Guest96: The F7 issue is likely a temporary issue with development snapshots: You can configure what F7 does in preferences, and we recently changed preference key/value for this function.
..so re-selecting it in preferences might help
We should probably look into adding some automated preference update code to support old settings
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kintel: Do you still have a Windows VM around for testing? While Guest96 thinks it was probably a local issue with key settings, they were speaking about a freshly installed Windows setup.
The F7 key was setup fine for me, and there's no corresponding entry in shortcuts.json. But this is with Linux and not fresh.
Unfortunately not.. I keep meaning to refresh my native Windows setup, but last I tried, the Windows bootloader was particularly unfriendly
All I have is a very antiquated Win7 VM. But I think we don't even support that anymore. :)
heh, Windows 10 is minimum these days, no idea why
It could also be a bug we had recently: Export didn't work on Qt5 for a bit until we fixed it
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[github] kintel unassigned issue #5451 (The OpenSCAD editors Find and Replace sometimes distinguishes between upper and lower case, sometimes not.) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5451
you need to use *full path* to output file
not *directory of* output file
that is using "filename.pov" but the generated file has some random string added
yes, that's how it works
pov ray say it can't find that file ..
the Exported temporary file E:/Projekte/PovRay/25-024-SolderPen.scad.pov.rhBNKb.pov but POVray is called with Exported temporary file 25-024-SolderPen.scad.pov
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In terms of export to external apps: I was thinking cmd-line presets for known apps would be cool, but the GUI get very involved very fast
good idea, and probably easier than a single default
With some effort: Automatically locate known apps on your system :)
pff, platform dependent dropdown has to be good enough ;-)
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At least on macOS, you can open an app by knowing its identifier without knowing its location, modulo having multiple copies installed: open -b org.openscad.openscad
( I guess it's similar in practice to having named apps in PATH :) )
kintel: First reflex thought: One can skip a gui by making json templates for this.
kintel: Like each one in a directory specifies an external app and how to interact with it.
kintel: It's arbitrarily flexible for changes going into the future.
And, people can share them. Some examples could be posted.
This would also simplify the command line, because it could simply reference the same json file.
In a work program, I did json files with a few special variables parsed by the program like $HOME, $DESKTOP and so on, grabbing these values from Qt's system directory info, so that the json files could be made portable.
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Basically, QDir::homePath() and QStandardPaths::standardLocations(...)
reading templates from json we have already for other stuff, so that's not a big deal
yeah, good idea - decouples this from our release cycle too
the data is already stored as json in the settings, but that's not really targeting user readability
We could pull default json from our file server if we want to be extra agile
the bigger challenge is supporting multiple settings
Some calls to standardLocations return an empty list though, so one has to handle that in some manner.
Like if that location is not on the platform.
Question is also: Where would you even start looking for apps on Windows?
teepee: Well, if you use a json, people can preset whatever combinations they like, under whatever names they like.
teepee: One json per whatever configuration they want.
yes, but we have the editor for a single app right now
kintel: Presumably in QStandardPaths::ApplicationsLocation :)
right, but on Windows, the exe files tends to be located into some subfolder there, depending on app name, company name etc.
kintel: Well, that standardLocations is plural, and returns a list...
kintel: How to handle that is optional I guess.
..or perhaps it's more structured now - last I used Windows more than once per month was pre-Windows XP : /
kintel: For my work case, I always just took the first one, because that fit all needs I had. But I bet for Windows you get at least two directories. :)
kintel: I suppose you could iterate and check for matches.
I guess that sounds a bit like a kludge, but it could work.
Really people just want such things to work transparently, and a modest portability effort would really help with sharing if it's possible.
Maybe the json could have a list of executables to try, taking the first one that is an existing file.
Then if you get a standard location that expands to multiple directories, just insert them back into the list in order and keep processing.
If it expands to no directories, remove the entry from the list.
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Then one could decide whether to bundle them and try to maintain these lists, or outsource this to the wiki so people can dynamically edit these to support more platforms.
Or some combination thereof, based on common or niche.
kintel: Reflecting on "We could pull default json from our file server", I'll go with don't choose that. :) These would specify a program to run, so that introduces an awkward centralized security hole.
Either bundle or provide examples and/or infrastructure for users to share them.
InPhase Good point
oh, ffs... "We are looking to bring more security and AI/ML projects into GSoC 2025"
Will google give us server time for an undergrad to train ScadGPT?