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<Guest66> Hey, I just wanted to ask, why doesn
<Guest66> 't openscad releases binaries anymore? the latest was at 2021
<InPhase> There are sometimes release gaps. 2015-2019 was one.
<InPhase> But it's getting to be time I think.
<InPhase> The recent release schedule I think was 2015, 2019, 2021, and now I hope 2024. Every 2 years would have been a better target to aim for, but there have been a ton of major changes, and sorting out the right threshold point before the next release is kind of important. It would be best for the project to get Manifold front and center for this next release, as that will be game changing.
<Guest66> Thanks for your response, does it worth it to compile latest release? or 2021 is just good enough?
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<Scopeuk> there are more recent snap show builds avaliable on the website if you would like to try it
<Scopeuk> the most recent builds include the manifold experimental feature which has a significant performance benifit
<Scopeuk> https://openscad.org/downloads.html#snapshots has the snapshot builds, there are build from the repository frequently
<Scopeuk> experimental features have to be manually enabled on the snapshot builds in preferences
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<InPhase> kintel: I checked your error report and it seems to be riddled with failures still, but I don't see the alpha images. So I guess the 8 worked on the CI, and left you with the other issues?
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<vukung> Hi! I would like to scale a rotational extrusion by a number depending on the rotation angle (e.g. scale by 1+sin(phi)/2). Is there an easy way to do this?
<buZz> i did such just by doing tiny linearextrudes in a for loop
<buZz> and doing the rotate() myself :)
<vukung> I see .. an approximation, but that could work as well, thanks
<vukung> but how would you join the extrusions into one object?
<vukung> I could create a polyhedron, but for that I need to access the vertices of the polygons
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<J24k44> vukung yes that is the problem - there is some discussion about extracting the points from a 2D shape
<J24k44> in the meantime you  can use a chained hull for convex shapes
<vukung> I'll look into that, thanks
<InPhase> vukung: See demo_wavy_donut.scad: https://github.com/rcolyer/closepoints
<InPhase> vukung: The (5+5*(1+cos(8*t*360))/2) there is equivalent to your 1+sin(phi)/2
<InPhase> The effect is basically a teething-ring like shape.
<vukung> Yes, this is very close to what I need - my only problem is that I want to shell my model, so I try to rotate an offset polygon. But using offset() I do not have access to the polygon vertices.
<vukung> (But maybe there is a better way to shell with a fixed width ...?)
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<InPhase> It is unusual to want to shell something but also vary its size sinusoidally. Can I ask the application? (There might be an xy problem here.)
<vukung> I'm trying to construct a container with a wavy surface (which is good for heat conduction)
<peepsalot> vukung have you heard of gyroids?
<vukung> yes
<peepsalot> they are pretty optimal if you are designing a heat exchanger
<vukung> maybe, but we are looking at the aesthetics as well :) thank for the input though
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<InPhase> vukung: Is your shell shape extremely complicated? There are a lot of ways to approximate a polygonal shape very closely, and that would probably achieve your objective. If you're already planning to vary it, you are probably not seeking a snug fit.
<InPhase> vukung: If you wanted to show the shape, we might be able to advise on how to approximate it, as one solution path.
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<vukung> In the meantime I've done it "manually": the profiles are Bezier curves, so I computed the derivative and from that the offset at the sampled points
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<InPhase> teepee: My first rapid instinct was "meh, is box"... but that is actually an unusually nice box.
<teepee> yeah, all the details
<InPhase> That's like toolbox meets stackable storage container meets organized drawer.
<teepee> like stacking clamps
<InPhase> Might take a week to print though. lol
<InPhase> And I think he has a larger printer than I do...
<teepee> indeed, I may have a look at some point but decide it's too huge of a project to print
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