Re. gsoc, what they really want is for us to add an "ask gemini" sidebar, giving Gemini the current editor contents as context + bring-your-own license key : /
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teepee See above issue, related to your latest merged PR. If you're not still up and already working on it I might have a look. Will update here on status before I crash
^ quickfix. We may want to disallow struct initialization without designators, but that would require some clangd/clang-tidy automation to enforce
Feel free to merge while I sleep :)
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J25k17: I can't see a rationale for an $fs limit given that there are no units, but if there is one it should probably be close to the grid snap limit, or maybe 8X or 16X that (for some reasonable buffer).
J25k17: $fa limited to 0.01 is probably good enough. There's no good rationale to a limit to that either except just trying to help users not crash things in some limited cases. But anybody doing $fa of 0.01 is already at high risk of crashing if they're not super careful and running on low RAM. :)
i assume the $fs limit is just to prevent calculation issues if it is set to 0
I would have no objection to lowering the $fa limit as well if someone else thinks it's important.
Yeah. Although that could be super low to achieve that goal. 1e-30 would do the trick. :)
a circle with 36 000 fragments should be enough (for most cases - Ü )
Although it's nonsensical to put the $fs limit below GRID_FINE.
hm why is this now updating the icon .. i have submitted that a while ago .. strange
PRs are always the full branch, in this case "master"
to separate multiple topics, separate branches are needed
oh the png are not automatic generated .. and why didn't i got a mail for that update.. and now the fragment change is also submitted, but that was done after the sync ..
oooh SHINY, manifold seems so much faster as well!
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yes, settings are broken today :)
fix is in, let me force an update
ah it's fine, there were two options, I assumed I need to chose the other one :P
> your faces are quads (which is fine) maybe the auto triangulation has some problem .. strange
so another option would be to specify the triangles explicitly in this case? so that the faces are not "pushed in"? the docs mention that it should work for concave shapes as well :-?
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ok, download page should be updated
ah, crap, macos does only build on a schedule, meh
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sorry, I keep disconnecting, but in case I missed some messages: Thank you very much!
fixed my issue! I'm still very much at the beginning with openscad and seems awesome so far
far from perfect but nice for some stuff :)
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hm - is it possible to make coloured 3d models with openscad?
I have the model, I just need to export it somehow with colours, but they seem to get purged on export
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RoyK: i think there is an experimental feature for that
any idea where I can find that?
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you have to enable manifold backend, then you colour export should work for 3mf and off formats
you might need a nightly build too, i'm not sure
where can I enable the manifold backend?
Preferences > Advanced > 3D Rendering > Backend
RoyK: 3mf and off support color export
ah, ali1234 said that already :)
what is off?
but that really needs the *very* latest snapshot
well, some old format, but I think Blender suppoerts it? not sure
blender doesn't seem to support it by default but there is probably a plugin
yes, todays snapshot has that broken, next one fixes that
just switch to the other option
yeah, looks like there's only a plugin
doesn't seem to support 3mf by default either
yep, that's a bit sad
i still wish for proper blender plugin, where you write openscad in a text block and link it to a magic object that is always the resulting render
because the boolean ops in blender are really really bad
Not really interested in 3mf, only whole models, but I guess I could wrap whole models in that as well?
it's all just data in the end
what does that mean? 3mf is just one of the formats that can hold meshes (and other stuff too)
blender supports colour stl but not colour obj
i think they are the only ones it supports by default
except for 2D ones like svg
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ali1234 color stl? what? stl should be only triangles how do they put color in
There are at least two non-standard variations on the binary STL format for adding color information: « ahh
i wonder if we can export pov-ray .. maybe .blend would be possible too Ü