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<gbruno> [github] kintel pushed 2 modifications (Remove some unused methods) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/67f5adcd00887db54c36a6b833fa3f15c9a68823
<gbruno> [github] kintel synchronize pull request #5585 (Even more VBO refactoring) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5585
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<kintel> Guest96: The F7 issue is likely a temporary issue with development snapshots: You can configure what F7 does in preferences, and we recently changed preference key/value for this function.
<kintel> ..so re-selecting it in preferences might help
<kintel> We should probably look into adding some automated preference update code to support old settings
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<InPhase> kintel: Do you still have a Windows VM around for testing? While Guest96 thinks it was probably a local issue with key settings, they were speaking about a freshly installed Windows setup.
<InPhase> The F7 key was setup fine for me, and there's no corresponding entry in shortcuts.json. But this is with Linux and not fresh.
<kintel> Unfortunately not.. I keep meaning to refresh my native Windows setup, but last I tried, the Windows bootloader was particularly unfriendly
<InPhase> Yeah.
<InPhase> All I have is a very antiquated Win7 VM. But I think we don't even support that anymore. :)
<kintel> heh, Windows 10 is minimum these days, no idea why
<kintel> It could also be a bug we had recently: Export didn't work on Qt5 for a bit until we fixed it
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<gbruno> [github] kintel unassigned issue #5451 (The OpenSCAD editors Find and Replace sometimes distinguishes between upper and lower case, sometimes not.) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5451
<gbruno> [github] kintel assigned issue #5547 (Convert old Qt signal connection scheme to the typesafe new one) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5547
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<gbruno> [github] ochafik synchronize pull request #5196 (Use Manifold for hull() and minkowksi()'s hull) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5196
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<J25k65> export to slicer (POV ray) is not working "can't find source file"  2025.1.12
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<pca006132> this library seems quite impressive
<pca006132> exact representation but very fast
<pca006132> and it seems to handle non-manifold geometry fine as long as there is no self-intersection
<teepee> J25k65: did you update the settings?
<J25k65> yes i put the string in i used before E:/Prog/PovRay/bin/pvengine64.exe +O"E:/Projekte/PovRay/"
<teepee> only the exe in the top entry field and adding parameters separately in the list below
<J25k65> and Povray is starting but seems it doesn't get the file
<teepee> you also need to add the placeholder for the file
<teepee> like press the "File" button :-)
<J25k65> i can't enter the path Imgur: The magic of the Internet
<teepee> that's the automatic path, not the file
<teepee> there's also an option to add the full path with file
<J25k65> that usability is  .. well   not possible without much more description end explanations
<J25k65> still not working ..  would be great to get a preview of the string that gui is making
<J25k65> teepee seems some quotes are added https://imgur.com/a/QHwhFvX
<teepee> nope
<teepee> why are there spaces between the + O and path
<J25k65> it seems the order of the temp dir is changed
<J25k65> teepee do you have an image what to enter to make that work?  it seems it is using a folder and not the path to the generated .pov file
<teepee> that's calling prusaslicer
<teepee> you need to use *full path* to output file
<teepee> not *directory of* output file
<J25k65> that is using "filename.pov"  but the generated file has some random string added
<teepee> yes, that's how it works
<J25k65> pov ray say it can't find that file ..
<J25k65> the Exported temporary file E:/Projekte/PovRay/25-024-SolderPen.scad.pov.rhBNKb.pov     but  POVray is called with Exported temporary file 25-024-SolderPen.scad.pov
<teepee> that's strange
<J25k65> teepee this seems to work https://imgur.com/a/NyEAvNv
<teepee> oh, yes, *output file*
<teepee> source file is the scad file
<J25k65> and how can i specify the pov ray output file ? (the image)
<teepee> no idea, how should openscad know that?
<J25k65> +O "E:/Projekte/PovRay"  was used before - but now scad is sending  "+O E:/Projekte/PovRay"   which can't be read by povray
<teepee> remove the spaces
<teepee> oh it was separate? then use multiple lines
<J25k65> great now i get  \"E:/Projekte/PovRay/"\
<J25k65> when using 'E:/Projekte/PovRay'   i get 'E:/Projekte/PovRay'  but  when " is used a \ is added
<teepee> no quotes at all
<J25k65> hmm seems to work  (i thought i tried that before, probably when the other part was wrong)
<J25k65> teepee no it doesn't i need the quotes else povray doesn't understand it .. but  scad can't add just "  it is always \"
<teepee> there are no quotes ever
<teepee> those are needed in shells but this is giving the values separately, so it's always one line = one parameter
<J25k65> in povray there are
<J25k65> at least it was working with them and is not without
<J25k65> ok now it does what i want  .. but the string looks different now
<teepee> different to where? when starting from a different place?
<J25k65> before i had +O"path" and now it is +Opath  but as long this works i am happy
<teepee> but that was running from a cmd window?
<teepee> the one with the quotes
<J25k65> it was running from the "slicer" prompt in scad
<teepee> I think that also used an internal shell command, as it's a single text field
<J25k65> and pov ray show what the "input" prompt is and there "" where visible
<teepee> in that case it needs the quotes for things like:
<teepee> +O"E:\path with spaces"
<teepee> if you write that without quotes it turns into 3 parameters
<J25k65> at the moment you can't do that in scad as " will get an escape \"
<teepee> in the new config that can't happen, it does not care if there's a space in one of the lines, it's still one single parameter
<teepee> the shell removes the quotes before passing it to povray
<teepee> the new logic just never needs them in the first place
<J25k65> i have no space  i don't care  .. maybe i needed it because i had that +O "path"   not without the space after +O
<teepee> maybe, command lines are tricky sometimes, and on windows even more so
<J25k65> would it make sense to add the "output file" as default - seems this is needed to make it work or
<teepee> hmm, probably but it's not easy to do unfortunately
<J25k65> then we just make a wiki page and add a "help" link
<J25k65> i think other people may struggle here - if you know how to use it seems to be working great
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<gbruno> [github] akashmahesh2805 opened pull request #5588 (Converting all manual connect() invocations to use the new style) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5588
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<kintel> In terms of export to external apps: I was thinking cmd-line presets for known apps would be cool, but the GUI get very involved very fast
<teepee> good idea, and probably easier than a single default
<kintel> With some effort: Automatically locate known apps on your system :)
<teepee> pff, platform dependent dropdown has to be good enough ;-)
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<kintel> At least on macOS, you can open an app by knowing its identifier without knowing its location, modulo having multiple copies installed: open -b org.openscad.openscad
<kintel> ( I guess it's similar in practice to having named apps in PATH :) )
<InPhase> kintel: First reflex thought: One can skip a gui by making json templates for this.
<InPhase> kintel: Like each one in a directory specifies an external app and how to interact with it.
<InPhase> kintel: It's arbitrarily flexible for changes going into the future.
<InPhase> And, people can share them. Some examples could be posted.
<InPhase> This would also simplify the command line, because it could simply reference the same json file.
<InPhase> In a work program, I did json files with a few special variables parsed by the program like $HOME, $DESKTOP and so on, grabbing these values from Qt's system directory info, so that the json files could be made portable.
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<InPhase> Basically, QDir::homePath() and QStandardPaths::standardLocations(...)
<teepee> reading templates from json we have already for other stuff, so that's not a big deal
<kintel> yeah, good idea - decouples this from our release cycle too
<teepee> the data is already stored as json in the settings, but that's not really targeting user readability
<kintel> We could pull default json from our file server if we want to be extra agile
<teepee> the bigger challenge is supporting multiple settings
<InPhase> Some calls to standardLocations return an empty list though, so one has to handle that in some manner.
<InPhase> Like if that location is not on the platform.
<kintel> Question is also: Where would you even start looking for apps on Windows?
<InPhase> teepee: Well, if you use a json, people can preset whatever combinations they like, under whatever names they like.
<InPhase> teepee: One json per whatever configuration they want.
<teepee> yes, but we have the editor for a single app right now
<InPhase> kintel: Presumably in QStandardPaths::ApplicationsLocation :)
<kintel> right, but on Windows, the exe files tends to be located into some subfolder there, depending on app name, company name etc.
<InPhase> kintel: Well, that standardLocations is plural, and returns a list...
<InPhase> kintel: How to handle that is optional I guess.
<kintel> ..or perhaps it's more structured now - last I used Windows more than once per month was pre-Windows XP : /
<InPhase> kintel: For my work case, I always just took the first one, because that fit all needs I had. But I bet for Windows you get at least two directories. :)
<InPhase> kintel: I suppose you could iterate and check for matches.
<InPhase> I guess that sounds a bit like a kludge, but it could work.
<InPhase> Really people just want such things to work transparently, and a modest portability effort would really help with sharing if it's possible.
<InPhase> Maybe the json could have a list of executables to try, taking the first one that is an existing file.
<InPhase> Then if you get a standard location that expands to multiple directories, just insert them back into the list in order and keep processing.
<InPhase> If it expands to no directories, remove the entry from the list.
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<InPhase> Then one could decide whether to bundle them and try to maintain these lists, or outsource this to the wiki so people can dynamically edit these to support more platforms.
<InPhase> Or some combination thereof, based on common or niche.
<InPhase> kintel: Reflecting on "We could pull default json from our file server", I'll go with don't choose that. :) These would specify a program to run, so that introduces an awkward centralized security hole.
<InPhase> Either bundle or provide examples and/or infrastructure for users to share them.
<kintel> InPhase Good point
<teepee> oh, ffs... "We are looking to bring more security and AI/ML projects into GSoC 2025"
<InPhase> Will google give us server time for an undergrad to train ScadGPT?
<teepee> my guess: no
<InPhase> Insightful guess.
<teepee> yeah, unfortunately it's just a small experiment compared to the US-social-media-oligarchy
<InPhase> Yeah.
<teepee> that said, if musk buys tiktok, they can do AI chat between twitter and tiktok, no users needed anymore
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<gbruno> [github] scrameta synchronize pull request #5584 (RFC: New general-purpose extrusion mechanism - 2025 refresh) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5584
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<gbruno> [github] scrameta synchronize pull request #5584 (RFC: New general-purpose extrusion mechanism - 2025 refresh) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5584
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