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omg new openscad release takes ages to run
over 10 times more than the previous one
oh, "release" i mean, 20241114 snapshot vs 2021.01
? Did you enable manifold?
It should be like 50x faster for most models. :)
yes, it's enabled by default in Gentoo it seems
the problem is not model rendering time, it's just the time it takes to show the window
it's slow even w/o any models
seems like it spends all the time in QFontEngineFT::loadGlyph
That's unusual.
L29Ah: It must be some specific issue going on with your platform or some system library setup. It might be worth sharing this detail information on an issue.
L29Ah: 2024-12-11 (the latest one posted) takes the same time as normal to launch for me. Can you try the AppImage directly from the site?
narrowed it town to my ~/.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf
L29Ah: I also just tried both nightly snapshots that were released as AppImages on 2024-11-11, and the one on 2024-11-14, and the next one on 2024-11-18, and all of them launch at a normal speed for me. So test those, so we can see if it's a build issue with how gentoo has done things.
seems like openscad is upset when it's being told what font to use
Does this happen if you use a different font?
InPhase: it doesn't happen with Noto Sans but happens with GNU Unifont; perhaps it's upset by bitmap fonts in particular
Unusual, but interesting. Do any other recent build Qt programs have issues?
Also... I just today noticed that nightly builds of OpenSCAD have different inferior fonts with them to the ones my own builds from the master branch pick up... Apparently this has been going on for a while, but I never noticed.
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I'm not sure exactly why they're picking up different menu and other gui element fonts. I guess the AppImage must bundle its own or something, and they're just inferior fonts to the ones my system normally uses.
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InPhase: no
things like qutebrowser, marble and qbittorrent feel fine
L29Ah: So the harfbuzz library is decompressing a whole bunch of unicode crap?
L29Ah: So gimp and thunderbird are showing up in my dependency tree as also using harfbuzz, but very old versions. We seem to be by default building with 2.6.4
L29Ah: How about gedit? It looks like that's using a reasonably up-to-date harfbuzz through its libpango dependency.
And gedit normally loads quick.
L29Ah: Also, I tried your font config thing, but it didn't trigger a problem. But I probably don't have the underlying system setup to trigger whatever is going wrong.
gimp loads as fast as usual
installing gedit to check
I am little puzzled. I have a svg that I import. When I try to linear_extrude it, it just disappears. Not even an error message. Any pointers?
my system only has one harfbuzz
gedit runs instantly
tcurdt-: What happens if you do linear_extrude(height=1) offset(0.01) import(...)
InPhase I just got it working. It was related to using %
L29Ah: Can you determine with harfbuzz version that gedit is using?
tcurdt-: Oh.
I've see that a couple of times before that % makes things disappear when they should not. But I could not yet find a pattern.
It seems to be related to % with difference ... but I am not sure yet
tcurdt-: I could see how using it inside a difference could potentially do weird unintuitive things. There are probably a lot of edgecases untested.
Next time I encounter it I will open a ticket. Maybe it helps to track down.
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InPhase: 10.1.0
the same as everything else
Oh. That's one of those projects that rapidly increased its version numbering rate I see. :)
I had to check to see how they got to 10 so fast. lol
L29Ah: Then I don't really have an explanation for what's different. You could open an issue, but it's probably not fixable unless it's something others are experiencing (so that more info is available) or if you could find more info.
L29Ah: Right now it's looking like some sort of perfect-storm kind of bug, but we don't know where the storm is.
i could do a bisect, but it will be quite clunky due to how much have changed since the last release