fwiw, I applied for GitLab Ultimate SaaS for OpenSource. Not sure if there is anything there we can use, but in the name of decentralization, it could be worth exploring
We also have a per-push mirror of all branches from GitHub
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kintel: I finished up my work macos dev tasks I was on for the past month or so, and in the final testing, my Unity build picked up a new requirement for approval on a Unity build after I uploaded and redownloaded the same file (to emulate release conditions), requiring special manual approval under Privacy & Security to proceed. However, a C++ terminal-only program I built with clang/xcode and then
uploaded and redownloaded onto another system account the same way, required no approval, and just ran right out of a /bin/sh script. Both were accessing the network stack and such. I really don't understand all the inconsistencies and rules involved here.
The manual approval process in Privacy & Security was not new to 15.1 though. I've seen that in earlier versions.
It would be nice to actually understand what the rules are supposed to be.
I guess the Unity program was unzipped with the gui, while the C++ program was unzipped in the terminal by running unzip. Did that make the difference? No idea.
JakeSays is now known as JakeSayss
In general it seems important to me for operating systems to actually have well-defined security models. And this is nothing like that sort of notion.
InPhase I also don't understand how this works : 9
Not even sure if pure executables vs. app bundles make a difference
kintel: Security by mystery.
I just know that it feels a bit arbitrary, and I still haven't managed to sign the old 2021.01 binaries and have it not crash for me
Hmm, weird.
What about if you rebuild them?
I'm also not very motivated to go and read up on the details
I would have to rebuild on an old system, and jump through all the hoops there. Not my idea of a good time
I don't think it's too important to do, as long as we can release soon. But the question was more out of curiosity. :)
Here I am again pushing for a release, where there are still two items I was hoping to contribute to the next release but never finished. Such is life.
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So, who is excited about importing CadQuery and build123d designs into OpenSCAD projects? I mean https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5476 . The opposite (importing OpenSCAD into CadQuery) is already possible but a simple API is coming soon!
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partcad-user: in general, yes, I do like the idea.
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see questions on the PR
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partcad-user: just curious, feel free to decline answering... is that your PR and / or are you otherwise affiliated with the partcad project? not sure if the nick name indicates a no on the last one
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J24k1: * modifier added
part 5 is on day 6 .. Ü
yep, it will skew more next week
lets see if that's less confusing
should we mention that all except ! can be used multiple times?
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teepee, sorry, got disconnected. I saw the questions up to 12:37. I responded in the PR. PartCAD has a team behind it and I'm not the one who wrote the PR, but I'm the founder
no worries, we live in open source time ;-)
I saw the impressively huge team on the website
cross platform linking to python is not exactly trivial and one of the reasons the python integration is moving very slowly
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teepee, "cross platform linking to python is not exactly trivial", yeah and then build all cadquery dependencies... this is exactly why we are going to package partcad so that its a static binary you talk to through stdin/stdout.
that's not going to fly with linux distros
teepee, do you need help with cross platform linking in the meantime? is that what it takes to make the pull request validation to pass?
please, explain "that's not going to fly with linux distros"
packaging binaries is something none of the bigger distros do, they always build from source
so if you want official packages, give them some pointers
of course most other distribution channels nowadays are "easier" in that sense
yes, we'll build a static executable from source.liky pyinstaller, cibuildwheel
yes, we'll build a static executable from sources. like pyinstaller, cibuildwheel
but to be honest, i didn't think the distribution through.
problem for openscad is that the windows build is based on MXE and that's not easy to handle, I have to check with guso78
in the latest case we will distribute like golang apps do
in the worst case we will distribute like golang apps do
well, I'm doing most of the builds, Linux, Win, AppImage, Snap, Flatpak
we can squeeze partcad into your builds (also built from source), or we can have partcad installed separately if people need it
MacOs is another point, specifically the intel+apple-silicon builds, but I'm out of that topic as Apple does not allow me to work on that, and I can live with that ;-)
right now the suggested change is looking for partcad in the current python environment. if it's not there, tough luck. But I do not expect most of users use it today or tomorrow. Soon we will repackage it better.
if we could get the python integration working, that would be awesome as that would unlock the work guso78 did for allowing OpenSCAD to natively use python as option
if we make the pull request work (by adding python to CI/CD images) then will that suffice?
while it's two separate things, they could benefit from each other
Do you want to get a videocall?
Do you want to get on a videocall?
that's a good start, specifically for python integration: no
as listed above we have to see how to handle the other platforms
It might be ok to decide we can't start with all platforms
quick break, need to update the advent calendar script a tiny bit
yeah, we can probably build with "ENABLE_PYTHON=no" on platforms that are tough. But I can try to get the build working on some of them.
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I'm getting constantly disconnected. probably need to install a client app or something