_height = 10; // Height of the rack
<Guest35> rack_thickness = 2; // Thickness of the rack
<Guest35> plate_thickness = 1; // Thickness of the plate connecting racks
<Guest35> module = 1; // Gear module (metric)
<Guest35> num_teeth_pinion = 20; // Number of teeth in the pinion
<Guest35> pitch_diameter = num_teeth_pinion * module; // Pitch diameter of the pinion
<Guest35> tooth_height = 2 * module; // Tooth height for the rack
<Guest35> / Function to create a single tooth for the rack
<Guest35> module tooth() {
<Guest35>     difference() {
<Guest35>         // Rack tooth profile (basic trapezoidal shape)
<Guest35>         polygon(points=[[0,0], [module, 0], [module/2, tooth_height], [-module/2, tooth_height]]);
<Guest35>     }
<Guest35> }
<Guest35> / Rack
<Guest35> module rack() {
<Guest35>         translate([0, 0, -plate_thickness / 2])
<Guest35>             cube([rack_length * 2 + 10, rack_height + 10, plate_thickness]);
<Guest35>     }
<Guest35> }
<Guest35> / Create the assembly of two racks and a pinion
<Guest35> module assembly() {
<Guest35>     union() {
<Guest35>         // First rack
<Guest35>         translate([0, 0, 0])
<Guest35>             rack();
<Guest35>         // Second rack
<Guest35>         translate([rack_length + 10, 0, 0])
<Guest35>             rack();
<Guest35>         // Connecting plate
<Guest35>         translate([rack_length / 2, 0, -plate_thickness / 2])
<Guest35>             connecting_plate();
<Guest35>         // Pinion positioned in the middle of the racks
<Guest35>         translate([rack_length / 2, rack_height + 20, 0])
<Guest35> module = 1; // Gear module  showin eror
<InPhase> Guest35: That's unreadable like that, and incomplete. Please put pastes on https://bpa.st and share the link.
<InPhase> Guest35: Also, did you generate this code with chatgpt?
<Guest35> ye
<Guest35> yes
<InPhase> That's probably the main thing wrong with it. ChatGPT is pretty incompetent at writing OpenSCAD code.
<InPhase> tutorial?
<othx> tutorial is The OpenSCAD tutorial is a great place to learn how to create designs in OpenSCAD, and can be found at: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/OpenSCAD_Tutorial
<InPhase> Guest35: ^ See this tutorial for how to do it. It's not a hard language to learn.
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<InPhase> Out of curiosity I fixed the usage of keyword module as a variable error, and it looks like a misshapen mess. So the syntax is getting closer from chatgpt, but the competence on making designs that are meaningful is not much better than it was.
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<scrameta> Morning all
<scrameta> I sent a mail to the discussion list but it didn't make it, does someone need to manually approve the message since its the first one?
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KSandeep has joined #openscad
<KSandeep> Hello everyone,
<KSandeep> My name is Kandula Sandeep Kumar, and I’m currently pursuing a Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering at the National Institute of Technology, Warangal. Alongside, I’m also working towards a Bachelor of Science in Data Science and Programming through an online degree program from IIT Madras.
<KSandeep> My technical skill set includes:
<KSandeep> Programming Languages: Python, JavaScript, HTML, CSS
<KSandeep> Frameworks: Flask, Vue.js, Bootstrap
<KSandeep> Libraries: pandas, scikit-learn
<KSandeep> Databases: PostgreSQL, MySQL, Sqlite3
<KSandeep> I’ve worked on projects, including:
<KSandeep> Chatbot Development: Built using Dialogflow, Vue.js, and FastAPI to create an interactive user interface with backend integration.
<KSandeep> Laptop Price Prediction: An ML-based project involving data preprocessing, visualization, and building predictive models.
<KSandeep> My coding journey also includes solving 200+ problems on LeetCode, which has sharpened my problem-solving skills.
<KSandeep> I am excited to start contributing to OPENSCAD and have begun exploring the repositories and community discussions. As I get to know the codebase and issues better, I would be grateful for any advice or suggestions on where to begin. If there are beginner-friendly tasks, helpful documents, or tips to follow, please let me know. I’m looking
<KSandeep> forward to learning, collaborating, and making useful contributions to the project.
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<pca006132> KSandeep you probably want to learn C++ first...
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<juri_> you could learn haskell instead.. :)
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<gbruno> [github] bdwheele opened issue #5594 (Enable features per-file) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5594
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<stealth_> teepee: i got the openscad to work under wayland but bambu doesn't seem to work, does that work on your system?
<stealth_> as for how i fixed openscad it looks like might have been one of the kde theme
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<gbruno> [github] scrameta synchronize pull request #5584 (RFC: New general-purpose extrusion mechanism - 2025 refresh) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5584
<gbruno> [github] kintel closed issue #5594 (Enable features per-file) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5594
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<gbruno> [github] scrameta synchronize pull request #5584 (RFC: New general-purpose extrusion mechanism - 2025 refresh) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5584
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<teepee> stealth_: it seems to work, I'm not really using bambu studio though
<stealth_> teepee: what you using? orca?
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<teepee> prusa, I have a mk4
<stealth_> aww, well i mean what you using for slicer
<teepee> that's what the first prusa meant :) prusa-slicer
<stealth_> o right, i support bambu is a fork of that, and orca is fork of bambu
<teepee> yep, an all are originally based on slic3r
<teepee> quite some history there
<stealth_> suppose so, i do like how bambu works and easy to use, its just having to switch from wayland to x11 juse to use that is going to be annoying
<stealth_> i like wayland since verythins is more smooth vs x11
<teepee> try the same variable thing? maybe that helps with bambu too
<teepee> otherwise, let me check there should be a variable disabling hardware 3d rendering
<teepee> that should not be hugely critical to a slicer
<stealth_> i tried it without opengl, didn't think it did anything
<teepee> in a terminal window:
<teepee> export LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=true
<teepee> then run the application from that same terminal
<stealth_> k, let me try
<stealth_> how should i run it? `export LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=true bambu-studio` doesn't work
<teepee> separate lines
<teepee> first the export ...=true
<teepee> enter
<stealth_> did that too no help
<teepee> :(
<teepee> then it's maybe some other issue.
<stealth_> https://github.com/bambulab/BambuStudio/issues/4626 i did post my comment at the bottom as well. so thats the issue.
<teepee> I may have an old bambu, let me try the latest one
<stealth_> cool, thanks man .
<teepee> trying Bambu_Studio_linux_ubuntu_24.04_v01.10.01.50.AppImage
<teepee> display is fine - https://imgur.com/zOntLZD - but their 3mf import looks pretty much broken :D
<teepee> I wonder how that looks in prusaslicer
<teepee> J25k72: your "Leitkegel" is an awsome test case
<J25k72> hm  .. which version?
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<J25k72> https://makerworld.com/en/models/428986 that seems to work
<teepee> they seem to pick up the pieces but the locations are ignored
<teepee> prusa normally asks if it should put everything on the build plate, it does not here
<stealth_> there might be a option for it.
<teepee> maybe because it's all separate build items
<J25k72> if objects not parts are imported then they will all be reset to the bed
<stealth_> but glad to see you got the preview to work!, did you have to do anything special?
<J25k72> if you say "import as parts" it should work
<teepee> no, it just works, I do have an intel GPU though
<J25k72> btw teepee did you  got the solder pen on printables?
<stealth_> o its prusa, did you try bambu?
<teepee> J25k72: not yet, need to login first to make the link work
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<teepee> where is import parts? I only see import 3mf and that has the same effect
<J25k72> it should ask you when importing if you like to import as one or multiple objects
<teepee> that's what I meant, no question for that file
<stealth_> can't you click on that auto arange icon
<teepee> sure, but the height value is alredy lost
<teepee> it's a traffic cone
<teepee> it should look like one, but it puts all the parts on the build plate without asking
<teepee> which is probably due to the internal structure of the 3mf
<teepee> like you can have x build-items, each separate
<teepee> or one buid-item with x meshes
<teepee> and I guess the question is only shown if it's a single build item
<stealth_> maybe its for asm
<teepee> it sort-of makes sense, but if you have a 3mf you don't own, that might be annoying
<J25k72> if you load the "colored" version this doesn't happen, probably because it was colored with MS 3Dbuilder that is screwing the 3mf file in different ways
<teepee> yep, exactly, I'm getting the dialog for other files
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<teepee> hmm, I guess we would want to have that as export option too
<teepee> in openscad I mean
<J25k72> Cura (not sure about the actual version) was always using the position and you could deactivate the "drop to build plate"
<J25k72> But slic3r is always centering objects and drop
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<J25k72> it was cool in cura as you could load different 3mf and each had its own position on the bed
<J25k72> But in the end that is how slicer handling things - or ignore
<stealth_> this is how it opens for me https://imgur.com/a/9P27wYN
<J25k72> stealth_ yes that is the BS profile
<J25k72> if you choose the 3mf from downloads  .. you get "options"
<stealth_> i did download the 3mf
<J25k72> and if you load the 3mf "colored" from printables .. it always fails
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<stealth_> "24-114-Leitkegel.bambu.3mf"
<J25k72> yes you clicked  download 3mf  .. that is the print profile
<J25k72> i add the  .bambu.3mf  so i know  which are BS profiles .. because they don't work anywhere else
<J25k72> and here https://www.printables.com/model/844491-pylon/files   is a colored version for the viewer only .. loading that into BS/PrusaSlicer it will fail always
<stealth_> i see, makes sense, since those are meant to run with AMS for multicolor print.
<J25k72> opening those 3mf with a 3D software works fine because positions are not reset .. however the color version show some double geometry in different size - not sure what MS is doing there
<stealth_> J25k72: are you the one who designed the cone?
<teepee> not MS, thats a bug in the importers
<teepee> OpenSCAD imports that just fine now with the lates changes I did
<stealth_> wiat openscad and import feature?
<teepee> ?
<stealth_> u said openscad imports ..
<teepee> that's how it *should* look like and there is no random duplicated geometry
<stealth_> o.O i didn't know you can import objects like that in openscad :D :D :D
<teepee> import itself exists for a long time, that color import is maybe a month old or two :-)
<stealth_> nice...
<teepee> and that fixed the 3mf reading big tme
<teepee> *time
<teepee> the old behaviour worked most of the time, but was quite wrong actually
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<stealth_> i though you could only import other openscad files, this makes managing large projects a big easy.
<stealth_> bit*
<teepee> I'd still try to stick with scad modules and limit mesh files as much as possible
<teepee> but with 3mf and the latest improvements, using that as some sort of external cache should work ok
<stealth_> ya, if there is an external object you want to use in your project and you don't have source for it
<J25k72> openSCAD becomes the tool to repair 3mf files - Ü
<teepee> needs the import filter first maybe
<teepee> to pick it into parts on import already
<J25k72> stealth_ yes i made that cone / scad script
<stealth_> J25k72: cool, its cute. was thinking i should print some and plase it on the ground in front of mail box so the mail man doesn't slip on ice (snow)
<J25k72> there are files for the cone surface so you can cut them from retroreflective tissue and glue onto
<stealth_> having tiny once are more funny! lol :p
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<stealth_> not sure who i was talking to on here but Bambu A1 now supports Firmware update from MicroSD card https://wiki.bambulab.com/en/a1/manual/a1-firmware-release-history
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<gbruno> [github] makenb opened issue #111 (Are you planning an AR view for Model-Viewer?) https://github.com/openscad/openscad-playground/issues/111
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<J25k72> money clip https://imgur.com/a/Z98ZrA2
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<teepee> use them quick while we are still allowed ;-)
<teepee> scrameta: did your mail go through now? I can't find it but there are no pending approvals either
<J25k72> banknotes?
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<teepee> yeah
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<J25k72> only allowed in small numbers .. try to buy a new car with them and you are already in trouble
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<stealth_> have you guys tried CachyOS? even on a old 7200 drive it runs so fast!
<stealth_> if not try the live usb https://cachyos.org/ bet it will run faster than your current OS
<teepee> nope, also not really interested
<teepee> I'd love to see more work together not more weekly distros
<scrameta> teepee - I don't see the mail yet. Its subject is 'Extrude function - refreshed PR'
<scrameta> Sent yesterday at 10pm CET
<stealth_> if nothing else see how OpenScad runs on it... sooo smooth!
<teepee> strange, I see the subscription, so it has been approved, but not the mail and no open approvals
<teepee> stealth_: I'm fine with my debian, and hope this project th thrive forever :-)
<teepee> scrameta: there is a limit of 1.5mb for mails, but if that's exceeded, it also shows up in approval normally
<scrameta> No attachment, but perhaps its gmail vs googlemail
<stealth_> i do like debian, used it back in the day, also was using it for my serves.
<stealth_> servers*
<teepee> can you send again? nornally Michael takes care of that but I can check the admin dashboard too
<scrameta> Just sent it again
<teepee> huh, nothing. using discuss@lists.openscad.org ?
<scrameta> Yep
<scrameta> "from:Mark Watson <scrameta@googlemail.com>
<scrameta> to:discuss@lists.openscad.org"
<teepee> oh, yes, he subscription is indeed google.com not googlemail.com
<teepee> *the
<scrameta> Ah, will subscribe again. Doh.
<teepee> accepted
<scrameta> Thanks, trying again
<teepee> yep, mail received
<scrameta> Great, many thanks teepee
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<gbruno> [github] MethylBromide opened issue #5596 (Programmable selection lists in Customizer) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5596
<gbruno> [github] krhackbarth opened issue #5595 (expose a variable that contains the name of the current preset) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5595
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