teepee: I got like half of my plan for day 24 done so far. I only have the hard bits to do yet. :) If I'm lucky, the "hard" bits will just go smoothly.
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teepee: Yeah. I have a successful day 24. Just fine-tuning it.
is there a way to re-set modinst field of AbstractNode to a new value even though its const ? Issue is that it contains pointers to deep inside SourceFile->LocalScope which goes out of scope and will be undefined in my case
so i want to save modinst data 1st, especially the tags ...
teepee yes, great. i appreciate 3mf colors getting momentum again
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if AbstractNode has const ModuleInstiation *modinst, can Abstract Member functions change the value then ?
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J24k53: I just figured out your fractal star thing is animated. :) It was malfunctioning and not animating for me the last few times I looked at it. Some weird browser issue I guess. Much blinky colorfulness.
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InPhase, you are not refering to #23, right ?
guso78k: #21
I just went through and reopened them all, and 21 started animating this time. :)
intersting. mine animated immedely.
#21 looks to me like the plant " Chenopodium album"
it appears, that #24 only opens at 1am CET time
yep, that's what is says at the bottom of the page
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oh, ffs, bsky :(
"video aspect ratio is too wide"
On the webm I made?
It actually takes a while to generate that... But I kept the frames.