One of the YouTube comments is that this works only on "new" models, not on old models loaded in.
In fact, I just verified it. Do this is not that useful...
that sounds unlikely
and it's not true
I just opened an old design, and Measure Distance / Angle do not work. But if I start a new design, they work.
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open, press F6!, measure
YES!! It does work, but not always. That is why someone else said it does not work. I will have to play more with it to see what makes it fail on some old models. Thank you!
yes, if you find some scenario where you can reproduce the not-working state, a bugreport on github would be good
I only found I sometimes need to rotate things a bit to catch the edges I want to select
I will have to investigate more tomorrow. I will report if I can figure it out. Good night.
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sounds like maybe they were importing an stl or something, which then wouldn't be processed by geometry engine for f6?
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Hey everyone. I am trying to make a polygon with a round edge. I find it pretty hard to do using only x,y coordinates. Is there a way to smooth out an edge with some tool? Here is my weird edge that is not working out. -> https://pastebin.com/V7TDZSfc
So basically I would just like the edge at 65,10 to go back to the Y axis smoothly up until its at Y=15.
cart_man: A triangle with the top right corner rounded?
cart_man: And the others pointy?
Or will this polygon do other things and have other rounded parts?
The simplest polygonal rounding is from slapping offset calls outside of a polygon call. e.g. one interpretation of what you're asking: $fs=1; $fa=1; polygon(points=[[0,0],[65,0],[65,15/2],[65,15]/2]); offset(2) offset(-2) polygon([[0,0],[65,0],[65,15]]);
cart_man: Notice two polygon calls, which you could display separately to see the magic. I made a rounded version, and then a pointy version but just cut one corner off by going only halfway there, giving one rounded edge and 2 pointy edges.
InPhase: Whow tha is perfect!
Unlike polyhedron, polygon you can get away with just overlapping stuff.
cart_man: The trickiest reasoning was [65,15]/2, but that was literally a point average, ([65,15]+[0,0])/2, which is the midpoint.
cart_man: You can also generate a whole bunch of polygon points to include with a list comprehension... But that requires a bit more math thinking.
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cart_man: An illustration: polygon([[0,0],[65,0],each [for (a=[0:floor(270+atan2(-15,-65))]) echo(a) 2*[cos(a),sin(a)]+[63,13]]]);
The echo is for informational purposes only, and can be removed.
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So I am trying to figure out what is going on with the Trig. While I am doing that I copy and pasted the example into my model and it fit perfectly. As a result I hit f6 to render it but I got -> ERROR: The given mesh is not closed! Unable to convert to CGAL_Nef_Polyhedron.
Btw at the 0 point it can be a block. So the rounding is perfect but the top can be flat with the last point at [0,15]
InPhase: ^^
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InPhase: Whow the is a lot going on in a short span of code. It is a bit hard to deciminate
Surely you didn't get a "not closed" from that polygon I showed. :)
But there are lots of ways to get not closed in a design. You might need to pastebin the thing giving that error.
cart_man: And when trying to understand it, it can be helpful sometimes to rip things out. Sometimes I get errors when making such things, and what I do is pull them out of the polygon calls, and work from the inside out, feeding things into echo, so I can see the numbers it's actually working with.
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cart_man: This helps a lot for building an understanding of what a thing is doing, what it's not doing, and what it's doing wrong when a mistake is made.
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cart_man: My "logic" for it was finding the orientation angles of the edges, which go from 90 to atan2(-15,-65), where those numbers are the xy vector from the top right triangle point back to the point at the origin. Because atan2 gives -180 to 180, I had to add 360 because it was a negative value. Then I wanted the orientation angle for the edges of the circle from the radius, which were 90 degrees
rotated to the right, so my loop was over angles that were 90 degrees less than that, so the 0 and 270 appeared.
cart_man: Then I picked a radius 2, and my origin moved 2 in from the corner point, which gives the other numbers.
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was kannst du
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InPhase: I am sure it is some functions I run ontop of the polygon you gave me
cart_man: My math version had a small approximation error with the 13, which didn't bother to take into account that it should move down enough to make the angled part 2 rather than the y direction, but it has no aesthetic impact, and you didn't specify strict sizing needs, so I left it. If you had tighter constraints, there might be some extra math on that sort of thing. :)
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InPhase: I use to know how to use Trig in University but damn would I love to be able to do what you just did with it
If you know the basic steps you can work such things out slowly on paper. I just did it faster from a lot of trigonometric manipulation practice. It gets a little speedier as you keep adding zeros to the right of the number of times you repeatedly do it.
If you need to do it the careful deliberate way, sketch it and start labeling things carefully.
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InPhase: I have an idea for the OpenSCad community and exposure to newbies.
InPhase: A course on manipulating polygons with Trig functions.
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teepee: It sounds like that's more about using OpenSCAD as an aid for learning trig.
Which is also useful.
I think it would make a wonderful supplement for a trig course though, to use OpenSCAD, if you used it in both ways.
I did not have a closer look yet, I got all the Make books via humble-bundle not long ago
cart_man: So really what you need isn't basic trig, but thinking about vector manipulation. The mindsets I use when I do that mostly come from my physics background.
cart_man: Trig is just a tool for that, but there aren't a whole lot of trig elements involved.
well, all those 3 openscad make books from joan and rich ;-)
cart_man: sin, cos, tan, atan2, the pythagorean theorem, an understanding of the transformations between Cartesian, cylindrical, and spherical coordinate systems, and then a whole lot of thinking about vector transformations. A background in actually understanding how an affine transformation is done with a matrix, or being able to do its parts separately, is helpful for the most advanced stuff.
That's most of it.
One could fit the trig elements onto an index card.
When working with points directly I also find myself doing various methods of interpolation and extrapolation too, but the majority of this falls right out of standard vector operations.
cart_man: I'll tell you what. You find me 50,000 people who want to commit to buying the book, and I'll write it. ;)
oh, ffs, gitlab... "The most-comprehensive AI-powered DevSecOps platform"
there has to be some really potent stuff they all are sniffing :(
kintel: By the way, do you know approximately how many copies of your OpenSCAD book sold since it was released?
InPhase: Hah well could be amazing if a UNi or a schoool adopts OpenSCad as a learning util
cart_man: I used OpenSCAD in a course I used to run, as a hands-on asset for teaching physics to non-science majors.
some have (or some teachers have) from what I've seen on twitter over the years, but it's not very public
cart_man: Back when I was a prof.
I'd love to have a "for teachers" section on the website, but we need some connections to people to get this started
cart_man: I hit it up as dual use, using it to trick them into actually thinking about coordinates and such in a visual manner, while also having them design and refine printable model rockets.
There are tons of books on that page actually WHOW!
same with accessibility, there's a couple of courses for vision impaired people doing 3d printing using openscad
InPhase: That is awesome though!
I don't have any of those assets in distributable-to-everyone format, but I'd share them with any instructor wanting to attempt the same.
It really wasn't a very hard section to run, as long as one knows OpenSCAD well enough to help the students when they get stuck early on.
Reviews consistently put that as their favorite part of the course.
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InPhase: That is great! I hope they remember how easy it was to do things with OpenSCad. I previously used Blender and then TinkerCad and changing things down the line was such a missions and also Blender was quite bad with rendering some differences or merged objects at times
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