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<J24k91> these people with 500×500 printer that can print boxes .. does that tage several days?
<InPhase> Apparently the guy who made the first set was sponsored by a manufacturer of a big printer that prints 2.5 times faster than a normal printer, and then he did it with a slightly thicker extruder to speed it up a bit more.
<InPhase> Probably still takes a while though.
<J24k91> btw the latches have a very nice formed grip (checked the code a while ago)
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<Scopeuk> I think if you were printing mostly those boxes or similar you would want to stick a 0.8 or 1.0 nozzle on the machine and try and run high flow
<Scopeuk> the do look to be huge
<Scopeuk> I do like little print in place ones though, https://www.printables.com/model/419578-print-in-place-box-generator-openscad
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<teepee_> so 4x5 might be the max box size
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<buZz> J24k91: my not-very-tuned hypercube-ish reprap is ~4-6x the speed of a stock ender3
<buZz> and thats with a lot of recycled anet A8 parts etc :)
<buZz> if i actually spent money on it, it might be able to do 8-10x easy
<Scopeuk> in fairness the ender3 is basically the definition of a minimum viable product for a 3d printer
<buZz> but, i use 0.6mm forever
<buZz> Scopeuk: sure, but ~40-50mins for a benchy
<buZz> its common on many printers as stock setups
<buZz> only those bambu and later prusas are a bit faster stock
<buZz> my printer can do it in ~10 but cooling is very lacking still, so ~20
<buZz> for a well-looking benchy, not a speedbenchy
<Scopeuk> I'm not sure what the limit is on the ender3's going faster than that, if it's cooling or extruder/hotend combo. the motion system would almost certainly do it, it won't like it but it will do it
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<buZz> hmhm, there's a spare ender3 on the hackerspace that i've been meaning to attempt to turn into a klipper setup
<buZz> just to see how far it could be pushed
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<lf94> Guys, "API" question. line and lineTo. Not just in OpenSCAD, but in RepliCAD and CADQuery, all use this *To idiom to differentiate between relative and absolute positioning of functions
<lf94> Is there something I'm missing, where combining them and using an enum instead, would be better or worse?
<lf94> The only immediate "disadvantage" I can think of is, now your pure lineTo is now impure. It is based on the state that came before it.
<lf94> And the only immediately "advantage" is, now you have one function exposed to draw a line.
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