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<J24k34> So we still missing some days for SCADvent
<InPhase> We're missing tomorrow yet I guess.
<InPhase> I might have done one today, but I wasn't feeling well for a big chunk of the day. Let's see how tomorrow goes.
<InPhase> By tomorrow I mean, the 16th.
<InPhase> err
<InPhase> I used today and tomorrow in two different meanings.
<InPhase> lol
<InPhase> The 16th is missing, the 14th I wasn't feeling well, the 15th is getting going but I'm about to go to bed, and will see how the rest of it goes. ;)
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<ccox> Going by that writing, you might still be a little out of it....
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<J24k34> InPhase I made a tutorial part 11 that could cover the 16. (but needs to be checked and gif)
<J24k34> And »get well«
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<Guest42> e
<J24k34> a
<Guest42> b
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<pca006132> ah, I have no idea if the guy opening https://github.com/elalish/manifold/issues/1111 is a bot or a student who really wants to find a project to work on
<InPhase> pca006132: "So Can I move Forward with this" It takes a lot of typo-ridden text prompting to make an LLM generate a sentence exactly like that, so a human was almost certainly in the mix. But people using LLMs to generate code and to help them draft text has become very commonplace.
<teepee> some of the comments seem too pushy for a bot, but then also for a student
<InPhase> I feel like there should be some sort of update to Dunning-Kruger to explain the manner in which it requires a certain level of knowledge to accurately assess the problems with using an AI for a particular problem.
<teepee> asking for reviews with multiple ci failures is a bit ignorant for a experienced developer
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<InPhase> Well, sometimes the CI doesn't run right away. But an experienced developer would certainly retract the request at that point upon seeing the CI failure. Or ask for help instead of review. :)
<teepee> posting a linux kernel security fix on github along that list is maybe even more ignorant
<teepee> regardless of anything, the amount of patches indicates a "look at souce only" approach
<teepee> and some of the Oct patches are clearly screaming mindless bot generated
<teepee> pca006132: oh and kintel is obvoiusly right, i was only looking at that shader error and maybe misinterpreting that. the GL context output seems to indicate a desktop OpenGL context via EGL surprisingly without specification of "compat vs. core" which i thought NVidia is always giving in the name
<pca006132> I see, feel free to reopen the issue if you see fit, I'm not familiar with OpenGL
<pca006132> it may be easier to me to write some shader code comparing to writing the opengl init code...
<pca006132> InPhase: yeah, it is quite weird...
<pca006132> And honestly I have no idea why someone wants to behave like this... If they use AI tools to find general issues, just say that in the PR
<pca006132> no need to ask the AI to write some generic text to waste everyone's time
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<kintel> pca006132 It could be a core vs. compatibility thing - we also don't support core contexts
<kintel> Perhaps querying and displaying GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK would be a good start
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<teepee> J24k34: updated part11 trying to extend the descriptions a bit. I dropped the colors as the render is done for 2D so that's not in the images anyway
<teepee> still a bit boring animation, but I chaneges sizes :)
<teepee> *changed
<J24k34> teepee ok, i used the colors so changing steps has some visible change in preview - as all are mostly the same shape
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<teepee> I know, I did not want to use preview due to the fake 3d display which might be confusing
<teepee> render shows the 2d much more clearly but unfortunately not with colors yet
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<J24k34> we could add a linear_extrusion()
<J24k34> so render looks like preview
<teepee> yeah, but that obscures the code
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