This light/dark mode stuff is annoying :/
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kintel: could you have a look at the #5563 change, if that works on macOS? I've separated the normal and "-white" icons into distinct generated qrc files and declared them as icon theme
with that a simple QIcon::setThemeName("svg-default") or "svg-default-dark" should switch all icons over without that dance we do in many places manually switching resources
but I don't want to update all the icons before it's certain it works on all platforms :-)
kintel: Nice. I was trying to do a minimal reproduction, but that starting file was a real mess for a bug report. :) And it was clearly a floating point edge issue.
Your reproduction makes clear it's an actual regression though, and not just a floating point outcome difference.
Although presumably floating point proximity triggered somewhere inside.
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when does it make sense to add parameters to the local slicer invocation ? can't it be encoded in the executable name ?
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kintel I assume while offset need to calculate the angle - for very shallow angles maybe precision is not that high for that calculation and moves the point far away as Tangens changes a lot for small changes near 90.. so if 89.99 is needed but 89.999 is used your point will spike far outside
and in the past multiple offsets can create small jagged edges - which are seeds for spikes due to the small angles.
maybe some rounding or raster so two points that are just 10⁻¹⁵ apart will become one
the spike itself is not a bug it is what a delta offset does
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and normally a following minus offset should remove the spike except some floating math causes them to be different like here offset(-0.4999)offset(delta=0.5)polygon([[+0.00003,0],[0,0],[0,10]]);
if you compare these two offset(-0.4999)offset(delta=0.5)polygon([[+0.00003,0],[0,0],[0,15]]);translate([1,0])offset(-0.4999)offset(delta=0.5)polygon([[+0.00003,0],[0,0],[0,16]]);
the second is shorter .. but should be longer
for(i=[0:50])translate([i,0])offset(delta=0.1)polygon([[+0.00003,0],[0,0],[0,i]]); // this should look different
guso78k strange is how this changes if the angle gets smaller - you can see there is an wrong behavior for i < 15
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guso78k: what did you mean withe the parameters earlier?
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I'm going insane trying to create a 2d plan
as soon as i try to add text, everything breaks. I've tried to use a projection, only works without text. then i put in a day of work to re-create everything with 2d polygons... text (with or without projection) doesn't render.
does anyone have a pdf/svg-able example that uses polygons and overlaid text successfully?
the overlay parts sounds like a problem
OpenSCAD is a "solid" modeler, meaning it enforces closed polygons always, it's not a drawing tool with multiple 2d layers
ignore "overlaid", i need visible text on 2d polygons or a projection
when exported to pdf/svg
same thing. separate at the side is ok, differenced (cut-out) is fine. just putting text "into" a polygon is not possible
it will union both, so text will merge into the polygon
gaaaaaaaaaaaaaah another project i've put hundreds of hours into which fails at the last moment with something i thought would obviously be supported
jesus christ
maybe someone can suggest something if you post an example
it may may be possible with some additional step
the example is really just polygon() and text()
plus for multi-part/multi-color topics there probably also changes will be coming
I've put a massive amount of work into calculating cut angles and templates for wooden lamps after several (configurable) bezier curves
and I want to be able to print the results (which are there mathematically) onto paper so i can glue it to wood and cut
one example I can show is the icons used in OpenSCAD, it's one scad file creating all the icons
basically, I want to have polygons with text
but there is a small script that will generate them as separate icons for use in the app
what you seem to need is the opposite, generating the "layers" as separate export and unify as 2nd step
apparently i need to projection()difference() {linear_extrude()polygon();linear_extrude()text();}
[github] jordanbrown0 synchronize pull request #5562 (Consistent quoting of variable names (via central function). Fixes #2833.) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5562
you can't mix 2d and 3d but this should not be needed
meshugga export the polygons .. then the text .. combine the two files in inkscape on different layer
the difference of polygon (= 2d) and text (= 2d) should be fine
do you have a failing example that's not like 1000 lines?
except for that weird panel on the left with the code in it
openscad has a built-in editor?
honestly, being able to use vim is one of my favorite things about openscad
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nihil: It is a critical feature. :) I will always support it strongly.
nihil: However, the built-in editor has gained some nice features actually. Not that there's anything wrong with that, if that's the way you are.
teepee: lol. I like the gui version where every icon is the OpenSCAD logo. You should try to arrange that on purpose for the 2025-04-01 nightly, and see if anybody notices.
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JordanBrown I'm semi-here
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(sorry, phone call)
Sorry, SIGMOM is a high-priority interrupt.
kintel (wake up again :-)
I ran ctest -C All, and got 44 failures. I don't routinely run -C All - I don't know if I ever have - and so I don't know how many failures to expect.
But loading it into that same build and F6 works fine.
Clearly not related to my rotate_extrude work.
[github] t-paul pushed 124 additions 16 modifications 124 removals (Update more icons; Remove all manual dark mode handling. * Icons are changed based on the theme * Background colors are generated by blending a transparent overlay color (e.g. red) over the theme background color) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/0a21c8939034c4510a146cdb59ac02a98912d793
I have a dim memory of the test suite generating HTML output that presented expected and actual output side-by-side, et cetera. Was that just a dream?
Oh, I guess ctest -C All includes test for existing bugs, which may include crash bugs
Yeah, test suite outputs html, it should list an html file in the end
But you need Python installed to generate it
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Got Python.
What does something as simple as "ctest -R echotest_echo-tests" output?
I guess if I want HTML I need to look to see what generates it, and work my way back from there to see why it isn't being generated.
The ctest wrapper stuff is a bit non-obvious : (
the html is mentioned at the end of the test run
I can't immediately see how I could have affected linear extrude.
Yeah, so just run ctest -C Good - those are likely known bugs
OK I'll try that.
I haven't run that in a while, but running on now on master
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I just ran a default ctest run. Only one failure - 3mfexport_3mf-export failed because some XML file didn't have a proper CreationDate setting.
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I saw teepee changed some CreationDate stuff recently for 3mf files
Looks like %F and %T didn't work.
I assume that's an MSYS2 issue, though it seems strange.
example017 is failing. Looks kind of like a Z-fighting issue associated with the new color-preserving rendering.
Loading it up into the program, the weird thing is that the tops of all three verticals show for F5, but only the two forward ones for F6.
To be precise, it was rendermanifoldtest-different_example017 that was failing.